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If I had known in advance, I would not have had surgery at this hospital, but I regret it. I hope there are no victims like me. / Under-eye side effects

수지지지 2023-04-21 (금) 11:43 1 Years ago 13028 [CODE : 38D98]
병원 측 의료법 허위거짓안내 카톡내용

<병원 측 의료법 허위거짓안내 카톡내용>

병원 측 의료법 허위거짓안내 카톡내용

<병원 측 의료법 허위거짓안내 카톡내용>

병원 측 의료법 허위거짓안내 카톡내용

<병원 측 의료법 허위거짓안내 카톡내용>

병원 측 의료법 허위거짓안내 카톡내용

<병원 측 의료법 허위거짓안내 카톡내용>

<KakaoTalk contents of the hospital’s false medical law information><KakaoTalk contents of the hospital’s false medical law information><KakaoTalk contents of the hospital’s false medical law information><KakaoTalk contents of the hospital’s false medical law information>The surgery was performed at xx Plastic Surgery Clinic located in Sinsa.

If I had known in advance, I would not have had surgery at this hospital, but I regret it. I hope there are no victims like me.
This is a review about the side effects after surgery, absurd responses and answers, and false information. (Detailed side effects are at the bottom.)
※ My hospital, where the side effects occurred, seems to be promoting various things like Foxya, Gaasa, Seongyesa, etc. under the guise of customers.
Please check carefully whether the author is a broker or an actual reviewer.

▶▶Under-eye relocation + dark nano fat transplantation | Detailed side effects after anterior cheek transplant:
       Numbness in half the face / tricythodontic / entropion of the eyelid / worsening dark circles / Disappearance of cuteness boundaries, etc.

After rearrangement under the eyes, feelings of disdain and side effects occur (white eyes, loss of sensation, change in expression, no improvement in dark circles)
 Feeling anxious, I requested the director's progress, but the hospital did not provide the director's progress in conclusion and said,
 "It is correct to monitor the progress by observing the fat adhesion and engraftment rate for about 6 months to 1 year after the surgery." I had no choice but to wait for the answer,
 and as someone who has had many surgeries, I knew that things would get better with time, so I waited.

More than 6 months passed, and the symptoms were the same, so I had to continuously check with the director and
 had a hard time finding the progress. (Until now, the hospital would ask you to send a photo via KakaoTalk and respond via KakaoTalk based on the photo.)
 In fact, if there was no problem with your face, there would be no need to contact you other than swelling management.
It took about 8-9 months to see the progress.


The answer I received after having worked so hard to figure out the progress was ridiculous.
= The director quickly responded and left due to surgery, and the counseling director responded additionally.

>> Dark circles were not improved. I requested before and after photos
       , but I was not able to see the photos as they said they would be discarded once the surgery was completed.
     The answer was that it was possible to cover it once more by doing a third transplant, but that it was not recommended and that I should think about it.

>> Is the sensation strange not only in the area where the surgery was performed, but also in the lips?

      : That area is not where surgery was performed..? I received the answer.,,,

>> When I smiled, one of my eyes did not go up and my eyes widened. I asked them to open it and check if after-sales
      service is working, but they said this is their first time seeing a case like mine and there is nothing they can do even if they open it because it is a melting room, not a fixed room inside.
        I received the reply:

After seeing the progress, I did not understand at all and had no energy, so I went back and contacted the guardian to meet Jae-kyung again. However, the hospital gave false information, saying it was a violation of medical law to check the patient's progress with a guardian. (I asked more than 5 times over the phone and through KakaoTalk)

▶ They did not keep track of the progress with the guardian, citing Article 21 of the Medical Service Act (recording, viewing).
   (Confirmed by a lawyer - this is false information.)

When I asked the guardian to inform me that it was also a violation of the medical law, they
 said I had no obligation to talk to the guardian.

Afterwards, trust in the hospital was lost, and future after-sales service and treatment progress were judged to be meaningless, so a
 full refund and an apology from the employee who informed him of the violation of the medical law were requested, but

the hospital's response was that it was difficult to apologize to the employee and refused, saying half price.


As someone who is suffering from side effects from fat relocation under the eyes, I would like to ask you this.

Once surgery has been performed on the face, it can never be returned to its original state. The hospital also does not take responsibility. Even if the hospital takes some responsibility through refunds or compensation for damages, it cannot compensate for the side effects that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. In reality, we cannot take full responsibility for the patient's life. In the end, irreversible side effects from plastic surgery inevitably fall entirely on the patient.

