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Apgujeong Yerom/Yejin consultation review

멍멍22 2016-06-07 (화) 10:44 8 Years ago 16774
First of all, my personal information is: 28 years old / male / curved nose, bridge of the nose, but the tip of the nose is slightly boxy / the nose is slightly curved when viewed from the front.

I have had the idea of ​​having my nose fixed since I was in high school, but it is only now that I am 28 years old that I have had plastic surgery. I'm looking into surgery.
First of all, perhaps because I was ignorant about plastic surgery, I found it difficult to consult a plastic surgeon.
After acquiring minimal knowledge on the Internet about sex artists, anti-plastic surgery, and female life men, I made a consultation appointment at Apgujeong Yerom/Yejin.
First of all, the reason I chose Yerom and Yejin is because I have an acquaintance who is a plastic surgery coordinator.
 He told me a few things:

- Avoid large hospitals,
 - Go to a place where the director directly performs the surgery,
 - Consult at a place that has been in operation for more than 3 years, not a new hospital.

After making a selection, I decided on two places, and they are ‘Yerom’ and ‘Yejin’.
I got general information that Yerom is performed by a female director and is famous for appearing on medical TV, while Yejin is performed by a male director.
When I looked at the hospital reviews, I didn't see anything that was very negative, so I felt reassured.
First of all, I visited Yerome two weeks ago after making a reservation for a consultation, but
the director said he couldn't give me a consultation because he was performing surgery, so I only talked to the head of the counseling department. (I was so annoyed...)

- At Yerome, roughly speaking
, the director is. She is a female director, and her strength is that she performs the surgery very carefully.
 ㆍBecause it is a curved nose, she said it would be better to fill it with septal cartilage and touch the tip of the nose instead of cutting the curved nose.
 ㆍConsultation is carried out by drawing on A4 paper.
 ㆍIt is a natural process overall. He said that there would be no dynamic change.
Since he was the head of the counseling department, not the director, it was difficult to trust the counselor, but
 feedback was provided smoothly...

-In the preliminary examination, approximately
ㆍBecause the director's nose is asymmetrical, Corrects the position and explains the surgical time and direction of the surgery, such as alar reduction and
 tip plastic surgery . ㆍBecause the bridge of the nose is impossible due to septal cartilage, silicone is inserted into the bridge of the nose and the nasal septum is used.
 ㆍTake a photo directly on the spot using a tablet PC. After modifying the image, I was shown the face after plastic surgery from the side and front.
As soon as I went in for the consultation, the director directly explained the areas
 that needed to be corrected. Although it was one-sided communication, he explained that I should perform the same surgery on the areas that I needed to fix (I think he communicated telepathically). ...)
 Afterwards, I discussed the side effects and dates with the head of the counseling department.
After receiving consultations from two places, I thought I should think carefully about plastic surgery.
Two places told me that the cost of rhinoplasty was 450/400.

Ah... after receiving general consultation, I think Apgujeong Hospital will be able to do it for the 400th presidential election.
 After receiving the consultation, a lot of things came to mind again. ㅜㅜ

ps. Next time, I will post a review after consultation with Seunghoon Oh’s plastic surgery clinic!

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