I heard that I look like Seulgi and Jo Yi-hyeon, but not my whole face.
Ha Gwan doesn't look like Seulgi, but I heard that my nose is high and my lips are pretty, and my harmonization is good.
But when I take a picture of him, I feel so stressed out and hate it, so I want to double-wield people
around me. Now, I used to say that I am unique and pretty, but then I become a common face for
no reason. Everyone is trying to stop me, so I'm even more worried. It's a statement of my opinion, but I like hot, sexy faces, so I don't know if people like Seulgi, Kim Go-eun, and Jo Yi-hyun are pretty...
so much . I want to semi-out because it seems like it will only cost me one mana if I go thin, but
is it right to go with my own preference or is it right to consider the opinions of those around me?