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Contour Footprint Review 1: ㄹㅂㅇ, ㅂㄹㅇ

구구주두 2023-07-18 (화) 18:17 1 Years ago 2336 [CODE : 65301]
Ha, I came up to Seoul from Busan, and I thought my back was sore because it had been a while since I took the train.
 was the first hospital I went to after getting off the train.
 There was no consultation fee or CT fee!
 There was no wait at all, I got a CT scan right away and saw the director, who was very friendly and kind. But since it was my first consultation, I came out as foolish.
It's okay even if Director Hoho doesn't do it...? As he was talking, he said that it would be really good if he did it, but since the cheekbones were the first priority,
 he said that he could shave off 8~10mm on the right cheekbone and about 5mm on the left cheekbone. He said that it is better to cut a square jaw into a long curve, and that the tip of the chin is my choice. He said he didn't think it was necessary and that if he wanted to do it, he could just put some fat on the tip of his chin.
 He recommended that it would look pretty if I added some fat to my cheekbones and forehead. I think the consultation lasted 10-20 minutes, but I didn't ask many questions... I didn't come prepared in particular... The director made me feel comfortable by telling me several times that I could ask questions as I felt comfortable.
The price is 880 for square jaw + chin tip,
 660 for cheekbone reduction,
 308 for 1st and 2nd rounds of fat grafting (forehead, nasolabial fold, front cheeks),
 totaling 18,150,000 won..... I was a bit shocked...
 Still, I had budgeted 1,200, but is it because of the combined fat grafting? I thought it was very expensive... If I was going to do it here, I should do it during the next vacation...
I think they gave me a hair wash and two laser swelling treatments afterward, and I was able to contact the director separately and they didn't force me to pay a reservation fee. . He has 20 years of experience, so hmm, good! The reviews on Sungyesa were good, and I heard that there are a lot more reoperations than the first surgery, so I guess I believed it.
And that's what the director said, but I believe there is no sagging at all. At other hospitals, you have to be careful about opening your mouth for about 3 months, but here it's been 2 weeks. They say that even if you just open your mouth, it won't hurt because the bones are cut and there are no gaps or anything like that.
 Teacher’s pack width is so cool.
 Please tell me in advance that you may be hurt before the consultation.
 Those who want a detailed and friendly feeling will likely be hurt.
 They only say what is really necessary and leave right away,
 but they leave in a bit of a hurry. They leave without even looking at me for 10 minutes.
 Of course, there are times when I didn't ask many questions.
Director: His face is a bit dark. There is, but it is still clear and clear. I have good eyes. Instead, the face is a bit big and wide. The cheekbones are wide and the chin is broad.
 People may like or dislike the counseling style, but I
 look at the whole thing, not just the outline of the counseling style, so there seem to be some people who don't like it. He told me to stop getting lip fillers! Hahaha,
I feel confident even without bragging about myself.
 I wasn't recommended fat grafting for the chin tip, but I was recommended it at the hospital just before this, and they highly recommended it. ^^.. I was confused, but 8mm on the cheekbones can be reduced to almost the maximum.
 He said it would be effective because the asymmetry was a bit severe and the cheekbones were large. And I liked that you said that the angle below the ear should be left. The cheekbones are shaped like a trapezoid, which seems to be very helpful in preventing sagging, and I have thick bones, so they said it would be well fixed.
If you just do the surgery, I think it's type 2,
 the general surgery is 10.27 million won,
 and if you write a review, it's 8.76 million won.
 There was a discount for same-day reservations, but I didn't plan on doing that, so there was no pressure to pay the reservation fee
 for the pass.
 There was no CT TV consultation fee.
 He was so cool that I thought he had lost his mind or was possessed..
 I didn't even ask if he would be a good match, and I couldn't ask about follow-up care, so I wanted to make another consultation appointment. .LOL
 There are 7 more consultations left ^__^ Fighting
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원래 있던 쌍커풀에 라인을 살짝만 높이고 싶어서 1년 넘게 쌍테를 붙이고 다니다 슬슬 쌍테 붙이는 게 귀찮아졌음 성예사에서 열심히 손품 팔아 상담을 받고 바로 결정을 했음 실장-원장-실장 순으로 상담했고 수술 당일에도 실장-원장-실장 순으로 상담 받고 들어갔음 상담 때도 원장님 실장님 너무 친절하시고 느낌이 좋아 결정한건데 수술 때도 변함없이 좋았음 병원 시설이 깨끗해서 제일 좋았고 수술 전에 원장님 얼굴 보고 잠들고 라인보려고 눈떴을 때도 원장님이 계서서 안심했음(ㅋㅋ) 수술실에 계시는 분들도 다 친절해서 좋았음 그리고 원하던 대로 라인이 나와서 만족스러움 무엇보다 기술이 좋으신건지 이틀째인데도 붓기가 거의 없음! 지긋지긋한 쌍테와 인사하게 되어 너무 좋고 주변에 쌍수 하려는 지인 있으면 열심히 추천해주고 다니려함 칭찬이 너무 많아서 브로커나 돈 받고 쓰는 것처럼 보일까봐 걱정이 갑자기 되는데 내가 쓴글 보면 알겠지만 절대절대 아님ㅋㅋㅋ
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