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Sharing skin care methods after nose surgery

메이플스토리 2022-10-20 (목) 00:16 1 Years ago 11598 [CODE : 2E6E5]

It's the 12th day of my nose surgery, and I'm trying to write down some skin care tips for those who are worried about blackheads or skin due to splints, or for those who are scheduled for nose surgery.
 First of all, I don't have purulent acne, but I tend to have millet-type acne and I have oily skin.
<Care before nose surgery >
 If you haven't managed your sebum before surgery, there's a high chance you'll have a stuffy nose during the one-week splint period, right?
1. Use facial cleansing tools.
 Wash your face with tools suitable for your skin, such as silicone cleansing pads, pore brushes, cleansing sponges, etc.
 I wash my face with silicone pads, which are the easiest to clean. They are good for preventing blackheads and allow you to cleanse your face more precisely than with your hands.
2. Dead skin cells. Care
 : Washing your face and taking good care of your skin can help manage dead skin cells, but if dead skin cells appear, take good care of dead skin cells using a method that suits your skin, such as peeling gel, scrub, or Aha/Baha toner.
 3. Blackhead management
using an extruder right before surgery.
 If you wash your face the night before and gently scrape the side of your nose with an extruder, sebum will pop out. If you apply too much, it can cause irritation, so apply only light pressure and remove sebum along the groove next to the nose.
 Since it is after washing the face, it is easy to remove sebum and is less irritating than a nose pack.
<Splint period after nose surgery>
 Even if you can't touch your nose, at least take care of the skin around it!
1. Cleansing Water
 Wet a cotton pad sufficiently with cleansing water and wipe the skin very gently.
 Since it is difficult to wash your face with water, you can primarily remove sebum and dust by wiping with cleansing water
. 2. Wipe Wipe
 with cleansing water and use a toner pad or If you apply the used toner on a cotton pad and wipe it, you can remove sebum and dust for a second time and also moisturize.
3. Toner pack when dry.
 I have flushed skin with oily skin, so my T-zone is oily and my U-zone is dry, so I use a toner pack on my cheeks. I used a toner pack to soothe and replenish moisture.
<After splint removal>
 You may be excited to have the splint removed, but be careful about washing your face!!
 1. No one would squeeze out blackheads or millet acne on their nose
with a needle rather than extrusion,
 right? If you have a yellow pimple on your nose, you can prick it with a disposable needle, acne needle, or sterilized regular needle and gently pull it out. It is better to prick and extrude with a needle than to extrude not only the nose but also other acne right away, so get used to this opportunity
. 2. If the blackheads are severe, use related cosmetics.
 I put a lot of AHA ingredient toner on a pad and place it on the nose 2- After 3 minutes, I gently wiped it off (avoiding touching the suture area).
 This worked well, but if the blackheads are too severe, it would be more effective to buy a sebum management liquid product to manage them
. 3. Use a modeling pack.
 Wash off with water or a mask pack with plenty of essence. Wash-off packs can cause water to reach the suture area, so I recommend a modeling pack.
 I used spirulina, a cool product, and it lowers the skin temperature and is good for soothing. Detailed instructions on how to use it are on YouTube, so refer to it!!
 (The consistency should not be mixed so that it flows, but should be slightly thick so that it does not flow so that you can apply it while avoiding the suture area.)
+) When removing blackheads, cleansing oil or balm is used, but it does not work if irregular pressure continues to be applied to the tip of the nose after surgery. I thought it would be good, so I ruled out this method altogether!
This is what comes to mind right now, but everyone's skin type is different, so I think it's just a reference! Good luck to everyone who has had surgery and those planning to have surgery!!

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고마오 ㅎ
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