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After selling 21 places for reoperation, I am now deciding on a hospital..!!!!!

투투쓰리 2021-07-29 (목) 08:59 3 Years ago 3015
At first, I didn’t know anything
 and went on a recommendation from an acquaintance. A good place for my sister, a good place for a friend, a place for a friend's successful reoperation, haha, a place where my friends went for counseling, etc.
 Then, I found out about Naver Cafe and ended up going to a sex artist...
 If you
have had plastic surgery from the list I made
 or have heard about it, please leave a comment~
 At the bottom . I'll write it down in summary.
I had two surgeries on my left eye and three surgeries on my right eye,
 2 incisions, 1 burial, 1 eye correction, and 1 epicanthoplasty!
 The reason I'm trying to do it again is because I tried it three times and
 it got released again. I originally got AS at the same hospital, but
 7 years, I'm going to a new hospital. ,
 ㅈㅇㅈㅇ( English)
 ㅁㅂ, ㄹㅎ, ㅇㅈ, ㄱㅇ, ㅌㅍㅇㅅ, ㅂㅇㅇㅇ (English)
 ㄱㄹㅂ, ㅋㄹㅁ, ㄱㅎㅅ, ㅇㄹㅈ, ㅇㅈ
 I’ve been there. , Gangnam Eon ㄴ ㅣ There are many places that will give you a 20% discount if you post a review of a place like this.
 I thought this was a place that was working hard to promote itself.
 When I consulted, the doctor looked very tired, so
 I excluded the areas that were not particularly helpful, so
 the hospital was selected as the first hospital, and the price range was approximately 200 to 300.
 *Questions I asked
 1. The left eye is now well-defined.
 The downside is that if you look at a photo taken by someone else, you look sleepy, but
 if you do it again, what if you don't touch it for no reason and your eyes can't close?
 2. If I only use the right eye, won't there be an imbalance in the correction of both eyes?
 (On both sides or on one side?)
 3. Is it possible to improve scars?
 ** Consultation summary:
 15 places to do both sides, 5 places to do one side.
 Recommended method: almost incision + eye correction
 - One place recommends forehead lift (this is a factory hospital, so I passed)
 - One place recommends partial incision for only one eye
 - The doctors who recommend only one eye have eye correction. If you add correction on the left side, you can't close your eyes. I wonder if I can handle dry eye..... There is no reason to mess with my normal eyes.
 - The doctor who recommends both says that eye correction is like a seesaw, so if you hold on to one side, the other side may fall. If it's a mismatch, it's better to adjust it together because you might get stressed out and do it again. It's not so extreme that I can sleep with my eyes open.
 - I was recommended a 45 degree upper slit by two people
 - I was recommended a sternum excision by several places, but I don't want to do it because I don't want to have an excision.
 ☆☆☆☆☆☆I will write down the hospitals I consulted with that were good.
 I think it would be good to refer to it for those who are deciding on a list of things to do ☆
 The hospital in the 3 million won range that was ok after receiving counseling
 - ㅌㅍㅇㅅ (Representative Director)
 The counseling director and the director told me that it was not to the extreme and that everything
 would be fine, so I felt really reassured..ㅎ
 Protrusion-an, old days. I had atopic skin that suffered from it, so I was told to get
 LASIK because my eyesight was bad. I was told that my eyelids would get irritated if I wore contact lenses often. There was no review event for
 bilateral incisions + eye correction,
 and I was offered a partial model
 - ㅂㅇㅇㅇ (ㅈㅇㅊ)
 This place is famous for eye correction, so I went there and paid
 400. It was big, but it was okay!
 Feeling like a professor.
 Instead of bilateral incisions + eye correction,
 the left eye also looks less bridged, so it should only be about 0.5 cm.
 What should I do if my eyes don't close? When I asked a question,
 I said, “I don’t do that much.” You said that hahahaha,
 but I was embarrassed because there was another teacher who was slightly observing. And the director seemed to be over 60 years old.
