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If you have a nose surgery ahead, definitely get it lol. Real reviews, follow-up care (tip—edit*!!!!!!!)

쩝쩝박사다 2023-12-29 (금) 02:58 8 Months ago 5628 [CODE : 45C0F]
Day 1.
 I used to have rhinitis and had a stuffy nose, so
 after surgery, the cotton wasn't that uncomfortable
 -> just!!!
 On the first day, I had to put a gauze under my nose because of the blood,
 so it was uncomfortable when I ate.
 When I stayed still, my nose didn't seem to hurt.
 I focused on other things and spit on the piano to forget the discomfort and pain.
 (Tip. A snack that isn't hard. Eating things like poker chips or swing chips
 is difficult to eat on the first day because of the cotton and gauze, and those are chewy easily
 + the cotton gets blood on it, so it's not good if it touches food, but snacks go in one mouth~)
Day 2. Cotton removal day.
 Q. Are you sick?
 -> (I'm a timid person) It didn't hurt that much,
 it was bearable and I actually felt cool.
Day 3
 By this time,
 the 3rd day of cold packs was when I really swelled up a lot.
 You don't have to drink anything like pumpkin juice (I didn't drink it either), but
 I absolutely have to sit down and sleep!
Day 4 ~ Day 6
 Warm compress.
 I also sat down and slept during this time.
 *There was no particular discomfort after removing the cotton.
Day 7 Removal of the splint and columellar stitches
 (On the 14th day, internal stitches and ear stitches are removed.)
 It hurt more when I removed the splint than when I removed the cotton (it was bearable). )
 The stitches are somewhat stinging
and!! The nurse
  can disinfect your nose or remove foreign substances inside your nose, but personally, I think this hurts the most. It was uncomfortable
 to begin with because the sensation in the nose was numb, but it was very irritating here
 *Follow-up care after splint removal
Q. Make-up is one day after splint removal. They say it can be done in two days?
->It's possible, but it's really better to not touch it as much as possible, and
 the process of using a puff when putting on makeup, for fear of irritation when cleansing (I definitely feel it),
 I recommend not doing it until the first month.
 Let's wait for a month and finish it the first time.
 If you want to decide, start brushing from the 3rd week. (It hasn't fully settled in yet, so it may get dirty.)

On the 4th day of washing your face, soak a towel in water and wipe around your cheeks and forehead.
 Do the same until the 7th day
 (***You should
  n't get the color inside your nose until the 14th day.) )
 I didn't wipe my nose at all, but I thought it wouldn't work, so I moistened a cotton pad with water and put it on and took it off—starting on the 10th day)
 I started washing my face in earnest!!
 In the 2nd week, I removed all the stitches and was able to wash my face a day later, but
 since I don't like touching my nose, I only washed other parts of my face and
 used *Filimili sponge product

on my nose. Q. Is there a nose pack for sebum and pore management? cleansing oil?
For this too, I removed all the stitches in the 2nd week and
 managed it with an Ilso nose pack
 from the next day . There are many people who use cleansing oil, but since I have to touch my nose, I was afraid of irritation, so
 I just applied a dissolving nose pack and rubbed it really gently with a cotton swab. (Is this good?
 I used a nose pack for at least a month . The stimulation seems to be good.

 Apply the ointment frequently until the splint is removed
 The hospital will tell you to apply it two or three times a day
 (if the wound area is dry, a scab may form). Then it won't heal quickly)
 Apply it as often as possible!!!!
I applied it even before I went to remove the splint and internal stitches, but
 you don't need to apply it as often as
 in the first week. About three or four times a day.
 * Use a sterile cotton swab to use
the eye ointment prescribed by the pharmacy
 . Q. It's natural to feel pain after getting bumped after rhinoplasty
 It's okay when the pain goes away. There are things you
 need to check after getting bumped. There are
 changes in appearance, redness, swelling, and strange things in the nose. There is an odor
 (if there are no such symptoms on the same day, it is okay.
 If you are still anxious, try it for a day or two more).
 Some of these
 apply -
 > You must call the hospital. None of these apply -> Call the hospital. No need to worry
 ** *On the 15th day, I hit my phone on the tip of my nose while lying down and talking on my phone, and
 on the 16th day, I actually hit three tip of my nose with my arm, so I thought I was screwed, but
 none of the above were applicable, so there was no problem.
 Have you heard a lot of people who have had rhinoplasty while out in public have the tip of their nose turn red in the winter?
 I went out when it was minus 9 degrees after taking off the splint, and the tip of my nose got red because I was out for a long time.
 Is this also related to vasoconstriction

It is recommended that you do not go out for a month after nose surgery
 (I am talking about going out for a long time, a promise).
 The wounds are not fully healed and my nose is not completely finished, so
 there is no need to abuse my nose by going back and forth between cold and warm places.
 Temperature changes during the recovery period. The less there is, the better

. Q. Smell and stuffy nose.
 Strangely enough, I started to smell all the time on the 4th day lol.
 My stuffy nose went on and off again, so it was quite comfortable, and
 if you look at people around you and on YouTube, you won't smell anything for about 2-3 weeks and your nose won't smell anymore. There are many people who say they have severe blockages.
 This seems to be Sabasa

. Q. I have acne and pimples on my nose.
 Buy an Ecnon cream and apply it (it's really good. It costs
 12,000~15,000 at the pharmacy.
 I also used an original acne patch, but
 I use ointment because I'm afraid my nose will also get damaged during the process of removing it.

Q. I want to dig out a booger.
 Use a cotton swab to dig it out.
 Until the 3rd week, I dug it out with a little bit of eye ointment on a cotton swab.

Q. 1 week before washing your hair
 = Do not allow water to touch your nose and ears until you take off the splint. If
 you lie down and ask for a wash or there is no one to ask, go to a hair salon.
 Be careful about bending your head as much as possible until the first month!

Q. The ear stitches
 are taped (covered) when removing the splint.
 At this time, the nurse may say, “You can get water on the stitches, but please dry them completely.”
 It's safer than before when I wash my hair while lying down, but make sure
 it doesn't get exposed to water as much as possible.

Oh, and
 + if you don't want it to get infected, take your medicine carefully
 . You must take all the prescribed medicine
 + use a humidifier (so it doesn't dry out)
 + clothes! Clothes with silver buttons (you don’t have to take them off top or bottom)
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청명 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 5147C] Address
쩝쩝박사다 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 45C0F] Address
청명 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 5147C] Address
기술보증기금 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 18B2F] Address
쩝쩝박사다 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 45C0F] Address
연연웅 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 3F300] Address
쩝쩝박사다 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 1D2EB] Address
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쩝쩝박사다 Writer 8 Months ago 8 Months ago [CODE : 45C0F] Address
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