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Even celebrities don't have perfect beauty.

아이돌하고시프당 2023-11-29 (수) 09:19 9 Months ago 9344 [CODE : 1AC16]
No matter how popular it is these days, if your eyes are respectable, your chin may be a bit clunky.
 Most of the eyes have reached the point of respectability, but there are a lot of people who have noses that are a bit big, blocky, or like chalk...
 But the general public thinks that the eyes of a girl with pretty eyes have a pretty nose. I wonder if it's normal in this day and age where people want to become perfect beauties by putting together a pretty girl's nose and chin.
 As a real girl, there is a singer who is very crude.
 I was busy with work. After a long time, I saw that female idol on stage during her Leeds days, and contrary to my expectations, her chin was rough. surprised.
Makeup, clothes, confidence, beauty attitude, skin care, lifting,
 and most of all - weight management - seem to make an idol.
Looking again, there aren't any chubby idols.
In fact, even children who thought they were chubby when they were young grow up to be either perfect or thin when viewed through adult eyes.
I think the reason idols are undervalued is because of their hard work to manage their weight.
Idols' plastic surgery isn't perfect. Rather, the shape seems to be more realistic than that of the general public, and there are some parts that are clunky due to lack of care.
Oh, I seem to take good care of my skin.
 I don't know what my real face looks like, but at least when I put on makeup, I make it so clean that not a single pimple or pore is visible, and I can't see any wrinkles or sagging unless you take a super close-up shot of the eye area.

What I wanted to say is that
 celebrity faces are not perfect. It is impossible for an ordinary person to collect the parts that each celebrity is proud of and embody them on their own face. In particular, the nose should be satisfied with just the right amount. If you look at the noses of celebrities, there is nothing special about them. If you pursue perfection, you will work hard and waste moneyㅜㅜ
The true value of being a celebrity comes from skin care and weight management.
Let's work hard on ultrasound, high frequency, whitening, and diet. I'm cautious about whitening because it might be racist, but in my country, it seems like the whiter the prettier. Also, unlike Westerners and black people, my facial features are bald, so I think white suits me better... I have dark skin, but I want to brighten it. Also,
 makeup, clothes, and facial expressions are very important.
I think that if you do your makeup well, you can feel the effects of three plastic surgeries while wearing it.

The costume is a stage costume. Actually, I think it would look pretty even if an ordinary person wore it. If only the average person was over 120cm tall and managed their weight. But wearing stage costumes is too indulgent, so it seems like if you just compromise on dressing well, your clothes will fly.

Celebrities' stage expressions, model expressions - honestly, these aren't things you can do in everyday life. I usually make a seductive look, glaring from top to bottom, a wide eye smile, and a seductive look...
 But I think just a bright smile and confident behavior makes a person look very pretty.

The conclusion is: 1. Skin trouble, irregularities, and pore management 2. Skin sagging and wrinkle management 3. Whitening management 4. Strict diet 5. Avoid sagging and gloomy facial expressions and practice smiling.

I think I should do something like this to at least look like an idol, but it's more difficult than plastic surgery.
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