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Finally, a review of 8 rhinoplasty products!!! Beware of long text

잇상 2023-06-12 (월) 19:31 1 Years ago 4788 [CODE : 278B4]
My nose: Slightly hooked/The tip of the nose is round and fat, so it's very fat/Pumpy nose bridge/The height of the bridge of the nose is not too high (it's not that low) + It's in between the eyebrows and the nose.
Weekdays Thursday/Friday It's morning and afternoon, so things like waiting times may vary. There
 may be slight differences such as the number of laser services, etc.
<<Thursday, 6/8>>
 1. Consultation fee: 10,000 won.
 Consultation with the director for about 10 minutes.
 As soon as you go, without waiting, the order of manager-director-director was
 originally from two friends, so it was the only place recommended by people around me. Where to go for consultation! They seem to recommend it for naturalness and minimizing side effects.
 I had a general idea of ​​the director's style and he said the reviews were kind and good, so I trusted my friend and went to this place (my friend's nose also turned out naturally and pretty)
(I put down a reservation deposit of 100,000 won/consultation fee of 10,000 won, but 90,000 won is refundable.
 It depends on the period. No refund)
Hooked nose + tip of the nose (if the nasal septum is insufficient, ear cartilage) + double
 nose First try raising the tip of the nose, and later, if it is insufficient, separate surgery.
 Sleep anesthesia Surgery time (an hour and a half)
3 surgeries on weekdays, 2 surgeries on Saturdays, in case of major surgery, only 1 on weekends
 as3 After the free one-year
 surgery, if you don't like the tip of your nose, you can re-surgery by
 paying only the anesthesia fee. When looking at the progress, it is not a nurse when you visit the hospital, but the director personally looks at it every time you come. It
was a place where I worried a lot until the end. It was always difficult to choose, so I thought I should just do it at the place my friends did...

2 ㅇㅊㅂ Consultation fee: 10,000 won.
 It seems like we talked for about 35 minutes in the
 order of director-director-director.
 He took pictures of my face and talked
 to me while looking at the pictures. He spoke in a calm style while touching the inside of my nose. He
 put a cotton swab in my nose and talked to me while looking at pictures of my face, but my face looked slightly different. It was asymmetrical. I didn't know about it until now, but this was the first time I realized it. When I looked at the picture, I thought I knew what I was talking about. The chin on one side was slightly raised and the two nostrils were also slightly different. First of all, the bridge of the nose was slightly curved to the left relative to the middle, so I had surgery assuming that the inside of the nose would also be slightly curved. He said he
 has thick skin and weak nasal cartilage.
 Nose bridge: 2mm of silicone between the eyebrows + slightly trimming the beak + thin silicone on the entire bridge of the nose (they said it would be a good idea to peel off silicone on the bridge of the nose because shaving the beak can make it bumpy again).
 Tip of the nose: septum cartilage + ear cartilage. +Columbia lowering
 surgery time 3 hours Sleep anesthesia
 There is a possibility of actual cost of about 50% due to a bent nose
 The director talked about the price and talked about making a same-day reservation He didn't even take out
 a cash card It's like
 surgery for one person per day
 Surgery only at 10 a.m. on weekdays
 3. ㅎㅌ CT (No consultation/CT fee) )
  Director-Director-Director I 
 consulted with 20 people today while looking at the CT, and they said that the nasal septum is the best.
 So, I will do it mostly with a nasal septum, but if it is not enough, I just use a little bit of ear cartilage.
 The director's consultation was very kind, refreshing and detailed. I
 waited for a long time, but he gave me very good consultation and explained clearly. Counseling tailored to the image of my face. Consultation
 focused on not touching much other than the areas that stress me out + the areas that need improvement as seen by the director. I
 thought the bridge of my nose was wide, but I was told that wasn't the case.
 It's true that the bridge of my nose is slightly wide, but the nose ratio matches the rest of my nose
 . ,Silicone on the bridge of the nose (a little to make it harmonious), nasal septum at the tip of the nose/if it is not enough, ear cartilage (almost can be used as a nasal septum), tying the cartilage inside the nose, straightening the nasolabial angle.
 Sleep anesthesia
 1 hour to 1.5 hours/2 hours to 2.5 hours if it takes a long time
 1 Swelling laser service for 7 days a day.
 If the swelling does not go down too much, injection service later.
 If you write a review photo 6 times, it will be 1 million
 won . Gangnam Unnie/Bobby Talk 3 times each (post-surgery, 1 month, 3 months)
 1 year as
 4. ㅅㅍㄹㅅ CT 10,000 won (You can take it or not)
 The building is large and the hospital is nice. The view is great. The facilities are the best out of the 4 places I went today.
 I got a CT scan right away with
 almost no waiting. The director-director-director's
 desk nurses are all friendly.
 The counseling director is extremely friendly and good at counseling.
 The director doesn't do anything roughly, but he's naturally a quiet style. He spoke very calmly (5 minutes consultation - he told me everything worth talking about in 5 minutes, so I have no complaints). The
 first time the director mentioned nose bridge reduction,
 after the consultation, I remembered it and asked the director if I raised the tip of my nose and reduced it, wouldn't the nose bridge become too small? But they said that couldn't be the case. I had a wide nose, so it would work better if they did the same. I was worried and confused because it was so contradictory to other hospitals. The
 cafe reviews were good, and the hospital showed me photos of nose cases, which I liked the most. All of the nose review photos they showed were pretty (of course, only the pretty ones). (I'll show you) There were many lines I wanted.
 One of the places I was thinking about until the end.
 Surgery time: 2.5 hours as long
 as 1 year.
 Under sedation
 , twice a day
 . Double nose correction, cartilage transplant, cartilage realignment, nostril reduction
 review + same-day reservation: -700,000 won.



