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★Double eye incision + eye correction + front epicanthoplasty + posterior epicanthoplasty 2nd week record review

야채튀김 2023-02-06 (월) 16:47 1 Years ago 912 [CODE : 3F3D9]
I am posting a review of the surgery for record from immediately after the surgery until the 2nd week!!

- On the day of surgery: My eyes couldn't focus well, and since it was right after surgery, bloody fluid continued to come out of my eyes. The surgery area was sore, but the pain wasn't enough to kill me. Instead, I couldn't see well even when I opened my eyes, so I closed them all day and applied cold compresses to reduce the swelling as much as possible!

- 3rd day after surgery: Severe conjunctival edema occurs due to the effect of posterior epicanthoplasty. The incision itself was not painful, but my eyes were very dry due to the fluid that formed inside the edema, so I consistently added 2-3 artificial tears every hour. My focus came back a lot, but when I opened my eyes, the swelling got even worse, so I had to keep my eyes closed and apply cold compresses whenever possible! On the third day, the swelling had not yet gone down much, so it was difficult to see the line clearly. Still, when I look in the mirror, I can see that my eyes are much bigger from the front and back due to the slit.

- One week after surgery: Double eyelid swelling has gone down significantly. There is a significant difference in swelling between both eyes..ㅠㅠ Still, I was watching because I heard that because it was an incision, the swelling would last longer than if it were buried. The conjunctival edema was particularly severe on the left side, so much so that it bothered me when I opened and closed my eyes, so I was most concerned about the edema. The side where the swelling had gone down the most had a noticeable change in appearance after the surgery. The eyes were about 1.5 times bigger and the front and back felt much more open.

- 10th day after surgery: After removing the surgical stitches on the 8th day, conjunctival edema disappeared rapidly. My eye irritation has improved a lot and my eyes can be seen clearly, so I have no problems with my daily life. The area where the incision was made is still slightly red and bloodshot, but the swelling has gone down much faster than before. After removing the stitches, I put on simple basic makeup and went out, and it was so pretty. My friend, who was thinking about getting a double eyelid, looked at the lines and said that the lines came out pretty. Later, when the swelling went down and she was satisfied with the surgery, she asked me to refer her to a friend. - 2nd week after the surgery: All the congested areas after the opening were also removed
. It has disappeared and the swelling in one eye has almost disappeared. My right eye is still slightly swollen and brown, but the swelling is steadily going down, so I think it will be similar in about a month. Since I heard that I can wear contact lenses starting from the 2nd week, I plan to go out with proper makeup soon. I am already very satisfied just by looking in the mirror, my eyes have become 1.5 times bigger on both sides and are clearer than before.. My boyfriend got an epicanthoplasty compared to before. I am even more satisfied because the corners of my eyes have lowered, giving me a gentler look, and my boss at work has also said that my eyes have become gentler!!

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

아가개굴 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 413AF] Address
야채튀김 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 3F3D9] Address
연서연수연서 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 1709F] Address
야채튀김 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 514E9] Address
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