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How about nose revision surgery?

비우비 2022-08-27 (토) 17:12 2 Years ago 1083 [CODE : 43217]
It was a reoperation because the silicone was bent. I had it done at a large existing hospital,
 but I got tired of it so I gave priority to a private hospital. ㅁㅌ ㄴㅈㄹ ㅅㅇ ㅇㄷㅇㅇㅇ I tried my best, and although ㅁㅌ was expensive, I liked it the most.
 There are places that gave more detailed consultation, but ㅁㅌ was easy to understand because it explained things in the easiest way.
  If the osteotomy is possible and the nasal septum can be reused, reuse it. If not, use the ear cartilage.
I have a deviated septum and a bit of rhinitis, and I decided to have functional surgery.
The thing that worries me about whether to make an appointment is that
 my nose bridge is very low, and before that, it looked natural and flashy. I asked for a feel, so I put in a lot of silicone.
 But he asked me to lower the silicone level than now. I knew it was a natural style, but I was worried that if I lowered the silicone, it wouldn't be noticeable.
 When making a consultation appointment, it was easiest to make an appointment and the surgery date was available on the date I wanted.
 Other hospitals are behind in making consultation reservations and are said to not have surgery on the desired date. Why is it so easy to make a reservation? I'm a little worried that there won't be many patients.
 The surgery date is great, but I feel like I'm worried about everything
 . Also, since I'm not an ENT specialist, it's annoying to have to get a CT and medical certificate from another ENT clinic to get actual cost insurance..
The thing I like the
 most is as 3. It was a year, and
 the most attractive thing was that you could wake up under local anesthesia and see the shape at the end of the surgery and adjust it + the guardian could come in and see the shape together
 . Since there is absolutely no surrogate surgery, the risk of sleeping anesthesia is also reduced.
Other hospitals talk about nasal valve surgery, but here, I liked the fact that they honestly told me that it would be difficult to get the actual cost for a nasal valve and that it
 would make the surgery look puffy. I also liked that the director personally inspected everything during the after-sales service and gave me injections for swelling.
 At large hospitals, every time I go, the director says 1. It was hard to find a review of the reoperation because it was all done after seeing the minute.
I was wondering if anyone was satisfied with the reoperation.

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괜찮음 2 Years ago 2 Years ago [CODE : 43450] Address
비우비 Writer 2 Years ago 2 Years ago [CODE : 2AA2B] Address
요를래히후 2 Years ago 2 Years ago [CODE : 25E8C] Address
비우비 Writer 2 Years ago 2 Years ago [CODE : 2AA2B] Address
kang예원 2 Years ago 2 Years ago [CODE : A8F76] Address
비우비 Writer 2 Years ago 2 Years ago [CODE : 2AA2B] Address
달이쥬아 2 Years ago 2 Years ago [CODE : 41F42] Address
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
비우비 Writer 2 Years ago 2 Years ago [CODE : 2AA2B] Address
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