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When deciding to have plastic surgery, distinguish between fantasy and reality.

유리 2023-11-28 (화) 23:01 9 Months ago 6261 [CODE : 2C073]
However , I am writing this down because there are many people who
go under the illusion that plastic surgery will make them famous and
 then regret it later because they are unable to see the reality. There are dozens of posts a day saying they want to go back to how they were before the surgery, but I don't think that's the case. There are too many people who expect plastic surgery to change their lives. When deciding to undergo plastic surgery, you must be able to accurately distinguish between fantasy and reality.

After the initial plastic surgery boom, what was left were the Gangnam girls, commonly called sex monsters. It was said that natural ugliness was better than sex monsters, and after that, people who had plastic surgery began to fear things other than side effects. This leads to the idea that it is not okay to have a lot of plastic surgery.

At this time, the phrase “trying to sleep” came out.
Plastic surgeons were really exciting. It was the safest way to convince me of my desire to get plastic surgery.

I know there are a lot of people who naturally worry about flashy
 surgery. I also worried like crazy before the surgery
. To put it bluntly, the idea of ​​trying to sleep is bullshit from a plastic surgery clinic. To be exact, it's the 'fantasy' of customers who want to have flashy plastic surgery but don't want to be noticed.
Various but simple,
 blank but full-bodied,
 dark but bright
 , and a rare molded version order, 'gorgeous but natural'.
 Customers are persuaded and pretend not to know. It sounds like it will really come true.

I try to gloss over things like atmosphere, but what they have in common is that they all have a -feeling. It has nothing to do with objectivity and is just subjective.

In the end, satisfaction with plastic surgery is determined by the ‘subjectivity’ of the results relative to one’s expectations, unless there are side effects.
Therefore, surgery aimed at correcting a self-complex is highly satisfactory, and surgery with an inaccurate goal such as simply wanting to become prettier results in low satisfaction with the surgery.

 Rather than blindly plasticizing a face that is popular on social media, you should set aesthetic standards and develop your subjective opinion by doing your part and putting your effort into it by looking at reviews of photos.
After fashion, the most popular thing is the face. There is also a saying that it is stupid. I need to know where my plastic surgery limits are and be satisfied with what I can afford. This doesn't work>> You need to go to a psychiatrist and get counseling. It's not sarcastic, it's sincere. If this doesn't work, you'll get depressed. Avoidance of public relations. It leads to anger management and suicidal impulses. If it is interfering with your life, you must go to the hospital and receive treatment. I
emphasize this again, but you must distinguish between fantasy and reality when deciding to have plastic surgery. So how should we know?

