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This is what happened a long time ago when I went to inquire about surgery for enophthalmos due to a fracture of the right orbit (this is my first post, so please be generous even if there are mistakes~^^;)

늘푸름 2023-01-18 (수) 01:45 1 Years ago 875 [CODE : D8F44]
I was also shocked when I went to Daegu xx plastic surgery clinic in Busan after being deceived by their kindness while watching a U-TV broadcast. (It's not my full name, so I wonder if this is okay? If not, I'll edit it.) I asked how I came, and I said I came because of a sunken eye due to an accident a long time ago. I corrected my eye position as much as possible
. When I said I wanted to, he got angry and told me to tell him exactly where and how I wanted to get better, so I was shocked for a moment. (Why are you doing this to me? Why are you angry? I was going to ask, but I held back for fear of a fight)
The doctor must have noticed that I was surprised, and I felt a little more cautious from then on, but the base was harsh and aggressive. Maybe it was because I didn't seem to be there... I saw a VIP counseling room in front of the hospital entrance. I thought this wouldn't be done to people going in there, and I felt sad later.
They didn't even look at the CT that came in,, they said that there are a lot of people who come in and know everything while mentioning technical terms... I was bewildered so I asked if I could explain it while looking at the CT since I don't know anything professionally, but the nurse put the wrong person's CT as mine. After wandering around, I came back to mine and explained it, and it felt like I went there after imagining the friendly side of YouTube and ended up meeting a gangster... (Honestly, I gained some respect after watching the broadcast, but as anyone who has watched it will know, they uploaded a variety of content ranging from human relationships. It was absurd to see such a contrast, and I felt very betrayed and disappointed.)

The cost seems like a rip-off. I don't know, but it's a reoperation for enophthalmos in one eye, and they charge 2,400 because it's difficult because it requires the removal of a fixing pin. There is not a word of hope that something can be improved. Are you telling me to do surgery or not? Aside from the cost, I honestly can't get the surgery because I'm scared of the doctor. I'm wasting my money and wondering what I'll do if the surgery doesn't go well,,, ㅜㅜ I really just watched YouTube broadcasts, trusted my personality and skills, and did it at 10:30 a.m. at home
. I went out, got a CT scan at the recommended hospital, waited until 1-2pm for lunch, and they didn't tell me the parking lot, so I circled around 3 times, but the small parking lot they told me about after making a successful call was full, so I couldn't park, so I went to a nearby paid parking lot, parked, went into the hospital around 2:30, and took a picture. I was told I had to take a picture, so I took another picture, waited, consulted, and when I got home, it was almost 8 o'clock. (I went out after breakfast and starved all day. I was so nervous that I had no appetite.) The hospital building itself is an old building, and it feels structurally cluttered
 . It felt like something was out of focus. (Don't be fooled by the website. When I saw the building, I was like, "What is this?" Of course, I didn't ask about the parking lot because I thought there would be a large parking lot.) And both the doctors and nurses seemed to be out of their minds. It is a parking lot that is unknown to people going from out of town, but they did not tell me the parking lot address and when I first consulted, they texted me under another patient's name and texted me from different numbers, so I was confused, so they designated one number and asked me to text only from that number. did. Do not send texts that you misunderstand as someone else.

Even the CT photos they brought me are of the wrong patient. I wonder if the doctor treats the patient nervously without even looking at the CT scan. After consulting with the doctor, the counselor looks very clumsy at a glance. Surgery until this month. They tease you by offering you a discount if you do it. It's so clumsy that it looks cute... At this point, it's a total mess for me. I was worried about how well I was being treated)
After eating breakfast, I went out and starved all day long, working hard... I wonder if only YouTube broadcasts can be filmed in such a friendly manner. When I met him in person,
 I felt that he was unfriendly and did not think about the patient's feelings at all. Today, I looked into it and talked to a person who had the surgery again because the surgery was wrong. The titanium artificial bone was put in at the wrong angle, so the position of the eyeball changed strangely, so I went to another hospital in Seoul and had the surgery again, and the doctor said that he had calculated the angle wrong and put it in. ...It is said to never shine;;

The other person lives in Jinju, and he found me while searching bloggers, and we ended up talking on the phone. When I told him that I had been there yesterday, he said that he had been there too, but that the doctors were cheap and expensive, so he just came back. During the call, he said that he had been there yesterday. ,,What you say right away makes the doctor angry, right?? He asked,,;; (I felt a little relieved that I wasn't the only one who was treated like that.) Oh, and a few months later, a counselor contacted me and said he was offering me a 30% discount. If you think it was 20 million won, the price has surprisingly changed to 1,400;;

But what do you do?
 If you want to know that person, you have to meet him/her in person. The right answer is to just wander around here and there. It's a waste of time, but I think I've come to realize something. After all, you should never trust doctors carelessly. My body is precious to me, and I think I should take my time and constantly get information from the community.
If you try too hard, it's a waste of time and money,
and on the other hand, you shouldn't trust them 100% just because they seem friendly, but at least they don't seem to treat patients and customers who came from afar after watching their broadcasts in that manner. I don't know if it's because I'm not a VIP, but I think there will come a day when I regret it in the future when the community develops further and there are more people like me. Didn't I already change my mind after hearing helpful words from two people? To be honest, even though he was a bit picky, I thought he was skilled and would fix it well, so I made up my mind to get surgery, but thanks to the person who told me and spoke on the phone, I gave up on that thought... What would I do if I was only kind at Yutuk? ,, I plan to continuously check each year to see if that hospital is still operating 10 years from now.

I recently learned about Seongyesa, and I was touched by the reason why when visiting a plastic surgery clinic, you have to say that you are visiting an internet Seongyesa. I think the only thing that can use its power against doctors is the community. Even famous and powerful people have a hard time winning medical lawsuits, so what about ordinary people? I don't think anyone would object to the fact that ordinary people will lose almost 100% of the time. I think the best way would probably be to develop a community like Sacred Arts so that doctors fear the power of the community. Of course, there will be some people who do well in some hospitals and some who do not. But there is such a thing as an average. I will also provide the average value to Seongyesa and I would like to receive it. ^^ Please take good care of me in the future~~ And since I am planning to get reoperation for a sunken eye caused by an accident a long time ago, I would like to ask you to recommend a doctor who is skilled and personable. I guess the sunken eye surgery is still far away.

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[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
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언제쯤끝날까 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 467FE] Address
호두야사랑해 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : 2B5D2] Address
늘푸름 Writer 1 Years ago 1 Years ago [CODE : D8F44] Address
밥풀엄마 6 Months ago 6 Months ago Address
mistysting 3 Months ago 3 Months ago Address
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