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Reviews of Cheek Revision Surgery and Chin Advancement Surgery at Sures

호롤루리 2023-09-11 (월) 12:08 1 Years ago 3777 [CODE : 8527F]
Photo boom!

Hello ㅇㅖ,
 it seems like
 a while ago that I was looking for a lot of information here before the surgery,
 but now that I have the surgery, I don't even come in
 . It's like that every time. If everything goes well, there's no need to find out,
 so what about other people's side effects are literally a matter of concern. If you
 look at my posts and comments, you'll see that
 I've changed my face shape a few times. I don't know.
At first, I had square, cheek, and chin implants
 , a second double jaw implant, and even advanced after removing the chin implant,
 but it felt strangely old-fashioned,
 so I even got double jaw implants, but it didn't change dramatically..
 Somehow, after passing my 20s and entering my 30s,
  wow.. my face sags. ...I thought it wasn't a joke
 , so I did shrink surgery, and it worked for about 4-5 times in the beginning, but
 the cycle got faster and faster,
 and now there doesn't seem to be much of a difference even if I do it right away.
 So I thought this wouldn't work, so I looked into a hospital for reoperation,
 and signed up for Seongyesa. Well, I was looking for this and that,
 and then I found out about Shuus, so I read the blog,
 went for a consultation, and thought this was the place, so I
 put down the deposit, set a date, and came back, and
 I just saw an article about side effects here...
 Oh, shit... I thought, so I looked up all the before and after pictures of that person and found
 other When I looked into it to see if people had something like that,
 I was so scared that I canceled it over the phone and lost the reservation deposit
 . How much does it cost now?
 How much money and how much time and effort does it take for the side effects?
So I went to another famous hospital,
 and it was also near Gangnam Station
 . But they said that
 there was nothing more they could do to my face,
 not even the front chin advancement
 , but that it could be slightly improved with fat grafting. That's right. Rather than having to just live like this,
 I did my best to improve my face. Adios this time. It's enough
 I don't understand it
 but I don't understand it
 So, with the pictures posted on Seongyesa that said there were side effects.
 Now that I think about it, if I were a doctor, I would have thought
 of this bitch. But during the consultation, I heard stories that we don't know about the side effects, and also heard about the reason why famous articles disappeared, so
 I moved forward for the second time. I heard about the person who was planning to do it and I heard it all.
 I had a lot of refreshing side effects, so if it weren't for that,
 there was no place better than this place for the facial shape I wanted, so I
 made a reservation for an early date and went back.
I tried it a few times on the day of the surgery and it was worth fasting.
 Before the surgery, I met with the director and designed it
 , and just in case, I even made a PPT...
 I wonder if I'm serious... Anyway, I said my best wishes and
 lay down in the operating room.
 I've never been under general anesthesia until now. It was so hard to wake up, so
 now that I'm older , I kept asking
 the anesthesiologist to
 tell me when I woke up. And I asked them to wake me up so that I wouldn't die.
 And then I fainted.
 When I woke up,
 I was in the recovery room, saying that the surgery was done. I was told that I didn't need to have a repeat surgery, so I
 just put on a hat and was discharged. They
 took care of me, but they didn't tell me to do it,
 so I didn't do it anyway. The vagina is saggy
 because the surgery has already done that.
 Even on the first day of surgery, I can see my front chin sticking out and my cheekbones sticking out. It's
 bit uncomfortable to eat and I have to use a gargle to brush my teeth, but there's nothing I can do about it
 . Ah! Because I had a reoperation, no incisions were made on my sideburns,
 so I just washed my hair and showered on the same day. I
 went for disinfection on the third day and continued for a week,
 and I got a swelling laser every time I went.
 In fact , the doctor came and checked my face every time
 . In fact, he didn't do it when I had it done at other hospitals. That’s why it
 got to this point?! I thought so,
 but they said it was natural to worry about it until after the surgery,
 so I thought this was right. I
 asked if I should practice opening my mouth, and he
 said there was no need to do it on purpose,
 and as I went along, I opened my mouth on my own.
 Today is the one-month anniversary, so I put a few fingers in my mouth on the way to check on my progress.
 I tried it and it fit 3 vertically haha.
 Somehow I ate everything well.
 The doctor decides whether or not to get the swelling injection based on the progress,
 but he said I didn't need to get the injection so I reported the results.

Later, when the swelling goes down and you want to advance your front chin further,
 they said they would do it without charging the surgery fee.
 I thought they were sincere
about the shape of my face. I haven't seen Citi yet, but even without looking at it, I'm pretty sure my face has tightened.
 The inconvenient thing is that I haven't fully regained my senses yet, so I can't
 brush my teeth. I think it's just that
 it feels a little tighter.

It's a hospital that only I want to know about, but I'm sure there are people like me and I hope you get a consultation.
The photos are in order
 : before surgery - 3 days after surgery - 1 month after surgery.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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