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Thigh liposuction foot massage review

짱아언니 2023-04-10 (월) 13:14 1 Years ago 1472 [CODE : 312F8]
I have a really bad habit of being picky.
 I got a nose job and braces, but my mom paid for both of them so I didn't do any research and only went to two hospitals before making my decision.
 I was really lucky ㅋㅋㅋ It's been a little over 2 years since I got my nose job and about 5 years since I finished my braces, and I haven't had any side effects or problems yet ㅠㅠ
 But the reason I came to Sungye Sa to get information on hospitals and surgeries, I don't know if there are other surgeons out there, but I saw a post on Nate board about someone who got liposuction and skin necrosis. After reading
 many surgery reviews at Sungye Sa, I thought to myself that I was really lucky and that I took plastic surgery too lightly ㅠㅠ
 After going for a consultation this time, I think I understand why surgeons work so hard.. That's why I haven't been to many places, but even among the few hospitals I haven't been to, the differences between them were so big that I'm going to write a review, despite my embarrassment and pickiness, in the hopes that it will be of some help to the surgeons who made the list!
I'm a woman in my early 30s who lives in the suburbs.
 I had to go to Seoul for an exam, so I went there on the side, and I went to three places! The reason I chose these hospitals is because they were having an event called ㄱㄴㅇㄴ, ㅂㅂㅌ and since my boyfriend is controlling my spending, and since I went with him this time, I was a bit cautious about the cost… Out of the event hospitals, I knew there would be an additional charge anyway, but in order to fool my boyfriend, I mainly went to event hospitals for the first consultation.
 First of all, this was a hospital I had never heard of before, but they had anesthesiology and emergency medicine doctors on staff, and the director was a plastic surgery specialist, so I went there. The
 director was very kind, and since it was my first time getting liposuction, he told me about the principles of liposuction and how their hospital does the surgery.
 He explained in detail which areas I should remove how much from and what problems would arise if I removed more, and how the line would be reduced when I got liposuction:) The only
 thing I regret is that they didn’t do an ultrasound and I couldn’t see the director..?
 Since it was my first time visiting this hospital, I thought it was okay because the director gave good consultations, but I felt like I had to filter out the places after visiting two more. The price was on the condition of disclosing a photo of my legs, so my BMI was normal, but they said 480 for my calves and 480 for my thighs. This is
 the only hospital I've been to that did an ultrasound and had a consultation with the director. The atmosphere of the information staff was cold, so I was really nervous,
 I first met the director, he treated me so cheerfully that I relaxed.
 I thought my lower body was only a problem with my thighs and calves, but they also talked about 480 for my thighs. They said I didn't need to get my calves done, but when I went to OK, my calves weren't really fat-free, and I said I had quite a bit of fat. They asked if I had an ultrasound done, and I could see that there was almost no fat with the naked eye, and the ultrasound said that they could suction it, but it wouldn't be effective.
 The director checked my fat content directly with an ultrasound and consulted with the director. Unlike OK, which said that I had more fat than I thought, I had a lot of fat. Not much and mixed with muscle. He said that the thigh suction area and butt are sagging, so he said that it should be done lightly to improve the line. My opinion was the same as ㅇㅋㅇ, but since there is almost no fat on the calves, if you take out all that little, there will be side effects. He said that the calves look thick because they stick out toward the knees, so the calf line itself is fine. At the hospital I go to, he consistently gets botox (I told him that I regularly get calf botox). When I said that I ride an indoor bike, he told me that bending and straightening my knees makes the muscles around the knees come up, so he absolutely told me not to do it and told me to take it to Carrot right away. ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋ Of the hospitals I've been to for procedures and plastic surgery, except for the one where I got a nose job, all the directors were really bad, but Director Jㅅㅇ here is the best! They answered my questions well and the tiki-taka was good.. When I worked at a university hospital, the doctors I met had a lot of pride and would say whatever they wanted and make me feel intimidated, so I had a bad impression of doctorsㅠ This director didn't have that and it was really comfortable to consult with :)
 The price was bmi21, 55, so I called 294 without any additional cost and it wasn't a discount like the reviews, but the event price went up after I made the reservation, but they said they would give me the price that wasn't increased until April, but I had to make a reservation on the same dayㅠ It felt like they were forcing me, not forcing me, so it was a little uncomfortableㅠㅠ They said they would give me 294 if I made a reservation by today, but I'm thinking about it.. This
 seriously the worst hospital I've ever been to.. I came back feeling really bad.. I was originally going to go to ㄷㅌㅍ instead of here, but ㄷㅌㅍ called the day before and apologized and said the person who was going to do the surgery on the day of the consultation had expanded the area and it would be late, so they changed the reservation to a different day, so I said I'd go next time to fill the remaining gap. I looked it up and found that it was possible to make a reservation the day before and the reviews were pretty good so I made a reservation. It was the
 only hospital that took a consultation fee and it was prepaid^_^.. Since it was my first time, I got a discount so I only paid 10,000 wonㅋㅋㅋ Until I made the reservation, I didn't think at all that I should have paid the consultation fee~ But after going there and coming back, I felt like the consultation fee was such a waste.
