Photos before and after plastic surgery are received from patients or taken by their friends, and these days, they write them openly and confidently. Rather, when a patient fills them out, they say things like “edit this, take it out,” etc. In this way, they are blatantly forcing it without shame and
providing knowledge and information about the safety and rights of consumers. They are infringing on their right to receive treatment, but I think this is too serious.
Moreover, they keep repeating reviews.
What I think is the most shameful thing is that things like body shaping, chest and abdomen, etc. are taken naked when taking before and after photos, which is already very shameful, but it is marketing within the hospital. There are a lot of men among them. Are you going to look at all the explicit photos and leave them as data and write reviews? And if you sign
a model contract or have surgery at an event, it will be constantly brought up and the story will be squeezed out and you will be forced to keep posting reviews again and again. It's so shameful.
I want everyone to know that taking pictures is not mandatory, and even if you take them, posting reviews like that and the hospital continuously uploading pictures. If the patient refuses, the hospital has to follow suit. There's no problem. Just listen to what they say. Magic contract? I wish I didn't write something like that.
I'm posting this because I'm so annoyed
by all the things hospitals are doing these days.