It's been 10 days since the rhinoplasty and two days since the splint was removed. No matter how much the swelling goes down, you can actually tell if the line is okay or not by just looking at it. Before the surgery, I was very greedy for the line, but they said I had plenty of skin and would be able to get the line I wanted, so I went
ahead with it. No matter how much I looked at it, I had the original bridge of my nose, but after the surgery, the silicone started under my eyebrows, making me look like an avatar, making my impression dark.
They say that the swelling at the tip of the nose will also go down, but the line rises from the middle and the tip of the nose is too raised.
Is there a case where the nose was like this before the swelling went down?
It doesn't match my face so much and I'm distraught because of the pointy nose...
There has been almost no swelling and no bruising right after the surgery. Is this really swelling?