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I had calf surgery. Post a photo~review.~!! Calf muscle reduction surgery.

아끼 2008-10-28 (화) 11:57 15 Years ago 6438

First of all, I had a treatment called 3D Magic Slim. I made a reservation and went for the surgery at 2 o'clock yesterday, but until yesterday morning, I was worried too much about whether I should do it or not. In many places... through calf surgery. Not only is there no one who is successful, but there are too many people living with severe disabilities who are even rated as disabled . I was really, really worried. Actually, I chose a hospital. I had a lot of faith in it. I don't know, but for some reason... This hospital really feels like there's nothing wrong with it... But... when I was surfing the internet, my ears started fluttering... It was hard to think that just living with thick legs would be good. The introduction was too long, right? Yesterday... arrived at the hospital at 2 o'clock. I was going to tell you that I wouldn't have surgery. Since it was a doctor... I consulted for over 30 minutes. I really don't know... I had a lot of greed when I first visited the hospital, but when I saw it was my leg... I gave up my greed and found out that my left leg was about 39cm thick . A double egg... You can see it in the picture. The egg is quite severe... It looks like a deformed leg... There is another egg on top of the egg. I'll post more photos there. The middle part was dented. I think I have a bad meridian. My left leg got thicker for a few years, so I got my meridians checked. I started using a massager, and ... some parts came off... some parts split like that, and some parts had more eggs on top of the eggs. It started happening , so I said I just wanted to get rid of it. And after several consultations, the surgery began . Local anesthesia was administered, and the local anesthesia stung slightly. After that... I didn't feel anything. I had a lot of conversations with the doctor and nurse... and they did the procedure while looking at the condition of my leg and the shape of the egg. I was really, really scared because I was so scared of even just one injection ... but ... After doing it, it wasn't that big of a deal. Even a timid person like me could do it. After the surgery, the anesthesia on my left leg didn't go away, so I was limping. Two hours after the surgery, I felt numbness in my legs , but after sleeping overnight... my left leg was so clean that I thought I had done it . My right leg was a little sore just in the area where the surgical needle went in , so it was a little uncomfortable!! Other people say they have severe swelling and pain and numbness at night, but I really didn't have any swelling...ㅡ.ㅡ;; It's so amazing. I was really worried that it would hurt at night, but... it didn't hurt at all... I woke up after sleeping. .. I felt a bit numb, but it was better than I thought... It was a really good surgery , and the doctor said he would also do retouching, but... I don't have a lot of greed, so my body type is very obese in the lower part of the body... Even my thighs. I'm thick and have thick legs... My upper body is 55, but my lower body is 66, so I'm wearing it just right. I 'm not too greedy... I 'm wearing stockings hard and stretching hard . I'll post another review about how I've changed in a month . Pictures. If you look at the first photo... you can see it's serious. That's the left leg. The circumference is 39. It looks like it's just because I put some effort into it. Even when I walk in shoes, my legs feel like a soccer player. My legs were really sore... You don't know how happy I am that the eggs are gone!! The second photo was taken before surgery, and the last photo was taken after surgery. For your information, it looks like there are some eggs. The thickness has become 2cm thinner. I'm a double egg... I tell you this many times. There was another egg on top of the egg... so I was trying to get rid of that. I wanted to get thin like celebrity legs, but I know my leg situation better than anyone else... so I just wanted to do the basics... but... for a month or two... After 3 months... the doctor told me to do retouching again if I wasn't satisfied, so I wasn't worried at all... I'm really happy now. I wore leggings over stockings today, and they came off smoothly without any bulges, so I'm very satisfied with that. I wasn't too greedy...I didn't make it thinner. Please refer to that and watch!! Because I love snowboarding so much~ ㅡ.ㅡ;; It was burdensome for me to make it even thinner...

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궈네슈 15 Years ago 15 Years ago Address
sp1004 15 Years ago 15 Years ago Address
흰이닝 15 Years ago 15 Years ago Address
살앙받눙진 15 Years ago 15 Years ago Address
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