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I received mesojibun + extracorporeal shock waves!

koreadreww 2023-06-07 (수) 20:19 1 Years ago 603 [CODE : C9C4B]

hi! I stopped taking Rams because of my constitution!
I went to get treatment today! As expected, this branch is really kind ㅠ.ㅠ and just like an angel.. I love it.
 It's perfect for a shy kid like me ㅠ_ㅠ Ugh... I'm so glad I received RAMS and was managed with confidence..
Anyway, I felt enough regret in the previous post. Now that I've marked it... I'll focus on the aftercare
1. Take a barcode at the desk, take off your clothes (take off your top and put on a gown with your underwear on),
 measure your weight, and move to the treatment area!
 (There is a signpost(?) above to move around, but they are kind enough to guide me so I don't get lost..ㅠㅠ)
2. In the extracorporeal shock wave treatment room(?) where I was guided, I lie down on the bed and the teacher measures the thickness of my arms, waits for a while, and then applies the treatment
 to both arms. After applying the oil, start the extracorporeal shock waves!
 (Before the procedure, I was informed about what it usually feels like and that I might be surprised because it was an unfamiliar experience.
 They also told me first if I had to change my posture or do any other actions, so I was not nervous and felt very comfortable.)
3. First of all, it hurts a little when entering the bone area! I'm not insensitive to pain, but it was bearable!
 And I experienced first-hand that when people are hit, they bond together haha.
 Since the bones are also hit, it doesn't hurt at all and becomes dull haha.
It feels like hitting a baby with the maximum power with a toy mallet that babies play with.
 In some reviews, it was said that it was a comfortable sleep and came out, but... I think I will sleep well after receiving it.
4. After the shock wave is over, I go to get a mezojibun injection!
 This time, I lay down on my stomach and waited, but...my expression looked like I was in pain. ㅠㅠ The teacher gave me
 an ice pack because he said it would help me feel less pain!! ㅠㅋㅋㅋ Thank you.. That's right, I'm scared..
5. After the compress, it looks like a hot glue gun. They give an injection with a gun, but
 the ice pack is really nice; I was surprised that the area where the
 ice pack was applied didn't hurt at all... I didn't feel anything, so I was wondering if the injection wasn't going in.
 I didn't feel anything. The area where the ice pack wasn't applied was just a timid tingling sensation.
 They asked me where I was worried and injected the injection focusing on that area. It was so good!
6. End of treatment! Oh, I didn't know it was because it didn't hurt at all, but when I got to the locker room and looked in the mirror,
 I saw bruises that I had seen in other reviews! (Photo attached) I
 changed clothes and came out, and the teacher who counseled me looked at me wistfully. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
 He comforted me and told me that I worked hard... .
Maybe the fat is being broken down, but when I used Tune Body in the past, I felt very hungry as soon as I got it, but
 I was hungry again this time, so I bought 4 Tanghulu from a nearby Wangatanghulu and returned home..!
I know that this type of treatment usually takes at least a week to be effective, but
 I don't know what this is like?!
 First of all, the first procedure today is over!! I'll post all 4 episodes and post how much it's decreased in the final post!
And those of you who are interested in Rams! Even though I'm not good at it, I don't know what happens after Rams, but
 my friend had Rams at the place where I first received counseling?! I will tell you again after hearing about it!!!!
I hope this is helpful to the artists... To be honest, it's a bit cumbersome to write this down, but I'm
 leaving it here because I want to help the artists who cheered me on and left kind words... and artists like me who want to get Rams without any information but are
 really worried!
Most of this article has useless words! Anyway, I hope this helps!!! hi!!
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