 No review events
 - ㅇㅇㅎ There is a consultation fee
 . I think it was just one director, and maybe because there was a consultation fee,
 he examined my eyes very intently on his own. He looked at my eyes a lot
 while taking notes. He said that
 there was no need for a cut or excision and there was no room in the eyes.
 Incisions were made on both sides, and the eyes would be corrected on the left side. It was nice to get a closer look at the snow bridge, which was supposed to be slightly sized
 I remember almost no discounts were given here...
 No review events
 - ㄱㄹㅂ(ㅂㅈㅊ)
 There were a lot of people and I had to wait a long time in the consultation room..ㅠ
 He was wearing scrubs, probably because he was having surgery
 , and the consultation was great!
 The content of the consultation was about sharing opinions, and he told
 me not to just answer, but to talk to me haha. Um
 ... just don't do it... haha
 ​​- The reason for the incision is to only make an incision in the other eye
 is that if you touch the other eye more, it will open and sleep well. He said that if
 it were his family, he would just tell me to sleep with my eyes closed, even if it's just a little bit, so after receiving this consultation, I was shaken as to whether I would just do one side.
 They say there is nothing to be gained by doing the open eye and it is 10, but there is not much to be gained by doing the other eye, and it is not the eye that will make you a celebrity, so you only have a lot to lose.
 The price is in the late 300s, but if you post a review about 3 times on the app, you can get a discount, and a same-day reservation discount up to the mid 200s.

- ㄹㅎ (ㅂㅇ)
 The director is gentle.
 I had never thought of
 incisions for both eyes + eye correction + sternum excision + upper twitching,
 so I passed on this one even though the lines the director gave me were pretty. ㅠ
 Looking at the reviews, they said the lines were well drawn,
 so it seems worth getting a consultation. ..
 They also post reviews on sites and offer discounts on the condition of partial models
 - ㅇㅇㄴㅋ (ㅇㅎㅇ)
 Gentle, this was the last consultation I went to, so
 the content was similar to other directors,
 so I may have felt like we communicated well haha
 . It's quicker than a consultation...
 so I passed because they said they would remove breast fat from both ends.
 They were also having a review and partial model event here.
 Hospitals in the 3 million won range were okay up to this point
 ☆☆☆ Now hospitals in the 1 to 2 million won range ☆☆☆
 - ㅇ(ㅇㅇㅅ)
 This place is the size of an eye and nose.
 I received consultation once last year and liked it, so I went back this time.
 I feel like if I only do one eye, it will be a match. Then, I will do it
 again. I'm stressed
 . It's my own choice, but both sides are recommended.
 Both eye incisions + eye correction.
 Realistically, they say that scars will inevitably remain and
 excision of the scars is possible.
 (I told him I didn't like cutting, so he asked me not to do it.)
 The left eye has a well-defined line, so if I do it again,
 the distance between the eyebrows and the eye may be shorter than the right eye because
 the line is higher. Since I was going for
 a second consultation this time, they recommended a brow peck,
 so I was hesitant. It didn't feel like the last time I had a consultation.
 (I just decided to get it here last year)
 - ㅍㄹㅁ
 My friend was obsessed with this place, and it was so good that I
 naturally decided to visit. I went there because they recommended that I go to this place and that they don't recommend plastic surgery.
 The consultation fee
 is 5,000 won. The director seemed kind, but I felt bored and cynical...
 At first, he said that there was no reason to touch the other eye because he wanted to only do one eye.
 He said that I didn't have to do it because I was pretty now.
 When I went to the consultation again this time, I kept worrying about what to do if the bridge of my eye was only one side, and then
 my eyelid became misaligned due to Hering's phenomenon, so if I'm worried about my mismatched eye, I can have surgery on both sides.
  That's your own choice.
 If you ask me, it won't be any worse than it is now.
 He said he would take care of it and I
 trusted him, but the consultation was so short? I feel like
 the price is in the late 100s.
