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Plastic surgery should be done by people who are not sensitive like me or have nothing to lose.

익명 2024-01-22 (월) 05:05 7 Months ago 9379 [CODE : 2D1BE]
What are you talking about?
In my case, it was just warm... on the other hand, but I impulsively cut my eyes and nose and the result was all messed
 up. As for my nose, the scars still haven't closed and it's still functional, so it's just the tip of my nose, but one side of the columella sticks out and connects to the tip of my nose. The part is not symmetrical but asymmetrical. If you take a picture, you can see it in One Q. It's just that the columella itself is twisted wrong haha. Anyone can see that the eyes are ruined. The eyes are much prettier, the posterior opening is all raised, but... I'm just buying it because I think this face isn't that bad. The eyes have now had excess fat grafted on them. If I just remove one side, it won't be touched anymore. It's bothersome. I don't want to touch the nose any more. I'm just going to live like this. I just don't think anything of it... I don't think much of it even when other people say that my face is better without it... Sometimes, I get sick and wonder if I should get surgery again, but if I get over it then I don't think anything of it. My nose is at a level that other people worry about more. It seems like the stuff I put in my petite cheeks has sagged. The lips at the tip of the chin have become thinner and just melted away. But that's okay because I tried it.. It's annoying to lift the enlarged area.. I'll just live with it and that's the end..
Otherwise, people who have nothing to lose should do it. People who have nothing to lose even if they endure the side effects. Just fix it a little and you'll look prettier (in my case) ) If you're sensitive to these people, it's better not to do it. I'm the same person, but I'm mentally ill. It's going to be severe haha. Just don't do it. Whether you know more about plastic surgery than you think or not, the chances of success are not that high. First of all, I got it from a doctor who said he was really good at it, but the tip of my nose was drooping.. But that's just it. It's better than the original version (I said so, not my evaluation)
The reason for writing this is as I wrote above, but I was a total failure after surgery, but I'm not sensitive at all, so I'm just getting by. Still, I feel depressed every once in a while... But people who are chronically ill, sensitive, and have a lot to lose really can't handle this... Just don't do it... It's a really old idea... I've seen too many people around me suffer from chronic illness, so I'm writing this to be careful. Sensitivity = bad, it's because you're sensitive. This isn't it. If you look at my case, anyone can see that I was a mess. But even if I was a mess, people who aren't sensitive like me can live anyway, but sensitive people can't do that, so please do it carefully. Surgery these days. Because I do it a lot, I do it impulsively, but if I were to be more careful...

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다이아칩 10 Days ago 10 Days ago Address
공유해줘서 너무 고마워ㅠㅠㅠ 턱끝축소술만 하는 것도 부작용 있을까..? 턱끝이 비대칭으로 길어서 너무 스트레스야ㅠㅠㅠ
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