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Things I didn't know before getting a nose job, and things I wish I knew

익명 2022-04-13 (수) 01:23 2 Years ago 20828
1. There is a world of difference before and after doing it even just once.
 2. The columella artery is precious. It's precious.
 3. You have to push forward with your own aesthetic sense no matter what (If you're going to tell the doctor, why do it? No matter what you hear, the nose is a 1mm science and your own subjective aesthetics)
 4. It will all fall out in 2 weeks (This seems to be limited to non-prosthetic materials. Silicone takes longer to adhere, so it will take some time. But it's a different story for the non-prosthetic tip of the nose)
 The tip of the nose? Yeah, it will never go down. You need to make a quick decision at this point. If you pass the 2-week countdown, you have to hold on to your Pinocchio nose and live with it for 6 months;;
 5. You shouldn't get a functional nose job done carelessly..ㅎ (I didn't want to know either. It's not a functional improvement nose job, it's a functional nose jobㅎㅎ)
 6. It doesn't hurt as much as you think. I'm not lying. For real,
     the tip of your nose will sting for the first two weeks, but after two weeks, it'll all go away. I think it's because the nerves are attached and your skin is adapting.
 7. Hair starts to fall out inside your noseㅎㅎ
 8. Your nose will be in a lot of danger after getting a nose job. You'll really have to walk around like a pigsty. I think it's because it hasn't adapted to the height.
 9. The higher the tip of your nose is, the more strain it puts on your skin, and the more tension there is on the nose to sag? You're going to raise the tip of your nose when your skin is thin? 10. Wear a shirt, clothes with buttons (especially if you use ear cartilage..)
 11. You have to pay attention to your facial expression. My suture line was fine even after laughing ,
 singing, and yawning from the first day. On the way to have the stitches removed, I slightly moved my lips while trying to adjust the mask inside the mask. There was a popping sound and then blood. It's all healed now.
 12. After rhinoplasty, don't eat spicy food in front of people you know, excluding family, for a month or two. Unless you want to commit social suicide. Your nose will just runny. ㅋㅋㅋ
 13. <<<<<<<IMPORTANT>>>>>> Anyone with even a slight mental illness should never get plastic surgery. I recommend never getting a nose job. ㅎㅎㅎ
 14. If you use ear cartilage, it's really hard to wash your hair. The local hair salon is 8,000-50,000 won, but it's usually 10,000 won. If
 you're a beggar and live alone (that's me!), I just hope you have a strong will.
 15. We are not actors filming a drama. The front view is more important than the side view. We don’t talk to people while standing sideways. ㅎㅎㅎ
 16. There are some faces that don’t suit showing their nostrils (Yes, here we go again~ㅎㅎ) Before surgery! When you have a pig nose! Check by lifting it with a cotton swab. Don’t just look at your side view in the mirror.
Numbers 3 and 4 are really important here. My nose bridge was high and I had a crooked nose, so I was satisfied if they just shaved the crooked nose a little and lifted the droopy tip of my nose. I was going to lift it exactly 1mm to the size of Park Ji-hoo’s (hummingbird) nose, but the doctor asked why I was going to do that, so he straightened my nose tip and made it straight. The result was Pinocchio^^ Since my forehead and nose bridge were both high, I tried to lift the tip of my nose to match them, but it ended up being a straight nose that was noticeableㅠ If there’s anyone similar to me, refer to Park Ji-hoo’s and Ji-soo’s noses. That would be the most naturally pretty. Not a straight line from the bridge of my eyebrows to the tip of my nose, but a gentle semi-straight line from the high point of the crooked nose to the tip of the nose. A nose tip that’s appropriately high so that it doesn’t look droopy when viewed from the front, at a 45 degree angle. This seems the prettiest (this is just my personal opinion)
 I realized this time that natural and harmonious imperfections are better than obvious perfection. For plastic surgery, I adopted it by looking at influencer photos and thinking, "Wow, her eyes are pretty." It's not a collage of eyes, nose, and mouth that I'm thinking of attaching Song Hye Kyo's nose to. The best is to adjust only the parts of your original face that break the harmony, the parts you have a complex about, and the parts that spoil your impression by 1mm. Of course, I think there will be differing opinions on this, and people who like flashy noses won't understand what I'm saying. But people who think similarly to me and haven't gone under the knife yet! You over there! Take a picture of yourself from the front, 45 degrees, and 75 degrees from the side right now and adjust them all to see how much you should raise and lower it and what kind of appearance you'll get from those angles. Let's end it the first time~~ It's better if you don't!! ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
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이건머 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
조은글 넘나 고맙당 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
SooGong 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
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뀨뀨꺄 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
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야부얍77 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
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머저2 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
우와이게뭐야 1 Years ago 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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