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6th week review of the 1 type of contour I am writing to see

gaia 2023-07-12 (수) 23:48 1 Years ago 2241 [CODE : 29CCB]
First of all, I only had one type of chin tip reduction + retraction and a sandwich osteotomy!
 I'm going to write it down as I remember it.... My memory is starting to become blurry, so just for the record....
* I'm scared. Kim's Note

1. Pain
 - After the surgery, the surgery area was painful for about a week, and my bones were also painful. I was fine after taking the painkillers the hospital gave me. Even now, when I lightly press my front chin, there is still a slight tenderness that feels like I am pressing on a bruised area.
 The thing that hurt the most right after the surgery was my neck, and as the anesthesia wore off, my front jaw slowly started to hurt terribly...
 +) Oh, I had a toothache in my upper tooth, but it turned out it was just a cavity... For those who are going to outline it, get your cavities treated in advance. ...
2. Swelling
 - I didn't have a lot of swelling... I didn't have a lot of facial fat to begin with... So my lower jaw area swelled to the level of Thanos for about 10 days? After the 3rd week, almost all of it disappeared, and from the 4th week, I started to feel like a normal person.
 Even now, it's the 6th week and it's still going down... I heard that the front chin swelling is the last to go down, but I thought the swelling went away in the 4th week, but now I see that the 4th week is still swelling... haha ​​They say it will go down more in the future, so I'll have to look forward to it...
 And The doctor told me that the swelling and swelling would last for 3-6 months depending on my condition.
- Babon? That hard swelling appeared on both sides of the front chin, then disappeared on the left side, leaving only a little on the right side. This will go away soon, right...

3. Sensation
 - At first, I had no sensation in my front jaw, lower front teeth, and lower lip. Then, on the evening of the surgery, the surgical area started to hurt, so I guess all my senses were still alive.
 Now, the lips are 95% back, and the lower jaw and front teeth are slowly coming back from the left...
- Ah, when the feeling in the lips comes back, there were times when it felt a little painful, like a muscle being twisted. When the feeling comes back, it can be painful, numb, or tingling.

4. Movement
 - There is no problem with the movement of the lips or front jaw and I can open my mouth, so I am currently receiving cavity treatment at the dentist... I am eating well and my smile is fine, so just by looking at the way I speak, it does not show that I have had surgery.

5. Appearance ( Result)
 - Although it is only the 6th week, the chin has become much shorter and has improved greatly. If you take a picture with a camera, there is a clear difference and the mask becomes wider!
- I originally had a really long chin, and I also had a malocclusion, so I still have a protruding chin.
 (One of the baseball mascots has a chin... It looked like his chin before surgery)
 So all the doctors I met said it was a typical orthognathic case... There are people who lament that people like you need orthognathics for treatment purposes, but people who don't keep coming and offering to do orthognathics. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
 Actually, I was upset because I refused to have double jaw ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
 But it was too long so they said that double jaw alone wouldn't work and that they would have to cut off the front chin too hahaha....
- The hospital where I had surgery keeps my original face as much as possible? Since I tend to perform surgery conservatively, it's hard to find any reviews here... Haha. They explain the difference between orthognathic and contour, and this is the only way to do it. Are you willing to do it? I think you did it.
- Anyway, it got shorter and it got really tight just from the back..... Looking at the pre-surgery photo, I can see why everyone only saw my chin when I took off the mask...
 My husband is surprised when he looks at the pre-surgery photo haha.
 Even now after the surgery, most of the time. I usually have a thicker chin than the people who post here about double jaw or chin augmentation...
 Still, I'm satisfied ㅜㅜ I'm grateful just to be in the category of ordinary people + I'm thankful that there are no serious side effects...
- My acquaintances who I see occasionally don't really know what's changed. Something just felt different...? I feel like that, and my acquaintances who I see often feel that there has been a huge change.
 It feels like my lower jaw, which used to be sharp like a comb-patterned pottery, has become soft...?
- Ah, I understand if you explain it this way. In Snow, if you had to reduce the chin length by 100 before, now you only need to reduce it by 10!

6. Other
 - Oh, my voice didn't come out for a few days, but it came back well
- As for eating, I had no appetite at all because my body was so tired after the surgery, so I ate New Care for two days, and
 I only ate New Care and pumpkin porridge for about 3-4 days,
 and then I tried regular porridge. ....?
 I think I've been eating since about 10 days...?_? I don't remember very well... I was eating at some point
 , but I couldn't feel the feeling in my front teeth as I was chewing, so I guess I didn't eat much...
- I sat down and slept for about 7 days. My back is broken...
- I lost about 1-2 kg after the surgery, but it has now recovered!
- After a month, I was told I could gradually do some exercise that wasn't too strenuous, so I started swimming! It actually feels good to exercise
- I disinfected a lot for about 3 weeks, so I used up everything they gave me to disinfect, and then I bought sterilized purified water separately and added the disinfectant the hospital gave me, and did it again, and I kept doing it every hour or two like a person in a fit of rage. .LOL
......The end!?
 If I remember more, I'll add it as a comment...
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