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This is a review of three Bokco consultations in Gangnam ㅇㅇㅇ /ㅇ/ ㅁㅂ

도여 2021-09-25 (토) 02:16 2 Years ago 772
First ㅇ Plastic Surgery
 - I was most looking forward to it because it was a private hospital, but the head of
 the consultation department was young and only spoke perfunctorily, which didn't
 really make any sense . It took 30 minutes after taking the Citi.. There was no waiting, and they explained the surgery while watching the Citi,
 but it seemed like they were saying what they always say, rather than tailoring it to me. No soul.
 I asked if the nose shape I wanted was possible, and they
 said I would have to go into the operating room for that. It was my first surgery, and my nose was very small, so they recommended a donor rib, but it wasn't coercion. The price
 was about 220, with +50 for the event, and the fact that patients who didn't want to use the donated ribs could still go in and use them if necessary gave me some confidence, but overall, it didn't feel like everyone was busy, and there was no soul.
 Second , I took a picture of

Director ㅇㅇㅇ/ ㅇ.
 I wanted to do as much as possible because the staff were friendly and systematic about the procedure, such as tying it, taking pictures from various angles, and taking CT scans. However, the doctor did not even look at all the photos and CT data taken from various angles, but just outlined the surgery on paper and said that he would try to avoid using the donor rib as much as possible, even though I told him that I wanted to use it. They didn't reflect it.... They said it wasn't possible because there was a limit to the height because my nose was small, so I had to go into the operating room to find out, and they gave me a very rough consultation in general....
 The director said that he would connect me to a nose specialist because he had a premium, and when I searched for reviews, I couldn't find a single review of nose surgery. No. Well, even though there are no reviews on the internet, I asked if there were any pictures to show the feel, and there weren't any. I have 3 and a half years of nose surgery experience at the current hospital, but they said this was their first nose event and they said they would connect me to a doctor who specializes in nose surgery, but..... I feel like I'm completely screwed. It wasn't that good.....
 And I told the counseling director that the director said he would not use the donor rib as much as possible, which bothered me a little, and he said it was because the donor rib was unnatural and prone to inflammation, but the director of another hospital said he was trying to strengthen the donor rib, but there was no difference in the naked eye. It was even worse because he said he didn't have it.
The third time, the director ㅁㅂ/ㄱㅎㅈ
 made a reservation for 4 o'clock, but it was 5:10?? I was able to see the director at that time, and he said it was because the surgery was delayed, but when I met him, he didn't directly say sorry. Instead, the director apologized and said he would provide detailed consultation
 . It was the most satisfying of all the places I consulted with!! It was nice that they didn't take a Citi, but instead took pictures from multiple angles, touched the cartilage with a cotton swab, measured the length between the eyebrows, and explained scientifically and systematically what should be done numerically and proportionally. It was nice that they
 put silicone on my nose and let me see it and get a feel for it!!
They recommended other places for osteotomy, but he just told me that it would be better not to do it because it could look unnatural when viewed as a whole because of the side cheekbones. When I told him that I wanted to use donated ribs, he said that it might be more advantageous to use them and reflected his opinion. I asked if he could make my nose look the
 way I wanted, and he changed my facial proportions. Ideally, this ratio should come out when I mark it with a pen over my photo. So, I was convinced when they explained that I had to go to the operating room... There were many photos that I liked the most in the reviews, and the consultation was friendly, so I placed a deposit right away!!

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

ssh0303 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
자리몽당 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
아증이 2 Years ago 2 Years ago Address
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