If a review of a hospital's side effects is posted on a domestic site or a domestic app, temporary measures will inevitably be taken upon request from the hospital. Numerous articles praising plastic surgery pour in, but reviews of side effects are quickly hidden from consumers' eyes. Ultimately, it is difficult for consumers to make rational choices based on sufficient information. Side effects are irreversible. This review was written with the intention of sharing information in the hope that those who are considering or have decided on plastic surgery will choose carefully, keeping in mind that the possibility of becoming a party to the side effects of plastic surgery is not low.

★ (It will be helpful if you look at the “actual reviews” of side effects on Bobby Talk and Seongyesa (homepage)! These are actual reviews.
  However, I know that a lot of recommendations and comments come from advertisements and brokers.)

Always get plastic surgery I hope people will find out everything, think twice, and be careful.

 This post was written based on the ‘consumer rights’ guaranteed by our Constitution and the Basic Consumer Act, and other than the purpose of sharing information and providing help to other patients, We would like to inform you that there is no intention to defame medical institutions.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
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찰푸 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 467D4] Address
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미루1162 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 42D87] Address
와 말도 안돼.. 실장 뭐 자기 마음대로ㅋㅋㅋ 안내하네?
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
[@미루1162] 음.. 전화로도 안내팀도 똑같이 의료법 위반이라고 안내했어 각자 다른직원이였는데 .. 병원 메뉴얼인듯 싶어 ;
퀸서 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38545] Address
뭐야 나도 엄청나게 화가나는데??? 저런곳은 폐업해야함
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
[@퀸서] 나도 처음에 잠 깐 화가났지만 어이가없엇어
도리반네밍밍이 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2EACA] Address
ㅠㅠㅠ아휴 부작용 진짜ㅠㅠ 마음 고생 심하겠다 지금 상태는 어때..ㅠㅠ
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
[@도리반네밍밍이] 동일해 ㅠ ㅠ
삐지닝 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 3F3EA] Address
진짜 망했으면 좋겠네 저런곳
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
[@삐지닝] 그렇게 생각해 ㅜ
왁썬뷰티 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 18BE6] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
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왁썬뷰티 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 18BE6] Address
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마이얀 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2B565] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
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궁금 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1D25F] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
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루이다이 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 25E6B] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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니냐뇬 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 7DFAB] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
[@니냐뇬] 신사에 있는 이노성형외과의원 이야
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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쩡어리 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 4EBD7] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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김땡자 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 45CE5] Address
바비톡너플에 부작용 사례에서 본것같은?내용이네요..같은 분인지는 모르겠지만 하..제가 다 속상하네요ㅠㅠ
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
