I had it done in April. They didn't add anything to the bridge of the nose, and only the tip of the nose
was raised to the septum. But after doing it, this part only got a little red. It wasn't a big deal to worry about.
So I went to the hospital where the surgery was done, and they said it wasn't inflammation, and
even though I felt it, my nose was still red. I don't feel any pain, discomfort or heat, just redness...
But as winter approaches and it gets colder, this part gets really red... It's not just red like a normal person, it's like a strawberry nose.
And when the cold wind hits, this part gets really cold. ..ㅠㅠㅠ Is this really what happens when you use a nasal septum.. It's so cold. After
looking into it, I heard that it could be because the blood vessels are compressed. Is this true? How are others coping?