 I had to wait for an hour^^ㅋㅋ

My appointment was for 3:30 but I arrived 10 minutes early and waited in the lobby until 4:10. After they measured my height and weight and went into the consultation room, they left me alone in the consultation room for 20 minutes. I've had to wait in the lobby for a long time because it was crowded in my life, but this is the first time I've seen a hospital leave me alone in the consultation room. The director came in at 4:24. You made me wait a long time as soon as you got here. Did you have a 4 o'clock appointment? When I said 3:30, I'm sorry you had to wait so long. It's Saturday so there are a lot of consultations. We get off work at 4:30..ㅋㅋㅋ
 I didn't mean to do that but I wasn't late for my appointment and I was the one who waited so when I said that, it felt like we would be overdue if the consultation took too long so I felt burdened by the consultation.. I talked nonsense here too and said that my calves don't have any fat so it would be a big deal. I asked if I had any more questions but they were cautious so I kept asking them in detail.. I only asked about side effects and they said that their hospital has their own technology so you can assume that there are 100% no side effects.. Not only plastic surgery but any surgery can't be free of side effects so when they said there are 100% no side effects my trust level hit rock bottom..ㅋㅋㅋ And they only consulted with the director and not the surgery.. The reviews say they consulted with the director but I didn't.. There were several directors but I guess they were all busy so when I waited in the lobby, they were chatting with a woman who I didn't know was the director's wife or an acquaintance. When I came out after the consultation, it was 4 o'clock. It was 34 minutes and I was waiting for the elevator with that woman, wondering if the director was leaving work.. I had a strong feeling that I was just being treated roughly because I was a pushover.... Price lol It was the most expensive, but the price varies greatly, so it can be expensive. I wasn't even mad because it was expensive. They said it was in the 500s, but they said there would be an additional fee because of my weight.. lol They didn't even measure my InBody or do an ultrasound, but they only measured my height and weight and said there would be an additional fee because of my weight, so I was dumbfounded.. I'm 157cm and 53kg, so of course I'm not slim, but I don't know how much fat I have, so I don't understand why they only charge based on my weight.. And this is what made me mad. They said they would discount it to 472 if I wrote a review, and since I waited for a long time, they would match the original review discount of 10% to 450 lol The side of my butt looks a little less fat, so the side looks a little less voluminous (as I mentioned elsewhere, it's not a serious level and they said transplantation is optional) They said it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a butt fat transplant at the discounted price. I heard a lot of people do it ㅋㅋ In the lobby, they were asking the person who decided to get the surgery, ㄱㄴㅇㄴ, ㅂㅂㅌ, I couldn't hear where it was in one place, anyway, I heard them write reviews in three places and ask for my ID (nickname to write reviews) until the day before the surgery. When I was in the consultation room, my boyfriend said he heard other people talking about reviews, so I was startled, but when I heard the reviews myself, it felt very much like they were pressuring me to write reviews using discount bait.
 Anyway, it was really bad!
I have never visited more than three hospitals for anything, and I thought that visiting multiple hospitals could cause confusion and delay the surgery, so I just visited two or three places that were okay, but this time I was going to be more careful and visit several places. Of course, it might be difficult to decide, but I went to several more places and looked at the places that didn't recommend additional surgery, the attitude of the consultation (since they already received money after the surgery, there might be doctors who were different, but I was definitely satisfied with the hospital director's proactive consultation, whether it was a procedure or a surgery), whether they pursued safety, and whether there were CCTVs in the operating room. Based on these criteria, I was going to choose the one that I liked the most.
I went to those three places and was about to make a reservation right away... but actually, I had a fight with my boyfriend.
 I thought he was having a hard time because his expression was bad during the consultation, so I asked him if he was in a bad mood, and he thought I was just worrying about liposuction, but he said that I seemed to have made up my mind to get the surgery, and asked if I was worried about money later since I quit my job to study. After hearing that, I was standing in the middle of the street. Don't you know that I've been stressed my whole life because of my lower body? Even if I diet, my lower body doesn't get rid of it. Even though I'll struggle financially later, it's not like I don't have money right now, and I don't want to live like I'm ugly. But when I cried and said that I didn't want to do it if the estimate exceeded my budget, she tried to comfort me and said that she was worried that I would have a hard time, but she said that she wouldn't stop me from getting the surgery, so instead, she told me not to make a decision right away and to come up again and visit other hospitals and choose carefully. She said that my ears are very thin and that every hospital tells different stories...
 If there's anyone who has had liposuction or has had consultations, please recommend a hospital :)
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수진이턱해불 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 77E96] Address
짱아언니 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 312DA] Address
콩콩유니콩 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 24813] Address
짱아언니 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 312DA] Address
코코호호 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 41423] Address
짱아언니 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : B7703] Address
흡지 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 31278] Address
김현지 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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