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Every time I look at your eyes, I cry (Review of Apgujeong Hospital, 2nd month of Two-Stripe Picking) + Add photo

슬퍼 2023-04-02 (일) 22:29 1 Years ago 19514 [CODE : 83C8F]

Even if I try not to pay attention to it as much as possible, I can see my lines just by lowering my eyes, and I apply 2 types of scar ointment, which is bad for my eyes, 3 times every day. I wonder if this is too much trouble, but I
 keep writing because I'm upset.
 But, I feel like I get a little strength when I look at the comfort and information from celebrities. I'm writing this.
 The scar is also a scar, but the reason it doesn't seem like a simple scar is that the line itself is distorted and bent. It's been like this since I first got the stitches.
 And can you see the dent in the middle? The tissue itself looked pitted, shriveled, and damaged, so
 I did it at a place that is famous for double eyelid surgery and reoperation and is good at AS, and I had it done at a place that often posts good reviews, but I was so upset to see results like this.
 Even though the lines on my eyes were thick before the surgery, they had soft curves. ... I don't know why they did it this way ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
 And the hospitals say there won't be much of a scar after picking the two lines, but look at my eyes, it's like this even though it's only been 2 months... Be really careful when picking the two lines!!
 Sir, I caught it and am going to see it this month, but the teacher got angry when I brought up the line topicㅠㅠ I also got angry and raised my voice and it became like we got into a little fight, so I'm scared to go... 2 hours at the hospital that day? I cried, but the manager soothed me. I kept crying on the way home, and
 when I open my eyes, I still feel less bent or lumpy, but there is still a bend, and the left and right sides don't
 line up . The photo came out blurry on my phone, so I improved the clarity.
 Since I added the photo, I felt like the lines were wrong from the beginning. The reason I told the teacher
 is to look at the difference between the left and right lines and the shape of the photo with my eyes closed when I have stitches.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

더슈 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 4A9FB] Address
속상하겠다 혹시 거기 맞아? ㄱㄹㅂ
나 재수 리스트에도 있는데 답변좀 달아죠 ㅠㅠ
뚜잇뚜잇튜 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 85277] Address
힘내 쓰니야ㅜ..
뉸뉴나나2 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 455BE] Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
민트달 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 46744] Address
진심으로 화난다...뻔뻔해원장이 자기가 되려 왜 화를 내지...
환불받고 치료비용까지 받아야됌
어딘지는 모르겠지만 양심없다 정말로
쓰니야 힘내고 병원측이랑 대화를 계속 해봐봐ㅠㅠㅠ
더글로리 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 83C8F] Address
[@민트달] 인정은 안할 거 같아서 벌써부터 복장 터질거 같아.........ㅠㅠ
이리앙 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 46760] Address
적반하장도 유분수지 ㅠㅠ
더슈 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : E43B1] Address
아 너무 속상하다 ... 의사 진짜 너무하네
두줄따기쿠키쿠키 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 4A38D] Address
너무 속상하겠다 .. 혹시 병원 어딘지 알 수 있을까 ..ㅜㅜ 속상할탠데 미안해 ㅜㅜ 시간지나면 나아질 수 있을꺼야
라엘무드 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2A6CF] Address
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더글로리 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 83C8F] Address
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라엘무드 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
[@] 난 아이큐에서 했어
젠득 4 Months ago 4 Months ago Address
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minn3322 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 312FC] Address
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yuy 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 312E5] Address
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슬퍼 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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joelle 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 127CA] Address
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더글로리 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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joelle 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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Xole 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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알리스 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
병원 알 수 있을까..?
mmnm 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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성공성공1 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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키커 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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농담곰젤리 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
병원정보 알 수 있을까.. 진짜 속상하다.. 나아지길 바랄게 진짜로
Bdjaj 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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ㅋㅋㅋ서아님 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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ㅋㅋㅋ서아님 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
나도저랫었어 한번삐뚤어진건  시간이지난다고 좋아지지않더라 흐려져도삐뚤어진건안변해 잘알아보고 재수술꼭성공하길바래 ㅠㅠ
minn3322 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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sisidnddl 11 Months ago 11 Months ago Address
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젠득 4 Months ago 4 Months ago Address
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새로운인생8 1 Months ago 1 Months ago Address
볼수록 화난다
실밥이 왜케 듬성듬성일까?!ㅠ
여기 진짜 어디니?
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