iiilliiili… 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1CB99] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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눈팅좀 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 434D0] Address
나도 실장녕좋아했는데 부작용얘기나오니까 딴사람돼더라.. 사람 믿으면 안돼
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
[@눈팅좀] 맞아 .. ㅜ ㅜ
하푸추 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 533C1] Address
어이가 없다 진짜
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
[@하푸추] 딱 제 기분이 그랬어요 어이가없어서 말도 안나오더라구요..
peso 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2EA17] Address
*게시자가 삭제하였습니다.
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
[@peso]  ㅠㅠ 좀 심한편 같아요
미니지니7 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1C398] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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눈나누난 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1A1B7] Address
저런병원은 없어져야돼..
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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gaia 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 29CCB] Address
의료법 어쩌구 디게 뻔뻔하게 사기치네... ㅡㅡ... 망해버려야 하는 병원이다 지짜
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
[@gaia] 맞아 ㅜㅜ
ch 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 22B1E] Address
헐.저도 눈밑지방재배치 고민중인데.혹시병원이름 어디에요?
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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쿠앤크스무디 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1C333] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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해피해피스마일 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1C38C] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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해피해피스마일 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1C38C] Address
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무서워덜덜덜 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 15B75] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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무서워덜덜덜 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 15B75] Address
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멍멍이 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2B90C] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 27834] Address
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peachmilk1… 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 6F61A] Address
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안면비대너무시러 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 46793] Address
진짜 너무하다....와..
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
[@안면비대너무시러] 너무하죠 ..
가유 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 4949F] Address
와..아 진짜 너무 못됬네요 글보고 화가 나네요 ㅜ
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
[@가유] 같이화내주셔서 감사해요~
쩡이 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2B366] Address
정말 나쁘네요ㅠ병원정보좀주세요~
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
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맘뷰링 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : BC38C] Address
진짜 그지같은 병원이내요 저런데는 널리 알려야해요 수술후 부작용은 책임지고 보상해주던가 아니면 환자 얼굴 정상될 때까지 의학적 도움을 줘야지 나몰라라..??반액 환불...??별 거렁뱅이 같은 병원을 다봤네요...그 병원 어딘가요??
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
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닭둘기구구 10 Months ago 10 Months ago Address
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웃음아자 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 29C07] Address
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수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
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웃음아자 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 29C07] Address
