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Everyone, please read this. Never go to this hospital.

으힉 2023-06-30 (금) 11:23 1 Years ago 4262 [CODE : 1A171]
<If you give me a comment, I'll tell you everything about the hospital and the director without the initials>
 Do you know the hospital in Gangnam, Seoul that is famous for reoperations? He also does YouTube. Haha,
 the representative director only does reoperations and is very famous for that.
 The rest of the directors are like Fedak.
 I was the first one, and epicanthoplasty, in-out through incisions for eye correction,
 epicanthoplasty? Mongolian folds are still there and there is no opening at all.
 I had eye correction but it was ruined. The doctor himself said it was overcorrection. So I solved it again. Did you know that eye correction is done without anesthesia? It was really painful, but during the surgery they said no pain, no gain. When I look at the result, there is only pain and no gain. What kind of confidence can I have..?
The incision scar remains. Is it not a sunken scar on the inside, but flesh on the outside? Sticking out? It's such a scar. The eyebrows are all saggy, but it feels like a line has been drawn...
So far, I've been in and out of the hospital a few times after ruining my double eyelid and removing the overcorrection, but
 not once did I get an apology for re-operation for the damaged eye or wasting 6 months of my time. They just looked at my eyes and said that the surgery didn't go well, blah blah blah. If I have eyes, it looks like my double eyelid is ruined. Of course, who doesn't know that their eyes are ruined?
I said I didn't want to do the surgery again unless I got it from another doctor. Since the representative director is famous for reoperations, shouldn't the representative director do it?ㄹㅎ
 It's obvious that they won't give you a refund.. Don't be like me and skip the hospital ~
 This is the eye that will be used during the first consultation. Can not be done. He said it clearly, and since his eyes only showed in and out, he said it firmly and drew the line, so I thought to myself, "At least I'm not lying. I got plastic surgery, but not to mention the results, the plastic surgery was already ruined, so my attitude was like, what should I do?" haha.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

허두태 2 Months ago 2 Months ago Address
이챙웅 2 Months ago 2 Months ago Address
키키위새 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
피똥파커 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
Bellla 14 Days ago 14 Days ago Address
다얀 12 Days ago 12 Days ago Address
눈밐지 11 Days ago 11 Days ago Address
발품열심히파는중 3 Days ago 3 Days ago Address
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