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[Must read] We plan to protect members as much as possible about the cases of surgery that reveal that they are members of the Holy Seer.

성예사 2016-03-16 (수) 11:13 8 Years ago 108041
When you visit a hospital for plastic surgery and receive a consultation, it is recommended that you state in advance that you are a member of the Sungyesa member. Wherever you go to any hospital in Korea, please indicate the route of visit: the Internet (Sungyesa). Once you have laid it out like that, you will not be ignored or ignored by the head of the hospital before or after surgery. It means that the patient is not treated as a savior, such as cheating on the surgical method, changing the doctor in charge, or performing surgery in a negligent manner. It is the minimum safety device that can be protected even when the results of surgery are insufficient. If you have decided on a hospital after careful consideration, you can openly request a discount on the operation cost. Then you might say, what are the principles of our hospital, and that it is fixed? But in fact there is no such thing. You ask shamelessly and persistently, and in fact, the head of the department does not do well, and you can ask the director directly. Managers tell the director they serve as if they should never tell the surgeon the cost of the operation, but in fact, they can do much better. We will put off talking about money to the head of the department, but it is the managers who give a big discount. It's the decision maker. No matter how good the conditions are, it is better not to make a down payment on the spot. There is a manager who says that if you consult on the same day and sign a contract, you will get a huge discount, but in fact, they will do it later at that price. The moment you place the down payment, the hilt will go over there. If you get a call to see if the manager has made a decision, please tell us that you are worried about another hospital where the conditions are good, but the cost of the operation is a little cheaper. Please see as much as possible to see the liver and visit at least 5 or 6 hospitals that you like before making a decision. Just because there are a lot of reviews on the cafe or where and where you are consulting doesn't mean it's a good hospital. There are many good hospitals that are still hidden. Latecomers are expected to work harder. Many plastic surgery clinics voluntarily provide discounts or additional services to members of the choir. In particular, if you tell them how long you have been active and what your level is, you are given more preference. (If the priest directly induces a discount, it is forbidden to intervene, as it can lead to a controversy in the medical law.) Even if you are not active at the saint, please tell me that you will recommend it after surgery. They do it when the results are good, so they will work hard. Of course, if the results are good, please highly recommend the hospital. Please also post a review of your surgery photos. Conversely, if you are dissatisfied with the results of the surgery or the staff, please upload it without adding or subtracting. In some hospitals, there may be hospitals that pretend to be indifferent to articles on the Internet and pretend to be transcendent. Don't be fooled. It's nothing more than pretending to be audacious. In fierce competition, we search the Internet every day, several times more than we do. The cost of surgery should not be the absolute yardstick for deciding on a hospital. I hope that the most reasonable surgical method, hospital, and surgery cost will be drawn out according to the standard set by you, so that you will get good surgical results. Before the consultation, the saint will reveal that he is a member of the saint and, in the event of a problem in the case of surgery , will stand by the side of the weak as much as possible and become the protector of the members. The first visit to the patient information log: Surgical cases that indicated that they were an internet sage in the path of visit Target hospitals: All plastic surgery hospitals However, the act of expanding and reproducing other people's surgery cases or groundless rumors is not protected.

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