 When you put it all together like this, except for a few places,
 ㄱㅇ, ㅍㄹㅁ, ㄱㄹㅂ, ㅌㅍㅇㅅ, and ㅇㅇㅎ
 were okay...
 I was still worried that the director of ㄱㄹㅂ told me to only do one side and not close my eyes, but
 find the review here. I saw that
 there were many people who had surgery once and then had surgery again while watching the progress, so I passed ㅠㅠㅠ I picture a future where they have to have a second surgery due to some kind of Hering phenomenon..
 1 Apgujeong ㄱㅇ (ㅇㅇㅅ)
 I saw a review from another doctor who said it was not good
 2 Sinsa-dong ㅍㄹㅁ (individual) The hospital ㄱㅎㅈ)
 I was attracted to the hospital because the price was good and my friends were very good, but
 I saw reviews saying that the director gave me rough advice and had a bad personality.. I
 also thought that
 he might not treat me well if I don't like it or if I'm a good match
 . 3 ㅌㅍㅇㅅ (Representative Director)
 Both the counseling center director and director were good, but
 looking at Seongyesa’s comments here, I thought they were all not very good.
 Of course, there are multiple directors.
 4 ㅇㅇㅎ (ㅂㅂㅎ)
 Honestly, this place seems ordinary.
 There are no bad reviews.. Flawless?
 It's not that appealing, but it's flawless, so I added it to the list.
 sleep with both eyes open (I worry about eyesight) <
 I only had one eye done, but then my eyes became misaligned due to Hering's phenomenon, so
 I was more stressed and worried about
 having to have surgery
 again .
 I would like to ask you to do just a little eye correction.
 I think I worry first when I have had surgery so many times that it fails. I really felt like my mentality would break if I failed again,
 so I worked hard and ended up going to 21 places.
 To be honest, I don't even remember everything, so I'm just going to stop lol
 there anyone who has had plastic surgery or heard of it????
 I was looking at the reviews, and it turns out that every hospital has at least one bad review.
 The hospital with 100% good reviews is said to be a broker...
 I'm really going to turn away... I heard
 ㅍㄹㅁ is 170, but my friends say other places have over 300, so why is it so cheap there? He said it was strange.

But that doesn't mean you'll succeed 100% after getting over 300,
 it's just too hard ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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Nose job - 자연주의성형외과의원 Cmt 3 View 96 Like 0
맨날 필러만 맞다가 진짜 큰맘먹고 코수술했는데 너무 만족해서 후기남겨봐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나는 옆태가 마음에 안들어서 화려한느낌으로 코수술하고싶었거든 그래서 그런병원들 위주로 후기 참고해서 발품팔았는데 병원선택잘한듯!! 콧대는 실리콘 썼고 코끝은 귀연골이랑 기증늑 같이써서했어 짧은코에 복코라 교정도 같이했구! 내가 원하는 코사진들고갔었는데 거의 흡사하게나와서 너무 만족중이야 ㅋㅋ 그리고 나는 코수술하면서 풀페지이랑 이중턱지흡도같이했는데 얼굴형이…
39 Minutes ago
Nose job Cmt 0 View 48 Like 0
나도 이정도로 얄쌍해질줄 몰랐는데 대박이쥐! 옆라인 미친거 같아.... 그래서 나 요즘에 정면보다 옆면 위주로 셀카 찍고 있음! ㅋㅋㅋ 코끝도 진짜 얄쌍해지구 막 자려?한 라인으로 된거 같지 않아?? 코끝 처짐도 1도 없어서 난 진짜 넘 맘에듬! 이대로 계속 유지 됐음 좋겠다 ㅎㅎ 복코교정은 한번에 성공 못한다고 해서 걱정고민 했던게 싹 사라졌어 잔붓기도 다 빠져서 더더 예쁜거 같아 ㅠㅠ 복코 탈출한게 이정도로 행복할줄이야~~~~~~ ㅋ…
48 Minutes ago