[@수지지지] 하..정말 아무것도 할수없어서 너무 속상하다..그래도 이런거라도 조심하라고 말해주는게 진짜 큰 결정이라 생각해..해줄수있는건 없지만 전액환불이든 반액이든 환불받고 재수할수있으면 해서 부작용나아지길 기도해줄게
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
[@웃음아자]  고마워 좋은하루되!
가족에게도 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 4EA29] Address
저도 부작용 주장했지만 절대로 인정안합니다 병원측은 디시 해주겠다는 말뿐 부작용은 아니라고ㅠ난 죽도록 힘든데ㅠ 인생 완전 망가졌는데도 병원은 나몰라라ㅠ 근데 지금도 잘한다고 ㅠ 브로커들 엄청나네요ㅠ 참..암울하네요ㅠ
저도 그맘 다 겪어낸 사람이라..힘내시길바래요 힘~!!용기내서 이렇게. 글 쓰시고 알리는거에
수지지지 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 38D98] Address
네 감사합니다~
쿠쿠큐유 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 7DEF5] Address
에휴 ㅠㅠ
janieee 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
정말 너무하네요..게다가 전액 환불에 보상을 해줘도 모자랄판에 뻔뻔하기까지. 맘고생 많이 하셨을텐데 힘네세요. 도데체 어느 병원인가요? 저런곳은 소문나서 망했으면 좋겠네요
Forusmeyou 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
헐 저도 여기 갈려고 했는데.. .글 쭉 다 읽어봤는데 충격적이네요.. 눈밑지같은 경우는 재수술로 회복이 어려운가요..?
폼포푸리리링 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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실패하지않기 7 Months ago 7 Months ago Address
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존나 걍 망함. 매몰 풀려서 갔는데 심각한 양쪽 쌍꺼풀 비대칭에 (짝짝이) 고정 센 인상이 되어 이전 자연스러운 눈과 전혀 딴 판의 눈이 되어버렸음. 눈매교정 해야된대서 했는데 오히려 이전보다 더 졸린 눈 됨. 한동안 대인기피증 겪음. 그리고 심지어 이전 매몰일때 쌍꺼풀 두께 그대로 해 달랬는데 걍 두배는 두껍게 해놔서 쏘세지 쌍꺼풀 만들어놓음. 두께 두꺼워진거 같다고 얘기하면 여전히 붓기 얘기, 환자 흉살 얘기만 계속해서 대화의 의미가 없음. 사후관리는 아~예 없는 수준임. 경과체크도 내가 물어봐서 잡음. 누가봐도 짝짝이인데 병원에서는 주구장창 환자 붓기탓 하면서 세월아 네월아 시간 보내게 함. 최소한 수술 직후에 의사가 환자 들러서 수술 잘됐다 어땠다 평은 해주지 않나요? 수면마취 깨서 회복방 눈떠보니 의사가 퇴근해 있음. 더 소름인건 허벅지에서 뺐던 지방을 병원에서 보관중이래, 근데 이걸 6개월 뒤에 스쳐가는 말로 간호사가 해줘서 알았음. 왜 이런 기본적인 사항을 수술전이나 당일에 얘기 안해준거죠? 여튼 여러모로 이런 최소한의 시스템도 안 돼 있는 병원을 택한 내가 븅이지 에혀
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8 Minutes ago
Bodyshaping job - 압구정탑라인의원 Cmt 0 View 113 Like 0
압구정ㅌㄹㅇ에서 상체전신지흡한지 3주됐어요 ☺️ 지흡으로는 알아주는 병원이라고 들어서 상담하고 바로 그날 다음날 수술하는걸로 예약 잡았어요 워낙 타고난 상체비만에 흉통도 넓고 근육량도 좀 있고 통짜허리라 몸만보면 스트레스받구 글고 여자라면 공감할 개 짜증나는 브라자 튀어나오는 등살 .. 워낙 상체 돼지라 별 기대안하고 갔는데 경은실장님께서 수술경과 좋은 케이스같다구 하셔서 밑져야 본전이지 하고 했던거 같아요,, 그런데 진…
3 Hours ago
Eyelid job - 에스엠성형외과의원 Cmt 2 View 152 Like 0
쌍수로 유명하다고 해서 지인 추천받고 갔어요 상담, 수술 모두 만족스러웠습니다 절개로 수술했고 사실 상담 시 디자인할 때 인아웃으로 그렸는데 결과물은 아웃라인이 됐어요 그치만 전 이게 너무 맘에 들어서 오히려 좋습니다..!! 붓기-절개여서 오래갔습니다 큰 붓기는 3개월 정도 걸린 것 같고 잔붓기까지 모두 빠진 게 반년 이상 걸린 것 같아요 실밥 제거 하나도 안 아프고 그냥 느낌도 안 났어요,,
5 Hours ago
Eyelid job Cmt 0 View 134 Like 0
10개월차 정도 됐어 2년정도 쌍테 달고 살았더니 피부가 두꺼운건 아닌데 눈살이 많이 늘어나서 덮이는 느낌이었어 3군데중 2군데에선 절개 추천, 1군데에선 매몰+지방제거 추천했는데 첫수술이라 걍 매몰 해버림 ㅎ 미간 넓어서 자연스러운 느낌으로 약간 앞트임도 같이했음! 눈앞머리 모양도 너무 뾰족하게 하기 싫었는데 괜찮게 된 것 같아
5 Hours ago
Nose job - 위버스성형외과의원 Cmt 0 View 135 Like 0
위버스 성형외과 심정환 원장님께 코 재수술을 받았고, 현재까지 부작용 없이 만족스럽게 지내고 있습니다. 심정환 원장님은 상담을 매우 꼼꼼하게 해주시고, 환자의 니즈를 잘 파악하여 원하는 코 모양으로 수술해 주셨습니다. 지금 은 너무 행복 하게 보내고 있어요
6 Hours ago
Eyelid job - 제이티성형외과의원 Cmt 1 View 151 Like 0
안검하수 치료 겸 미용목적으로 수술했는데 너무너무 자연스럽고 예뻐서 만족해요!! 제이티성형외과 김진태원장님께 수술 받았는데 라인이 너무 예뻐요!! 붓기도 많이 없었고 흉터도 거의 없어서 너무 좋습니다ㅠ!!
7 Hours ago
Jawline job Cmt 0 View 85 Like 0
난 돌출입이 너무 스트레스라 치아교정 시작했는데 확실히 입이 들어가긴 한거 같은데 아직은 뭔가.. 만족스럽지 않다,, 그래도 옆모습은 이제 좀 마음에 들어 근데 정면에서 내 얼굴 보면 묘하게 뭔가 교정전보다 인중이 길어보여.. 근데 뭐 입이 들어가니깐 어쩔 수 없는건가 (왼쪽 사진은 학생때고 오른쪽은 얼마전에 찍은 사진!)
7 Hours ago
Bodyshaping job Cmt 0 View 117 Like 0
얼지흡 후기... 3월에 했고 이벤트가 40얼마?? 였나 50얼마였나 보고갔는데 그거 말고 레이저로 분해하고 하는거 하래서 땡기미 포함 80정도 들었음 이거다 강남언니에 잇는내용ㅇㅇ 결론적으로 얼굴에 인모드 3번정도 맞은 후여서 얼굴 지방도 몸에비해 별로 없었고 나같은 경우는 지방형이 아니라 근육처짐이어서 라인개선은 됐지만 눈에띄게 줄어들진 않음 다만 이거 하고 한달뒤에 다른곳에서 올리지오 써마지 이런거 맞았을때는 칼턱 유지되긴 했음 지…
8 Hours ago
Eyelid job - 투비성형외과의원 Cmt 1 View 168 Like 0
수술 하기 전에 눈을 눈썹을 떠서 오랜시간 뜨고 있으면 눈 피로가 심했는데 이번에 수술하면서 안검하수를 고쳐서 눈에 피로가 확실히 덜해진거 같아서 너무 좋았어요! 또 상담하러 갔을때도 딱 물어본 수술에 대한 답과 정보를 알려주시고 다른 수술을 권하시거나 하는것도 없어서 너무 좋았습니다! 무엇보다 미성년자라서 부담스럽지 않게 되었으면 좋겠었는데 너무 맘에 들게 딱 되어서 좋았어요! 무엇보다 다른 병원에선 다 절개를 해야한다고 하셔서 무서워서 고민을 하고 …
8 Hours ago