I had a lift about 3 months ago.
And I worked hard to lose weight.
Originally, I had facial asymmetry, and the right side had aged more noticeably than the left. I don't think it's the bone...
I'm not sure, but the skin... I'm not sure, but I had a problem with one of my molars, and I think it's because I left it alone for a long time and my chewing direction was focused to one side...
Anyway, I lost weight, got lifted, and that facial asymmetry. It became more prominent. People recognize everyone and are surprised when they take pictures.
If you cover the right side and only look at the left side of your face, you look young, but if you look at the right side, the corners of your eyes are big, your cheeks are saggy, your nasolabial folds are deep, and you look very old.
In this case, I don't know what kind of procedure should be done.
Should I add more lifting only on the right side, which is the problem? Or only on the right side?
In this case, I don't know what kind of treatment I should have.
I'm stressed.