Plastic surgery
 requires three considerations:
 1. Suitability for my face
 2. My satisfaction
 3. Other people's perspectives
 1. Suitability for my face (reality & fantasy)
 Consultation must be received. Go to various plastic surgery sites, get opinions, ask friends, and ask your doctor for his or her opinion. There are faces that suit flashy and there are faces that suit plain.
In reality, people who look good in flashy things usually handle plain things naturally to some extent. It is difficult for someone who looks good in simple things to wear flashy things well. This is the second priority after your own satisfaction.
Even if I die soon, I want a fancy surgery. I have to give up the ultimate naturalness to some extent. Wouldn't it be difficult to sleep if it was done by a doctor who is good at surgery?>> Or it's just a gorgeous face after a successful surgery. He definitely has plastic surgery. Who isn't? It seems like he has the kind of face that would make a celebrity. If your eyes are noticeable, it's best to hear that you've had plastic surgery, but if your nose is visible, only your nose will be visible on your face. The difficult thing about knowing what suits my face is that I have to try it. Regardless of the fact that the surgery went well, a strange feeling can be seen on the face. When the strange feeling begins to occur, the illusion is broken. So, people who have plastic surgery without knowing much about it should try to do it as naturally as possible at first.
2. My satisfaction (reality)
 is what I should think about first. I am more precious than anyone else. Decisions and consultations. The surgery is all my choice, so my satisfaction comes first. Regardless of whether it suits my face, something flashy or natural is my 'taste', and I do it according to that and am satisfied - it is the best plastic surgery. No matter what others say, it's just barking, so just ignore it and be happy. This is why I always have to make decisions based on my own opinions. I have to think a lot and find out what I want.
ex) It felt like my nose was ruined, but when I looked at it again after a few months, I got used to it and liked it>> Plastic surgery with a high level of satisfaction
 ex) My college classmates even called me a monster, but in my opinion, I was pretty enough and satisfied>> Plastic surgery that was successful in terms of satisfaction
 3. Other people 's gaze (fantasy)
 should be considered 3rd priority. This is an illusion. I can't do anything about it, but we look to others' opinions.
However, it is difficult to ignore, is the most stressful, and is the biggest reason for low satisfaction with plastic surgery, excluding side effects. If you are a person with the mentality to live without worrying about what others say or think, you would be satisfied with not having plastic surgery, and you would be very satisfied even if you did. But always remember, what people other than me say about me is like a dog barking. If you are bothered by bullshit and feel less satisfied, remember that it is better not to do it. If you have already done this and are concerned about your dog's barking, go to the hospital and get counseling. If your ego is destroyed by what others say, plastic surgery is meaningless.
When deciding to undergo plastic surgery, distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Plastic surgery is not life, and life progresses independently of each individual’s thoughts on the success or failure of plastic surgery. It really works somehow. Plastic surgery definitely comes with regrets, whether small or big. It is important to distinguish well and reduce regrets.
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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진짜 맞는 말이다ㅜㅜ
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힝규 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 29056] Address
진짜 맞말,, 많은 사람들이 읽고 갔으면
vanillapu 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 852E2] Address
맞말!! 이런글 고마워 정신차리게 된다 ㅠㅠ
로미4 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 312F4] Address
성형 처음 고민중이라 복잡하고 최대한 화려하게 무리하게 하고싶은데 그게안되는얼굴이라 우울한데 이 글 보고 좀 다시 고민함...고마워ㅠ
쨔요쨔요 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 312B2] Address
오 수술 하기 전에 알려주셔서 감서합니다 발품 더 팔아봐야겠어용
