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What I learned after doing some sacred arts

특공두부 2023-02-02 (목) 02:29 1 Years ago 12320 [CODE : 467D2]
I researched all kinds of plastic surgery at Sungyesa, read hundreds and thousands of reviews, and summarized what I realized.
 I had plastic surgery through a plastic surgeon and am now satisfied.
 If you are looking into plastic surgery, especially if you are just beginning to gather information,
 please read through even if it is long.

1. Sabasa of Truth_Side effects are random.
Of course, constitution, body type, BMI, skin temperament, and even taste are person by person.
 Even if there are good reviews, a hospital I like, and a skilled doctor, I can only find out what side effects I will experience after the surgery. Side effects are random. Even if there are no side effects, dissatisfaction with appearance may occur. It's either too disappointing or too obvious that I don't like it.
 2-1) Surgery I should have and surgery I should not have
 For example, there are people who have a complex on the bridge of their nose and the fact that their nose looks horizontally wide.
 So, when you first look into it, you will most likely see silicone side effects and inflammation, and it is not uncommon for nose reduction to be done at the end of nose surgery. And then I saw a review of a simple nostril reduction that was a huge hit.
 > A reasonably reasonable result was derived: ‘Nostril reduction will be relatively safer and more effective than implants.’
 However, what if this person does not have thick nose bridges or very large nostrils, but rather has a wide nose bridge and the nostrils are spread out as if they are pressed in?
 The above type requires implants (or osteotomy) or columella to eliminate the blunt feeling of the nose. Since I have a long nose and a low tip, I need implants considering the side lines.
 Nose bridge reduction> Depending on the existing nose, it may not solve the problem of making the nose look wider and only the ratio of the bridge of the nose to the bridge of the nose may become abnormal, resulting in a so-called pinched nose. It is better than not doing it at all. Even the nose bridge reduction cannot return to its original shape.
 In the opposite case, even if you only need to reduce the nose bridge, you will end up having a full nose surgery without knowing it, bearing the side effects and cost.
You can only consider the surgery you need if you know what your concerns are and what your physical proportions are.
 Once you know your type, even when you see great reviews, it becomes easier to decide whether this is the surgery you need or whether you should put this hospital on the list, just thinking, 'You'll look prettier after this surgery.'
2-2) Aesthetic orientation, taste,
 and desired result. It is important to set aesthetic standards.
 That way, I can find the right doctor for me.
 Even if it looks like a lump to me, it can be a very satisfactory surgery to the doctor.
 What specific part of my current appearance do I want to change and what mood and impression do I want to give?
 Gather photos of your favorite celebrities in one place and look at them to think about what your tastes are.
 Personally, I found collecting photos of 'objectively pretty but not wannabe or likable celebrities' a more effective way to find out my tastes. (I prefer a youthful + cute look rather than a refreshing epicanthoplasty. And I thought I gave a cute impression because I had a short lower crown, but when I compared the photos of celebrities side by side, the lower crown was short, so the midface and philtrum looked relatively long, and the eyes and eyebrows It's not that far away, but I felt that there are images that look strong even if the eyebrows are slightly darker)
 Then, I took a selfie with a regular camera in a raw face and used a correction app to gradually adjust it to the desired look (absolutely only skin tone makeup correction xx eyes, nose size, etc.) (Edit little by little) Create a realistic version of your goal appearance. 
 + Facial asymmetry cannot be corrected with surgery!!
>>>Very important<<<
 3. Plastic surgery is conservative and
connected to the above contents.
 1. I need to know my taste and the surgery I need + I need to find a doctor that suits my taste by looking at reviews
 2. There should be no problems with the doctor's experience and reviews
 3. The hospital the doctor belongs to should also have no problems with accidents
 4. The amount should be affordable
 5. You need to check if CCTV and an anesthesiologist are needed and if they are available at the hospital.
 6. You must be satisfied with the hospital facilities, friendliness of the staff, and after-care (this varies greatly from person to person. I had my stitches removed at a double-suhan hospital and they never called me. I didn't think much of it, but my friend who worked at the same place couldn't even see the progress) I was very anxious until all the swelling went down)
All of the above conditions are required.
 First, get on the operating table? Money is no longer an issue.
 Your immediate life line, your appearance, and your physical functions that will last your entire life are entrusted to someone you have only seen once or twice in person and briefly consulted with.
Everything is good, but the counseling director is not so good? It's all good, but the doctor's attitude is a bit annoying?
 If it is too long, it has to be put on hold for now.
 **** There is no need to regret the hospital after receiving the money.
That's it. As I wrote it down, I wrote it too many times.
 I hope everyone is satisfied with their plastic surgery.
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