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Things I felt while preparing for Kojaesu

위스키봉봉 2023-10-14 (토) 21:08 11 Months ago 622 [CODE : 4E41B]
Hello, I am Yesa, who is preparing for the retake because I don't like the shape of my nose after my first exam a few months ago.
 When I was preparing for the first exam, I thought I had worked hard and made a careful decision, but the first surgery didn't turn out as I wanted.
 So, while preparing for the repeat exam, I realized a few things about choosing a hospital. I'm going to share tips and personal experiences
 in the hope that it will be of some help to those who are preparing for rhinoplasty.
1. Each hospital has its own preferred line.
 Even if I explain that I want to do it this way, communication with the director may not be as good as expected. I felt that
 when you go to the hospital's website, it is recommended that you carefully look at the before and after photos. When you look at them, you can see that the lines are generally similar for each hospital, but
 it seems that there is a high possibility that the surgery will usually be performed that way. So, if I don't like these lines, I will perform the surgery at that hospital. I think it would be better not to.
 In general, if the line looks and feels the way you want, I recommend going to a consultation.
2. Have sufficient conversations with the director.
 Take pictures, talk about everything you want in detail, and listen carefully to the director's feedback.
 Even if they say the same thing, they are different. I could think and talk about it,
 but in my case, I asked that the tip of my nose not be cut too long (because I don't like tabi lines), but later on, I found out that the doctor accepted that I didn't like a long nose, so I had the surgery to shorten the tip of my nose, but I really don't like that. .. So, I recommend that you look at the photo accurately and point out and explain in detail.
3. Describe the shape you do not want accurately.
 For example, please make sure that the nose is not lifted and the nostrils are not too much visible, and that the line falling from the forehead is harmonious so that it does not look too much like an avatar. If you say it in a vague way, like, "Just do it naturally to suit my face," each person's factors are very different, and in the end, there is a high possibility that you will end up with a similar nose (using the method that the director prefers and is good at) as seen in many before and after photos at the hospital.
4. If you keep looking at internet cafes, adult artists, Bobby Talk, etc.,
 selling a lot of hand-made products for the first or second water,
 you will narrow down the places that seem to be a good fit for you . I hope to go to at least 5 places for consultation, and during the consultation, take a CT scan, analyze my nose well, and consult. I hope you decide to have the surgery at a place that provides it.
 The more you consult, the more information you can collect regardless of where you have the surgery, because each hospital recommends different materials and surgical methods.
Everyone would like to do that, but even I, I would end up with the first number at first. I thought I chose the hospital carefully,
 but after failing, I felt that I should have prepared in more detail. Of course, luck is important, but
 there were many times when I had emotional ups and downs and depression while preparing for the exam, but I still thought positively and thought about the shortcomings of my nose. I think I have studied a lot about the characteristics, and I am waiting, thinking that I should really, really do well with this reoperation. I
 can post even after I get consultation for the reoperation next time. I will organize it and post it.
 Good luck preparing for the surgery, everyone!!

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