<위 전 아래 후><맞은 직후><Up Before Down After><Right after being hit>I was really worried, but then
I got lip filler and it hurtsㅠㅠI was so scared that I couldn't do it,
but I thought I didn't know and got it yesterday, and
I'm really very satisfied...
I can't believe I bought this nowㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
It's only been two days and it hurts, but I keep looking at my lips.
They're even thicker. I wonder if that was the case...?
Anyway, I'm very satisfied,,,,,,, I didn't even get bruised!
But what about a little more? There's only a scratch where the needle went in.
But I tend to put more force on my philtrum than I thought.
After getting lip filler, I feel like I'm trembling. It's so bad haha.