Other people said ㅅㅍㄹㅅ is expensive and the building is really nice, so I thought it must be very expensive, but it was average

<<Friday 6/9>>
 1. ㅁㅇㄷ Photo + CT shooting (CT fee 10,000 won)
 Send consultation details via KakaoTalk.
The director gave the consultation neatly and well with CT. Explained by drawing on a photo. Basic and clean look.
Aquiline + implant + nose bridge reduction
 . Nose bridge: nasal septum + ear
cartilage. You can do it with no implants, but I think it would be better to peel it off
 → Another method: Shave the beak and fill the area between the tip of the nose and the beak with cartilage ( It may or may not need to be used during surgery).

Nose surgery (nasal septum + ear cartilage + nose correction + nostril lowering + curved nose + nostril reduction). ::Silicone decision to be made later
1 year free after-sales service (additional material cost, anesthesia fee included)
 , swelling care (injection, laser),
 1 time VIP care (skin care),
 breast injection (to be performed as needed after the procedure)

Review discount
 Barbie Talk Gangnam Unni, 3 each, a total of 6

2. ㅈㅅㅌ
Desk staff + managers are friendly!

There are many reviews on the eyes and nose at Jesta, so the nose is the biggest problem, but I asked if I could get an additional consultation for the eyes on the same day, and they said it was possible
 . The
was right next to me during the consultation.
First of all, I really liked the director! ! They were professional and explained the surgical method in great detail and explained it in the most detail out of the 8 places I consulted with.
Nose tip + hooked beak + nostril reduction + full
nose. Instead of raising the side of the nose, they just trimmed the beak a little and cut the cartilage between the hooked beak and the tip of the nose into pieces. I'm planning to do it as a single-attached surgery → If I cut it into pieces, it will look less lumpy and look more natural. Even
 when I raise the tip of my nose, the bottom of my nose feels round, so
I had a consultation for my eyes to be cleft at the same time as the reduction, and they looked at each angle and looked at it. My eyes are better than other people's average. He said it was narrow and raised.
 I asked him if he couldn't do this for fat removal because he had a lot of eye fat, and he said it would require an elevation, so he said he couldn't do it because he was scared.
Sleep/local anesthesia
review discount - 1 million won
 contract. About 15 to 20 sheets should be sent every 1-2 months for 1 year.
 (In this case, in the past, other reviews said that they would check each and every angle and bother me, so I just gave up because I was afraid of stressing out.)

