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Nose surgery day review! (Hook nose, arrow nose, long nose, double nose)

라엘잉 2021-04-30 (금) 20:18 3 Years ago 4023

I finally!!! I really had surgery after 5 months ㅜㅜㅜ
 Wow ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
I announced it yesterday and I am leaving a review of the surgery!!!

For reference, I
 made reservations for
 ㅁㅂ, ㅁㅌ, ㅇㅇㅈ ㅇㅇㅂ, ㄴㅅㅎ, ㅇㄷ ㅇㅇㅇ
 , and ended up having surgery at ㄴㅅㅎ!! The product review will probably be in the previous post!!!
There were so many of them that I spent a lot of money selling them for 2 months
 to come up with a list, but in the end, I went with a friend's recommendation...
 But this place specializes in eyes and breasts, and there weren't too many reviews, so I
 was actually nervous,
 but the person who introduced me was a very trustworthy person, and
 when I went for a consultation, I was very satisfied. I liked it...
 (I'm firm in what I'm pursuing, so I don't like long-winded conversations and
 I like consultations that keep the point straight haha)
 For reference, I had previously had nose filler done by Perfecta and had
 a long nose, arrow nose, double nose, and curved nose. Since it
 was a case, I melted the sting (I didn't feel any
 pain at all) and trimmed the long nose slightly, not cut it off? Grind it? In addition,
 the wings of the nose were reduced with a very slight nasal incision and
 raised with the nasal septum and silicone~!
When I melted the filler between the eyebrows, the silicone was too low, so
 I used 5mm for the area between the eyebrows and shaved off the rest.

Somewhere they say 4 hiri, 3 mil, it's like that haha.
 It's so hard to explain it by cutting it off. 5 mil for between the eyebrows!!!


I know I have to take the splint off, but
 so far I'm very satisfied!!!!!!!!!!
I hope
 the swelling doesn't go
 down here ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
 It will
 go down quickly,
 right ?
 "Make sure you don't see the nostrils as much as possible! I really don't want that nose to look lifted, so
 please make the bridge of the nose smaller, just very, very slightly!!"
I did it, but I think it came out just as I wanted hahahaha.
 Even though the tip of the nose is off , the nose looks lifted and the philtrum goes up, which is
 typical for kids who have had nose surgery.
 Even though it looks natural, I can see it in my eyes....
 The day before, I sent the director a photo of the style I wanted, and he
 also showed it
 in the photo . I sent it to him by lowering the angle of his nose with Photoshop.
 But when I look at it now, it looks like he did it just like the picture.
 (Of course, I have to take off the splint to find out, haha.) I
 took a picture, washed my face, consulted with the manager,

I met the director, designed it, and went straight into surgery!!

But... after getting an IV drip and lying down in the operating room
 with my arms and legs tied, it felt real hahahaha.
 Just when I was about to start shaking, they
 gave me a tranquilizer, but I fell asleep and when I woke up,
 I had changed my clothes in the recovery room hahahahaha But

I don't even remember changing my clothes.
 I asked my mom how she knew my locker password and she
 said, “What are you talking about when you open it?”
 The water bottle is broken, haha ​​(I said I did that too)
 , but I really don’t remember anything.
The manager even told me all the precautions,
 but I’m really serious. I don't remember a thing lol. I

'm really dizzy (I'm not ready to throw up lol)
 and I'm going to take cotton out of my nose tomorrow. I
 was worried because I heard it was so hard that people
 even call it panic disorder , but I guess I just have a bad cold. It's
 just like a nose cold? Personally, I
 didn't think of lip balm lol,
 but I'm thirsty! It's less noticeable if you wear a mask over your mouth,
 but if you're someone who says to bring water, this is a really good tip!
Be sure to bring water with you hahaha, they will give it to you there hahahaha
The pain is probably because the anesthesia has worn off...
 I don't feel any pain haha.

Instead, I was really unlucky... my period broke on the day of
 surgery... They said that when I got my period during the surgery, it would swell up and I would get more bruises. It
 seems like I'm already getting some bruising
 , but actually, I'm the type of person who first looks at the side effects and shortcomings of anything, so
 I knew about this. Hahaha,

my nose will look lifted for a month due to swelling,
 my eyes will be bruised and swollen a lot, and my nose won't feel the same as before, so I
 have to be careful of my nose for the rest of my life, and since
 it's silicone, I have to be careful of inflammation for the rest of my life, but
 I've been saying this since day one, hahaha,
 I'm so satisfied! !!!!!

I will leave another review tomorrow!!!

For reference, I originally planned to go alone and went with my mom,
 but you can go with a guardian. I'm taking
 medicine alone... I'm dizzy and I think it'll be difficult to walk.

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[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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