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Considerations on plastic surgery

하울 2023-11-16 (목) 23:27 9 Months ago 2583 [CODE : 2EAB8]
I'll just write this and read it as a complaint.
(Plastic Surgery Biography)
 1. Double Eyelid Treatment 1
 : Natural Adhesion + Epicanthoplasty
 After the college entrance exam, I went to a famous place near Gangnam Station and got it done without knowing anything. The director also didn't have much experience, and I felt bad for setting the line too low. Moreover, one side suddenly came loose one day without anyone noticing. And now that I think about it, it seems like they were putting a dummy on a baby who had just taken the college entrance exam.
2. 2 pairs of double arms
 : Natural adhesion + back opening
 One side came loose, so I went to the same place and got after-sales service, but I only had to pay for the back opening. This time too, the price felt like a bargain, but I was quite satisfied (looking back now, my eyes were the prettiest at that time.) I should have stopped at this point...

3. 3rd pair of hands
 : Natural adhesion
 This time, I wanted to improve my line, so I got it from a different director (who had almost no experience) at the same place. The line itself wasn't bad, but the fixation was so weak that it was very uncomfortable to open my eyes, and I had to wear sausages for a year.
4. 4 double arms
 : incision + upper slit + back slit + bottom slit.
 I wanted to clean up some of the sagging skin with the incision and make a clear semi-out. Visiting a new hospital. It was a unique place for marketing, but there wasn’t much to do… Haha, the impression is really strong and strange. Even my family avoids it. From this point on, I started to feel like something was very wrong.

 I realized that the 3 types of outlines have to be pretty to look good after surgery. When I see reviews of surgeries like the doll line, I feel so envious and also upset. As it is an expensive and major surgery, it is very difficult not only physically but also mentally. Still, it appears that the problem has been improved to some extent. But I'm still not sure if the surgery has more to gain than it loses.

6. Forehead reduction:
 You should not expect a dramatic change in this either... I think I will need to have about 2000 hairs transplanted in the future. Maybe it's because my forehead is so wide, but that wide feeling doesn't go away easily. Still, it seems to have a price advantage over hair transplantation, but I'm scared of hair loss

(future plans)
 1. I want to get about 2,000 hairs through non-incision hair transplantation,
 but at least. I guess it’s more than 500?ㅠ When will I save up the money…?

 I want to have the pin removed under sedation within 1 year. The reason is because the back cheek area protrudes. I expect at least 200-300!

3. I want to lower my double hand, choi, choi, and final
 lines and go back to my innocent look (the way I looked after the second surgery). But I'm worried because if I get it through an incision, I'll have to wait at least 3 months for recovery. Expected to be at least 300...

4. Epicanthoplasty Restoration
 This is not essential and I am thinking about it, but I will try it as a last try and if it is okay, I will just close it. I haven't looked into restoration yet, so I'm not sure, but I should get at least 200... ?

5. Once I received various lifting
 outlines, I couldn’t help but enter the swamp of lifting… I'm going to exercise hard and start slowly after removing the pin!!!


I thought it was the end... ?Haha
(Extra) Procedure
 1. Nose Filler
 Filler seems like a procedure that should be enjoyed for only one year and then disintegrate. In particular, never get hit in the nose too many times... Unless only a very small amount is applied, it spreads like an avatar and becomes grotesque.
 (Nevertheless, I am looking into aegyo-sal and lip fillers these days... human greed is truly...)
2. Square jaw Botox
 In fact, I think this was the starting point of contour surgery. As my muscles shrunk, my face turned into a peanut shape and I looked really old... But Botox itself doesn't seem to be bad, and the effect is acknowledged. I was very satisfied with the forehead botox.

3. I received 3 treatments from the Inmode
 factory type and the treatment time was about 10-15 minutes!? At this time, I also went on a diet and it was very effective in straightening my facial lines. However, she had a long-lasting bruise near her chin that lasted for about a week, making her a woman with a story.

 “The end of tuning is originality.”
I hope everyone has a safe and beautiful surgery :)
 Don't forget that you're really pretty just the way you are.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

브이샤프 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : DC4E8] Address
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하울 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2EAB8] Address
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브이샤프 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 4AB67] Address
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하울 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2EAB8] Address
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그냥장원영이되고싶어 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 30F13] Address
이 글 예사들이 많이 봤으면 좋겠다... 맞아... 튜닝의 끝은 순정이야...ㅜ 이게 맞는 듯 맘고생 심했을 것 같다ㅠ 앞으로의 계획 다 예사 원하는대로 성공할 수 있기를!!
하울 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2EAB8] Address
[@그냥장원영이되고싶어] 아구구 좋은 말 너무 고마워 워녕공주… 예사도 앞으로 행복한 일들만 가득하길 바랄게♡
일반의약품 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 7DC37] Address
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하울 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2EAB8] Address
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청명 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 5147C] Address
핀 제거만 300정도 하는구나....와우 ㅠㅠ
하울 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2EAB8] Address
[@청명] 좀 넉넉히 잡긴 했는데 광대랑 턱끝 둘 다 제거하묜 그 정도 하는 것 같아ㅜㅠ 윤곽=등골브레이커
팜푸린 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 8B851] Address
혹시 쌍커풀 여러번해서 흉터나 이런거에 대한 스트레스는 없었어?? 재수술할까 너무 고민..
하울 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2EAB8] Address
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Yuuuumi 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 18BE6] Address
윤곽 하고싶은데 본판이 중요하구나ㅜㅜ
하울 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2EAB8] Address
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녕녕잉잉 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 22B31] Address
와 .. 윤곽진짜 장난없다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
jessica123… 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 1A132] Address
지금도 충분히 예뻐 다들ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
뿅쁑뺭 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 4A32F] Address
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하울 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2EAB8] Address
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kiwiwiki 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2E6AD] Address
헉 그동안 돈도 많이 들었겠다...ㅜㅜ
Jjjjjjgjyh… 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 52C1B] Address
헐 이것저것 많이 한편이긴 하다 수면마취 많이 하면 괜찮아??
하울 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2EAB8] Address
[@Jjjjjjgjyhj] 음 뇌세포가 많이 죽긴 한 것 같은데 아직까진 괜찮아!!!ㅋㅋㅋ 이제 좀 자제해야될 것 같아ㅜㅜ
뜌우뚜 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 48335] Address
맞아 나도 맨날 그말함 튜닝의 끝은 순정
날이 추워지니 트임한 눈 더 시렵고 이젠 자연스러워질라고 수술 알아보는 내가 넘 싫다 ㅜ
하울 Writer 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 2EAB8] Address
[@뜌우뚜] 인정 또 인정~~~ 인상도 세지고 시력도 안 좋아지고 증말ㅜ 복원 알아보고 있어?! 수술 안전하게 잘되길 바랄게!!!
깡총토끼 9 Months ago 9 Months ago [CODE : 1A1F6] Address
마지막 진짜 명언이네...지금 어떻게든 자연스럽게 하려고 병원 알아보는 중
아바타010 9 Months ago 9 Months ago Address
나도 자연스러워지려고 알아보는중인데.. 진짜 하기 전엔 공감 못 했는데 지금은 수술 전으로 돌아가서 다 자연스럽게 해달라고 하고 싶음
윤슬1 8 Months ago 8 Months ago Address
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