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Review of consultation for fourth double eyelid surgery and epicanthoplasty restoration

쀼뚜 2022-01-17 (월) 12:07 2 Years ago 5726

I am a person who is currently suffering from double incision revision surgery. This year, I always go to consultations thinking
 I have to have it done, and I have been repeating it for almost 3 years because I am afraid of ruining it
 . So I went to Gangnam, and they said I needed eye correction, so I did it. But I
 lowered it too low and couldn't completely hide it, so the line became square and they said they would cover the pupil and redo it, so I did it again, and ended up with a scar on one side of the sausage... I also
 made the epicanthoplasty double, and I didn't have Mongolian folds before. There's more... After that, I only sold my hands and feet for the
 next 3 years and haven't had surgery yet . I really need to get surgery this year, and I'm currently looking into it again. I'll post a picture of my eye and write a review of the place that did surgery. I'll post a picture of my eye and write a review
 of the place that did it. If there is a hospital, please recommend it!

1. ㅊㄷㅇ ㅆㄷㅇ (ㅓㅇㅏㅁㅠ ㅣㅣㅠ)
 I went here to get a consultation for epicanthoplasty restoration. The overall feeling was that it was all cutely put together in one building. It feels like that.
 I don't know if they use the entire small building, but the first floor, second floor, third floor? The first time the director, who was very kind, looked at my eyes and
 said he felt sorry for me and asked if my eyes were made like this, he said that an acquaintance of his had also had reoperation here and showed me a picture. After waiting for a while, I went to the
 consultation, and the director said, “The director is greedy for epicanthoplasty restoration. In fact, he needs more.” They said I should have surgery on the right side
 and consulted for epicanthoplasty restoration, but double eye revision surgery is urgent. How did they make my eyes look like this? I got hit with a pack...
 Epicanthoplasty revision surgery is greedy. Double eye + eye correction incision revision surgery (to the desired shape) Possible)

 Cookie is an ophthalmologist? Well, it was a female teacher. Here too, I consulted with the director first and then with the doctor. The doctor said that
 it was impossible to change the overall shape of the eyes and that I should be satisfied with just re-doing eye correction. She also said that scarring was unavoidable... There was no particularly useful content in the consultation.
 Changing the shape of the eye line itself is
 Double eyelid surgery + eye bridge revision surgery 3.ㅂㅌ(ㅏㅏㅇ)
 I went here because they said they were good at epicanthoplasty restoration. I consulted with the director and ended up consulting with the director. The director said that I should proceed with double eyelid revision surgery rather than epicanthoplasty restoration.
 He said he would do it, and then I received consultation from the director, and he said that my eyes may not close because my eyes are at an extreme level. What hospital
 told me about the side effects of reoperation? He said that the surgery would be very difficult and that I would have to do an upper epicanthoplasty to turn the mouth instead of restoring the epicanthoplasty. The price is here. It
 was the most expensive... He said it was not an easy surgery because it was not a normal ptosis but a severe one. He
 said that if you really want to have surgery, think carefully about whether you can afford it...
 It is a micro epicanthoplasty rather than epicanthoplasty restoration + eye correction. Reoperation
 4. ㅇㄷ (ㅐㄴㅡ)
 My friend's older sister works here, and she said she is very good at using her eyes, so I went to visit her. I took a picture with the counseling director
 and proceeded with the consultation. I met the director right away and received counseling while drawing with my photo. It was difficult to change the shape of the lines. They said no and that only reoperation for eye correction was possible. However,
 there was something I didn't understand, so the two of us argued for 30 minutes. The consultation ended with both of us making gestures of frustration,,,,
 Even though there was a discount for an acquaintance, the price was still quite high...
 Eye correction reoperation line cannot be changed
 5. ㄱㅎㅅ (ㅣㅁㅕㄴㅓㄱ)
 There was no particular information about this place, but the person I exchanged messages with on ㅂㅂTalk said it was good, so I made a reservation. It was the only place that said that eye correction was not required, and
 there was no pressure for a reservation fee, but the director He asked me where I had these eyes done, and I searched for the hospital there and looked up the doctor on the home page and talked about it. He
 looked at my entire face even after taking off the mask and said that since epicanthoplasty is unavoidable, I just need to have eye reoperation naturally. The shape of the line can be changed naturally and
 I don't need eye correction. After meeting with the director a few times, I heard the price range after consulting with the director. The counseling director told me the name of the hospital where I failed and said that the people who failed there came to our hospital and everything was fine. I just listened to the brief explanation and left.
 ( Conclusion)
 Eye correction needed
 I can fix everything I want. They explain in detail how much my eyelids should rise and how much eye correction should be done by pressing my forehead and measuring with a ruler. I thought a lot about getting it done at this hospital after just hearing the consultation, but reviews say I failed at Sungyesa or other cafes. I was hesitant because I saw a few
 lines . (Conclusion)
 They can do all eye correction and line correction without affecting the epicanthoplasty.
 The other hospitals I'm currently seeing are
 ㅈㅇㅌ (they're also famous for their noses, so I'm thinking about doing the same here)
 and ㅁㅊㅍ (They say they're good, but I was at Black Hospital before. I’m thinking about it)
 ㅇㄷ (because the reviews on eyes and nose are good)
 ㄷㄹ (because many people say I’m good at it)
 ㅁㅅㄹㅇ (because I’m famous for revision surgery)
 ㄷㅂㅊ (because I’m famous for eye surgery)

That's what I'm thinking ㅠㅜ Thank you for reading this long post and please give me your opinion!

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