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If unwanted silicone is contained

세계성공 2023-10-11 (수) 10:47 10 Months ago 7094 [CODE : 39060]
I only wanted plastic surgery on the tip of my nose, but during my first consultation with the director, I was told that I had to have surgery on the bridge of my nose as well and was told to use silicone. However, I wanted a non-implant for my nose, which had side effects from fillers, and after receiving a quote to choose between an autologous rib and a donor rib, I was recommended an autologous rib and proceeded with the surgery.
Consultation director - director - coordinator on the day of surgery, filling out a surgical consent form before surgery, and consulting with the director before surgery. Of these
 four consultations before surgery, other than the first consultation, there was not a single mention of silicone or other implants.

Before taking off the splint, I inquired with the director about a completely different design from the consultation, and 
 on the 4th day, I found out that silicone was used. I
 was informed that surgery to remove the silicone was possible on the 6th day, but they said that
 the nose may become bumpy and that there is a possibility of inflammation if corrected early, so I was told to endure it and told me to do this or that. It's been a month since I couldn't do it
. ✔️ After completing the preparations for the surgery, including changing clothes, washing my face, and gargling, I
 filled out the consent form for nose surgery with my coordinator right before the surgery and checked it while listening to explanations of some important parts. However, there was no separate explanation about the implant, so I said 'I
 agree to the use of the implant.' I only found out that I checked 'I do' after receiving a copy of the consent form on the 6th day after the surgery.
✔️The hospital said that they had started processing the salary reduction of the coordination that I filled out with the consent form and that they would remove the silicone and perform AS.
If you want a refund, you should contact the medical compensation insurance you signed up for at the hospital.

Considering the hassle and cost of having to look for another hospital again,
Getting an As is the best, but the problem is the design.
From the beginning, I told him more than 10 times right before the surgery that I didn't want the surgical tip to be natural and that I didn't want it to be high, but I think I raised my nose as high as possible. The director also admitted that it seemed like it was excessive, and he also knew the director's unique style. According to the director, if you receive an AS
 , They promise that it can come out the way you want, but 
 I like the reviews of people who received AS at the same hospital, who say that the unique shape and height do not change even after receiving AS.
What is the best thing to do... ㅠ
If you have experienced a similar situation
 or have experience solving it through medical compensation insurance, please leave a review. I
 am in a hectic state right now and I don't even know what I want.
 Please give me any advice.
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