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Why plastic surgery sees you as a fanatic

monoflower 2023-12-15 (금) 14:36 8 Months ago 1242 [CODE : 1ACD4]
What I have felt after undergoing surgeries and procedures over the years
 is that plastic surgeons are truly insincere.
 They openly treat patients’ money.

First, the experience of launching Ssangsu Hospital
 . A very famous large hospital. A hot place in Gangnam where several floors are all plastic surgery clinics.
 The famous female director of Ssangsu, who is said to do it for everyone, had reservations for 6 months and
 the price range was 3 times that of other hospitals, so I received consultation from another male director who felt like chicken instead of pheasant.
 It was just like a set menu. They called for repositioning, double eyelid surgery, and eye correction.
 It was a reoperation, but I was told that even with eye correction, my eyelids would not close
 completely. I asked , “Who can close their eyes?” They insisted that they all sleep with their eyes open(?). No matter
 what side effects occur, they will stubbornly insist that it is just the way it is. I'll skip it right away because it's obvious
 , but I'll get behind me the hospitable people who get surgery because it's good for people like this hahaha.
Second, the characteristics of the dermatologists who advertise on YouTube
 are not specific hospitals, but they are generally similar.
 On YouTube, they advertise that experienced specialists perform the surgery with great sincerity.
 If you go there, they only pay attention to the first session.
 After that, it's no different from a factory-type hospital.
 I even thought that I should never receive sedative anesthesia after seeing a comment left by a staff member who said that
 after sedative anesthesia, a lifting laser treatment is performed while looking at the cell phone.
 There are no side effects on YouTube, but it's my responsibility to care. They say it coolly by saying they will lose,
 but in reality, they don't care about the condition after the procedure and don't even provide consultation.
 They just straight away lift it or give it a needle first. What I don't understand is that those hospitals are also crowded and have a lot of income.
 I skip those hospitals right away and the doctor provides sufficient consultation. I've been wandering around looking for a place that treats people well and communicates well
 , and I'm still wandering.
 The reason hospitals are able to do business like that, disposing of customers like recyclable waste,
 is all because of you. Even though he treats me like a brat, I grit my teeth and give him money.
 So, even though people are dying and side effects are reported on the news, I just say I don't know.
 Don't you think I'm the world's most idiotic idiot? Even if you're like me, you just do as you say and clean it up.
 I felt it through my own experience. Wow, even if you treat a patient like this, they will be flocking to you, so
 why bother treating them like a customer? It will be the same in the future.
 Shouldn’t we at least filter out directors who don’t provide consultation, are half-hearted, or have a bad attitude?
 Over the years, when I looked at Sungye Hospital, even though I knew it was a black hospital, I went to the Hope Association to get the surgery. Haha.
 Well, nothing will change just because I write this, but in the end, it's a misfortune that comes back to me.

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