냐냠냐냠 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 6908A] Address
성형 전에 꼭 읽어봐야하는글인듯
기도합니다제발 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 33BAF] Address
내얼굴에 보완정도로 생각하고 해야해 항상 무리수두거나 너무 오바하면 안도ㅔ
지훈쓰83 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2C617] Address
이게 맞지...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
안녕하슈수 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 26423] Address
마자ㅜ 맞는말이야ㅜㅜㅜ
작은멈춤 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 414B4] Address
조언 너무 감사감사 ~~
pradada 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 70C85] Address
다 맞말이네..
joys 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 687D3] Address
좋은 글 고마웡 ㅠㅠ
비버스터디 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 4EB6D] Address
미리러 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 22B88] Address
맞아 ㅜㅜ 한계를 잘 알고 받아들이고 만족해야하는데 그게 참 어렵다... 예사 말대로 진짜 정신병원 가봐야하나 싶어
주현2 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2C1DC] Address
글 잘 읽었어 좋은 글 써줘서 고마워~
냄새123 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 3AFCB] Address
진짜 내가 딱 그러고 있는데…성형 날자 잡고 이뻐져서 인생 역전 할 나를 자꾸 망상 중…
치토스크런치 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 5269A] Address
맞는 말이다ㅠㅠ 좋은 글 고마워
이공이사 9 Months ago 9 Months ago Address
짘짜 공감…… 욕심부리면 안되는데 자꾸ㅠㅠ
anochan 8 Months ago 8 Months ago Address
180도 변화를 바라고 성형하면 안되는 것 같아..
본판이 어느정도 받쳐주는 사람들이 성형해야 만족이..
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Bomb job Cmt 0 View 2 Like 0
는 얼굴은 아직 서영 해본 적 없는데 채용 성형에는 관심이 많아 어릴 때부터 좀 통통 했어서 다이어트도 자주 하고 지방흡입 하고 가슴 성형만 해 본 상태야 가슴 성형 한지 오래 된 후기들은 잘 없더라고 그래서 내가 솔직하게 1번 이야기 해 볼게 일단 만족도가 크긴 한 수술인거 같아 하지만 이게 몸에 시한폭탄을 좀 안고 사는 느낌이 있어 언제 파열 될지 모른다는 불안감하고 이물질이 몸안에 있으니까 뭐 유방암 이런 걱정도 괜히 더 되더라고 1…
39 Seconds ago
Eyelid job - 차이성형외과 Cmt 0 View 25 Like 0
ㅊㅇ(ㅏㅣ) 최원장님한테 뒤밑트임 둘다 받았는데 만족해서 올려요!! 2개월차 되니깐 이제 이질감도 하나없고 아무도 뒤밑트임한지 모르고 자연스럽게(몰래..ㅎ) 이뻐진거같아 만족도 넘 커요.. 불편한것도 전혀없구요 예전에는 화장을 진하게하고 다니느라 화장시간도 오래걸리고했는데 지금은 확실히 눈이 커지니깐 ㅋㅋ 조금 덜해도 괜찮더라구요 ㅇ_<.. 그리고 젤젤 중요한 포인트..사진찍고 눈보정을 안해도되서 좋습니다ㅎㅎ 답답했던 꼬막눈이 해결…
16 Minutes ago
Eyelid job - 케이플러스성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 47 Like 0
나는 이목구비가 뚜렷한 편이 아니어서 화려한 눈보다는 자연스러운 눈이 나을 것 같았어! 그래서 쌍수 자연스럽게 하기로 소문난 곳을 찾다가 케이플러스를 알게 됐는데, 눈 수술 자연스럽게 하기로는 김세영 원장님이 유명하다는 말을 듣게 돼서 상담을 받게 됐어 상담할때 편안하게 이끌어주시고 내가 어떤 질문을 해야할지 잘 모르니까 차분히 기다려주시기도 하면서 질문을 유도해주셔서 궁금했던점을 다 물어볼 수 있어서 좋았어! 불필요한건 권유 안 하…
22 Minutes ago
Eyelid job - 플래너성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 34 Like 0
첫수술 지방에서 했거든 당시 내 눈상태, 눈뜨는 힘 이런거 1도 고려안하고 그냥 매몰로 해도 잡힌다 그 말믿고 수술함.. 내 눈은 눈뜨는 힘 자체가 부족해서 눈교 필요한 눈인데도 딱 매몰법으로만 하고 얼마 안가서 수술 전 눈으로 거의 다 돌아옴... 재수술은 각잡고 강남 쪽으로 싹다 알아봤었고 이번엔 자연유착으로 라인 다시 잡으면서 눈매교정이랑 윗트임 같이했어 자연스럽게 원했는데 지금 라인 딱 마음에 들어 깔끔하고 또렷하고 !! 자기 …
28 Minutes ago
Eyelid job Cmt 0 View 52 Like 0
1수술 전 내 눈밑의 형태 내 모태 눈밑은 ...패임은 잘 모르겠는데 어쨋든 수술 전에는 눈밑에 지방이 없고 눈물고랑 개심했엉 그래서 꽉 조인 눈물고랑과 근육 사이를 벌려서(?) 다크서클을 좀 완화시키는 수술 방향으로 진행했어 그리고 눈밑에 지방을 소량 이식함 2. 수술직후 ~ 수술 후 2주차 경과 붓기도 의사가 놀랄정도로 거의 안붓고 멍도 엄청 살짝 들어서 .. 나는 바로 결과를 알 수 있었어 만족도 최상 수술직후…
47 Minutes ago
Facialbone job - 이유구강악안면외과 Cmt 0 View 72 Like 0
드디어 안올 줄 알았던 6개월이 지났어요. 6개월 정도되면 붓기도 거의 빠지고 먹는 것도 자유로울 줄 알았는데, 아직 잔 붓기는 남아있고 두꺼운 고기나 질긴 음식은 씹기 힘들어요. 아무래도 교정이 다 끝나지 않았으니 이가 덜 맞물려서 그렇다고 하더라구요. 선교정부터 후교정까지 쉽지 않네요. 수술 후 1년은 교정 생각해야한다는데 이것도 금방 흘러가겠죠? 양악수술을 결심하고 선교정을 시작하게 되며 힘든 시간들도 있던 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ 3급 부정교합에 …
52 Minutes ago
Jawline job - 연세바로치과교정과치과의원 Cmt 0 View 39 Like 0
인비절라인 하고싶어서 멀지만 찾아갔어요. 씨티랑 이빨본뜨기 등등 교정과정에 맞게 다 진행하였고, 아주 심한 부정교합까진 아니라 발치 비발치 고를수있게해서 비발치 택했습니다 사랑니 뽑는걸 추천받았지만 안뽑고싶다하니 강요하지않고 일단 매복사랑니 두고 교정중이에요. 추후에 문제생기면 뽑기로 했답니다. 원장님이 확실히 제 의견을 반영해주시니 좋아요. 인비절라인은 역시 최고에요 음식 맘껏먹어도 상관없는게 강점이에유
54 Minutes ago
Nose job - 지앤지병원 성형외과 Cmt 0 View 90 Like 0
눈하고 얼굴형 예쁘다는 소리는 많이 들었는데 코는 콤플레스가 심했었어 친구들한테 코수술 관심있다고 하니까 대체 뭐 얼마나 예뻐지려 하냐 이러는 애들도 있었지만 내가 생각했을 때 코가 너무 신경쓰이는 부위라서ㅠㅠㅠ 코끝이 들린 느낌이 정면에서나 옆에서도 보여서 코교정 받으면서 화려하게 코수술 받아보고 싶었어 경력, 후기, 원장님 미감 뛰어난 곳으로 찾다 보니까 지앤지병원 성용해원장님 후기가 계속 들어왔고 이비인후과 전문의셔서 그런지 기…
1 Hours ago
Petit/Laser job - 리프톤피부과의원 Cmt 0 View 41 Like 0
레이저 리프팅 중에서 가장 마지막 단계라고 생각하면 될것같아 니들을 사용하는 리프팅이라 효과가 제일 강력한데 그만큼의 붓기와 멍은 감수해야 해.. 내가 지금까지 인모드, 울쎄라 다 해봤지만 제일 회복기간이 길었어 난 인모드 하고도 멍이 별로 안생겼는데 프로파운드는 확실히 다르더라 난 거상은 더 나이들어 할 생각이라 프로파운드를 선택했거든 혹시 관심있는 예사들은 참고해봐 1. 프로파운드도 정품 팁을 사용하는 리프팅이야 내가 갔던 피부과…
1 Hours ago