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Let me be honest about the sagging after the reduction.

Dongle 2023-04-17 (월) 00:44 1 Years ago 12615 [CODE : 3F311]
Hi, I've had a masseuse reduction for exactly 2 years
 now. I'm in my 30s now, and
 I had the surgery when I was 29! I
 even got the pins removed -_-v (Does this IMTI look too tight?)
 I felt like everyone was really worried about the sagging, so
 I was worried too, and I'm still worried after 2 years.
First, I'll tell you about the condition of my face at each stage after the surgery.
 On the day of the surgery~2 months: Monster
3~9 months: Fits well enough to meet people. There's a lot of swelling, but no one has ever asked what kind of surgery I had. Even now, none of my acquaintances know that I had the surgery.
10~16 months: Golden age. The swelling is all gone, my facial line is the final line, and my skin is somehow tight. Even I think I'm still pretty.
17 months: Hmm..? Do I feel old? Oh, I feel strangely old, but what is it.. Oh, what is it (the next day) Oh, I'm fine today (the next day) Oh, what is it, I feel old x
After comparing it to the before-surgery photos, I found out that it's because of the fat above my nasolabial folds!
 I had nasolabial folds before the surgery, but after the surgery, the fat and skin that had nowhere to go gathered slightly diagonally inward toward the nose, making the upper part of my nasolabial fold strangely bulge. Since there was volume there, the shading became deeper, making the nasolabial folds look deeper. A little. Think of Anpanman. It's not like
my face fell off, sagged, or aged because of the cheekbones, but rather a very natural effect of this surgery..? Before the surgery, my cheekbones were wide and high, pulling the skin, but since the cheekbones volume decreased, my skin became slightly looser, and there was a part where the skin and tissue gathered and gathered. There was
no change other than the addition of fat above my
 nasolabial fold. Is this what people usually mean when they say sagging after cheekbone surgery?
 Do people get sagging cheeks or marionette wrinkles after cheekbone surgery? I don't think that kind of sagging is due to the cheekbone surgery. I don't have any changes in my cheek line or sagging around my mouth. Even though my
cheekbones were big before the surgery, they still looked lively!
 I feel like my skin is being pulled tight,
 but I would still get surgery if I went back
 . My current face is much better because my frontal width is narrow
 . As for the bulging area around my nasolabial folds, I’m going to either lose weight, get radiofrequency treatment (because it could be a scar), or get liposuction above my nasolabial folds
 By the way, I haven’t had any lifting procedures like Inmode Shrink, Ulthera, or Thread Lifting after the surgery! Why? Because it’s not that my skin is sagging, but rather my cheeks are lumpy..? So I don’t think the above procedures are the exact solution to cheekbones. I’m usually against lifting lasers in my 20s and 30s.
 I definitely recommend losing weight before and after contouring! It’s better to get my height down to -110.
 Not yet.. I have to lose weight..
I feel guilty for no reason, so I sometimes ask my friends, “Am I getting too old?” When people ask, "Are you serious or not?" they all say they don't know if you're being honest or not.
 If you're old, what are you?
 It seems like you only know yourself.
 Wrinkles on the arms can be present regardless of age, even when you're young.
 Good choice, everyone!

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
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[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

익명 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 3F311] Address
[@하뉴유드]  핀제거 하고 더 처진건 없는거같아 다만 좀 부어있을때 처진 느낌 나긴햇어ㅠㅠ지금은 붓기 다 빠지거 괜차나
탱귤 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 15A3A] Address
와 나랑 비슷한 나이에 했는데 일자별 경과 핵공감이야 ㅋㅋㅋ 나 오늘 핀제거 하면서 그 팔자주름위에 불룩한살 지흡하구왔어..ㅠㅠ 하 얼굴에 먼짓인지 나는 돌아가면 광대 안할고같애 수술 진짜 잘되긴 했는디 먼가 길어진거 같아서 이제 턱이 눈에 들어언당 ㅜㅜ
익명 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 3F311] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
이예사짱짱 9 Months ago 9 Months ago Address
와 완전 나랑 증상이 똑같네 앞볼 불룩해지고 팔자 심해지고ㅠㅠ 혹시 지금은 어때요?? 시술 어떤거 받앗는지도 알려주세요 ㅠ
하하호호히히호 5 Months ago 5 Months ago Address
[@이예사짱짱] 혹시 몇개월차세요 지금.. 저는 6개월찬데... 한쪽이 유독 앞볼이 뭉치고 볼록하구.. 땡기는 증상도 있어요 ㅜㅜ 좋아질까요
ㅂlㅂl 9 Months ago 9 Months ago Address
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신챵 7 Months ago 7 Months ago Address
나도 광대 했는데 뭔가 친근하게 후기 남겨줘서 정감간다 ㅋㅋ
쎈수학 7 Months ago 7 Months ago Address
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