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Does anyone know or have had Leaf plastic surgery for a facial lift? (Leaf, not Belif)

영굴이 2023-02-24 (금) 00:27 1 Years ago 2839 [CODE : 2B6C9]
Contouring and drooping Come and find contouring Don't re-surgery, lift up.
 The university hospital told me not to touch the bones, so I had to lift it.
Does anyone know or have performed facial lift surgery at Leaf Plastic Surgery?
(Leaf, not Belif)
I went to belif, but the director's consultation ended really quickly and I didn't trust it
 . There were a lot of people, so I had a strong feeling that I would be left behind after the surgery.
 After contouring, I couldn't get in touch with the hospital, and I was neglected, so I avoided the feeling of a large
 hospital .
 When one person sold it, he said that he was sorry that it was not improved (showing a picture), and
 that he followed his friend at AGL and said that he had suffered from swelling and bruising for six
 . People's reviews say it's okay, and the improvement is not bad.
However, a woman who underwent a Repressor surgery complained of side effects because of a neck pull, but I think it was because she pulled too much.
 She was satisfied with everything
 except him.

I've heard of 00, but I've heard that people who do forehead lift have had forehead reduction, and there are other doctors who do sutures, so there are many people who don't know about it, but it feels like it's
 because it's
 a large hospital.
 Anyway, is there anyone who has had surgery at the reef or knows information??
Leaf Director, Director Kim, I'm a one-man director (Kim G-yeop) Director,
 please give me some information

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