<수술전><수술후><Before surgery><After surgery>Ha... um... it's still been a week and
I know it's swelling... I know everything, but I
just regret it so much...
Avatarko... I said my nose bridge was too stressful, but
why did it become like that...?
I'm not sure..... Can the bridge of my nose also swell....?
And I used donor rib + 2mm sili + ear cartilage,
but only used donor rib sili..
I didn't use ear cartilage.. When I opened it, did they think I didn't have to use it..?
Nose surgery can only be done with donor rib silicone...
I wanted a thin nose...
The chin is contoured with a Moomin
and the nose is with a nose stick on an avatar.
I just want to fuck.
I have severe depression, and I'm taking psychiatric medication, but
it's too hard to endure.
Still 1 It's Sunday. Can it change?
Even though everyone tells me it's swelling,
I can't wait for it... It's funny to me too.
I keep looking in the mirror... It's so hard.