3. Well, if you are curious about this place, please leave a private message.
No consultation fee.
 Take a picture and consult almost immediately without waiting.
 The manager-director-director
is unusual. As we continued talking in the room, the director came in and consulted with the director (while the director was still with me).
(The director consulted)
 He asked me if I had received a lot of counseling, and I said yes, so I put it into words, but the atmosphere was strange. And I had a reservation later, so I couldn't remember the name of the hospital, so I went to Apgujeong. 'I'm going'? Normally, other customers told me the name of the hospital,' so I was embarrassed, so I came up with a name and told him.
When I was talking about the price with the manager, he said he would deduct 500,000 won if I made a same-day reservation, but I asked if he could tell me by tomorrow. I was upset about something and asked
why it was tomorrow. I had a reservation for the next consultation and I came from far away and had to take the train up right away, so I said I didn't have time to think. 'You can think about it while you're on the train, right?' ㅇㅈㄹ
 Then, if it doesn't work, should I just say no? Is that really that unpleasant? Is it okay to show your bad feelings to someone who could be that person? I thought that
 later, even if the surgery went wrong or there was a complaint, I would fight with the customer, so I thought the answer was not to do it.
 Then, I couldn't do it because it was a same-day reservation, but I asked for an answer by tomorrow morning, so I came out and said I would find out.
During the consultation, I told the customer from the beginning through KakaoTalk later. He either said that he would do it or just said it to himself hahaha. What kind of thing would he do for him on the first day?~~~~ It's something he knows and it might be boring to repeat the same thing, but what's the point? I thought I would come alone and move on. Oh, of course, I didn't get this part sorted through KakaoTalk.
 When I was consulting with the director, he kept typing next to me, so I thought the details would come later on KakaoTalk, but there was nothing.
KakaoTalk organized the surgery area + surgery price,
and there are 7 consultations including the hospital. It was my first time, but the manager was the worst.
 He didn't have anything to say, so I went to the consultation and came out in a bad mood. Do you think I'm okay with it? Am I a lack of qualifications?
 The director took good care of me, so it was okay, but unless it's something special, I don't think I'd choose it.
The director definitely seems to like a flashy look. If you look at the way he draws it, he draws it in a way that raises the tip of the nose and inserts silicone, compared to other hospitals.
Sleep anesthesia
, silicone + nasal septum cartilage + Double nose correction + nasolabial angle correction + humpback correction + possibility of adding donated costal cartilage
(price was cheap)


4. ㅋㅇㅍㄹㅅ CT fee 10,000 won
Director very friendly
 Director friendly in consultation
Director-Director-Director I
had the longest consultation with the director here, and there are many photos of similar cases. I liked it the most out of all the ones you showed me and used a nose-shaped cotton swab.
 It seems like you're looking for something natural.

