It's the 9th day now, and I only used donated dermis to align the bridge of the nose with the tip of the nose, but not the tip of the nose. Maybe it's because of overcorrection, but the eyebrows are high and the tip of the nose goes down further than the pronated nose, so the tip of the nose touches the lips.. haha The profile has to be straight up to the forehead, and maybe it's because of the swelling. The tip of the nose is so plump that it looks like a housewife even from the front... I guess the tip of the nose has come down because the nose bridge has been filled with dermis?? I didn't do it on the tip of my nose, but if this is absorbed into the dermis, will the tip of my nose rise again? When will the swollen dermis be absorbed? I haven't seen a big difference yet, so the swelling isn't severe... The lips are right below the tip of the nose... It's damp... Just like when you gain weight and fold it, it gets damp...