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Hey, Mr. ㅇㄱㅁ, Mr. ㅂㅇㅎ, I'm not sure which person I should ask, please help me

지젤스 2023-10-14 (토) 05:07 10 Months ago 559 [CODE : 52015]
I'm really having a hard time deciding...
I want to get it from either Dr. Bae or Dr. Lee.
Dr. Bae recommended buried eyelid surgery (upper) and buried natural adhesion double eyelid surgery
 , and he said I could also get a lower jaw surgery if I wanted one.
 Dr. Lee recommended buried eyelid surgery (upper) and buried natural adhesion.
Dr. BYH said that it would look refreshing if my proportions were longer, so the lower jaw would be okay. There's not much of a difference, but it would be suitable for my B ratio. If I want it, it's not bad. Dr. ㅇㄱㅁ said
I don't need to do a lower jaw surgery because the tails of my eyes are already close, and that doing a lower jaw surgery would
 do more harm than good (I think he said that if I did a lower jaw surgery, I might look gloomy, but I don't remember exactly). He
 said that he would do buried correction and only do a front jaw surgery slightly upwards in case I had a nose job. He said that
 my mole under my mouth would be a shame, so if it was removed, my face would look pretty, and
 that he would make my eyes look pretty. He patted me on the shoulder and left.

I really don't know. I think they'll both be fine, but I really trust Director ㅇㄱㅁ...
 I wish my eyes were bigger. It would be cool,
but Director Lee said that I have a cute smile because I have a good eye smile, so I think it would be more harmful than beneficial to get lower eyelid surgery. In the flow. I think he said that I shouldn't
get lower eyelid surgery because I'm cute when I smile, not because I'm depressed. They both seem to be trying to match my eye line the way I want, but...
The space between my eyebrows and eyes is narrow, so I don't think they can make it higher.
 So I'm worried that people will say I got plastic surgery even though there's not much difference, and some people who don't know about plastic surgery think that if you get plastic surgery, you just got everything ripped and fixed. If I'm going to hear
those kinds of things, I want to make it pretty, but I think Director Bae would do a better job, but I
 also think Director Lee would pay more attention and see that there's no problem...
It seems difficult. What do you think?
If I do it later, will the additional surgery cost be high?
 Actually, I kind of want to finish it all at once… But I had some faith that Director Lee would take care of everything and take care of it well.
I woke up from sleep and it was so difficult and upsetting to worry, and I
 feel like my nerves are being gnawed at, so it’s a bit painful. It’s like insomnia.
 My thoughts are not organized and I have too many worries. Actually, I’m really scared… Can you guys help me?
 The choice is my job, but if you think about it that way, if you could tell me which one you would choose if you were in my position, it would be easier to think about it from various angles and come to a decision. Please
help me.
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[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

핑크회색 10 Months ago 10 Months ago [CODE : 68727] Address
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