When asked which is better between non-implants and implants (thin silicone), and I couldn't answer, he explained the pros and cons of the two and recommended that non-implants would be better. You
 can reduce the nostrils if you want, but if you raise the tip of the nose, the tip of the nose will become thinner, so try the tip of the nose first and do it later. They said it would be late.
 They showed me a picture at the hospital, but it felt more
 natural than a fancy nose + improvement in problems. They
 touched my nose in the most detailed way and gave me advice. There were more because I consulted for a long time, but I don't remember..
 Hooked beak, no implants, nose tip, double nose correction,
 free swelling laser whenever you want
 ( I asked if I could go every day, and he said I could come every day.)
 Price (price when I wrote a review + no review event, so it's just the regular price)
 ㅎㅌ>ㅋㅂㅈ(review Review
 _ I was organizing it haha. I have summarized the reviews of the surgery hospital in the previous post, so please take a look at the questions you are curious about!! Then, I will come back tomorrow with a nice nose!!
If you have any questions, please ask in the comments~
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안녕~ 나는 지난주 토요일에 절개눈매교정+쌍커풀+앞트임으로 쌍수 첫 수술을 했어. 지금 5일차고 낼 모레 실밥을 풀어 눈 뜨는 힘이 너무 약해서 절개로 수술했어 앞트임은 이미 충분히 트여있어서 몽고주름만 제거하는 정도로 트임은 살짝만 했어 수술 직후에도 이마로 계속 눈 뜨려해서 의사선생님이 눈뜨는 연습 꼭! 하라고 하셔서 매일 거울 보면서 틈틈이 하는 중이야 ㅎㅎ 아직 일주일도 안됐고. 절개로 수술했는데 생각보다 붓…
54 Minutes ago
내가 코수술 할때 제일 원햇던건 콧대가 남자답게 뽝 서있는 느낌만 있으면 만족한다 였어. 한 5개월 열심히 후기도 보고 찾아보다가 느낀거지만(진짜 내 개인적인 생각) 일자코를 한걸 여러군데 보니까 진짜 다 비슷였어. 그래서 내가 너무 낙천적인 것도 크겟지만, 대형병원이 사후관리도 편할거라 생각도하고 공장애서 찍어낸 듯한 남자코도 괜찮다,높게만 세우자가 중요해서 가게 됫는데 너무 만족하고있어 :) 미용코랑 기능 둘다 해서 입원도 했는데 시설도 …
1 Hours ago
Nose job - 미호성형외과 Cmt 4 View 172 Like 0
상담 여러곳 다니다가 결국 마지막으로 상담갔던 병원에서 수술 받았다 ㅋㅋ! 가자마자 CT찍고 상담했는데 상담이 되게 전문적인데 알아듣기 쉽게 설명해주는거 같아서 좋았어 :) 내 기본적인 코가 얼굴에 비해서 큰데 또 비중격은 작은편에 속한다고 하시더라 그래서 비중격만 단독으로 쓰기엔 코끝 세우는데 조금 무리가 있어서 늑연골 쓰자고 하셨어 나는 나중에 처지는 것도 싫고, 내 거로 튼튼하게 오래 유지하고 싶어서 자가늑으로 수술했어 ㅎ …
1 Hours ago
Nose job - 미호성형외과 Cmt 2 View 113 Like 0
매부리가 진짜 심한편인데 기본 콧대는 있는 편이라 무보형물로 코수술했엉! 워낙 콧대 매부리가 고민이었어서 잘 몰랐는데 상담때 원장님께서 제 비주쪽도 안으로 들어가 있는 편이라고 말해주시더라구..? 나 처음 알았엉.. 병원 5군데정도 발품 돌았는데 이런거 말해준 곳은 여기가 처음이야..! 뭔가 이쪽은 내가 잘 모르기도 하구 비주는 크게 신경 안쓰고 살던 부분인데 말해주니까 신기하기도 하고 좀더 세심하게 여기저기 봐주는 느낌이라 좋았당 ㅎㅎ …
1 Hours ago
Bodyshaping job Cmt 2 View 65 Like 0
예사들~ 나 허벅지 무한람스하고 두달 좀 넘었는데 이정도면 경과 좋은편일까? 허틈없이 살아와서 허틈 생기고 허안살 엄첨 많이 빠지긴 했거든~ 병원에서 후관리 받을때 마다 둘레도 재는데 지금 4.5센티 줄었공~ 오랜만에 만나는 지인들한텐 진짜 많이 빠졌다고 얘기는 들어~ 근데 예전보다 팍팍 둘레가 줄지는 않더라고 정체기인가ㅜㅜㅎㅎ
2 Hours ago