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Please check if this is a medical accident. Does anyone have any medical knowledge?

borajuee 2020-08-15 (토) 23:29 4 Years ago 2985

I had square jaw surgery on Thursday. After the surgery, I was in so much pain because my throat felt clogged, my throat was sore, and the phlegm kept boiling up. The 4 hours were like hell, and I was up all night because of the phlegm that kept coming up. I couldn't even hear my voice. I thought I was going crazy because I kept spitting out the phlegm that kept coming, and the trash was filled with tissues, and the number of paper cups I spit out was 3 in one night. I heard that the sore throat and boiling phlegm were symptoms that come from general anesthesia, so I just endured it.
 The nurse said that I had a lot of phlegm and that I seemed to be weak physically.
 She also removed the phlegm twice with a section machine.
 Anyway, even after I got home, I couldn't sleep because of the phlegm that kept coming up. I couldn't sleep for two days. ㅜ How can I sleep when the phlegm comes in every 3 minutes? Anyway, this guy's phlegm was so painful. The phlegm and the pain in my neck was so severe that I could just ignore the pain in my jaw. Then, during the
 day, I was in pain, so my mom made me a mess. They gave it to me because they said the syrup dilutes the phlegm...
 I thought I would feel better after taking some, but about an hour later, I felt like something was stuck in my throat and phlegm was boiling in my throat, so I thought I had a big phlegm stuck in my throat and tried to spit it out. I did, but at some point, I suddenly got short of breath and a loud cough came out, and a strange lump came out. I
 thought it was
 phlegm, but something that looked like my cheek muscles came out. But as soon as this came out, my throat suddenly burst open and the phlegm stopped boiling, and my voice came out as well. It's coming out ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
 I think the phlegm came out because the muscle mass that fell off during the surgery went into my body and blocked somewhere.
 Could it have been aspirated into the trachea and then come out? The more I think about it, the more absurd and outrageous it becomes... If a foreign object enters the airway, won't you die?
My family and friends are all going crazy, wondering if I almost got into big trouble...
 Did I almost get into big trouble?
I am very curious as to whether this is a situation that can occur during surgery or is an accident that should never happen. I
 sent a message to the hospital director, but there was no response because it was a holiday, so I am leaving this message here out of frustration. I would like
 to ask someone with medical knowledge to respond.
 It is a hospital that I chose very carefully and has a good reputation. I trusted it because I loved it so much, but I'm so upset that something like this happened
 ‐-----‐-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 Thank you so much for your inquiries, so I'll write down what I heard at the hospital.
 The director said I was intubated with a hose and trachea for general anesthesia. While doing so, they say that the airway gets hurt and the mucous membrane comes off... It's definitely not like there's muscle or flesh inside the face. When the hose goes in, the airway gets hurt and the mucous membrane comes off... I've seen this happen a lot, so don't worry. He casually told me that it wasn't a problem, and that I'm a sensitive person...
 He said it as if it wasn't the hospital's problem at all. ^^ I
 was in so much pain that I couldn't sleep for two days, and in the meantime,
 something that looked like flesh came out of my mouth. Isn't that a surprise??
Am I being sensitive?
Has anyone who has had general anesthesia experienced anything like me? The director said he's seen it a lot...  
 But isn't this something that can be prevented if you insert the hose carefully?
Chin surgery doesn't seem to be an easy surgery. I can't get my voice out, it's swollen, I can't open my mouth, there's phlegm, it's boiling like crazy...
 A lot of people ask me about the hospital. I can't give you the hospital information right now because it's not like there was an accident. . The attitude of the director who called me sensitive is ridiculous, but the hospital staff paid a lot of attention, so I decided to hold off on disclosing the information.
 However, I can only tell you that it is a hospital that focuses on facial contouring and is not a very old hospital, but
 it has a very good reputation. I'll give you
 the mucous membrane? It was a hospital I would recommend even if a lump didn't come out.
 The director, the manager, and the staff were all friendly and took good care of me.
 Anyway, I hope that those who are going to have surgery will choose a good hospital and have a good surgery.
 And for those who are having trouble with phlegm and runny nose after surgery, go to the ENT and ask them to get rid of the runny nose. Try it. I went to the ENT doctor today and had a runny nose. It seemed like there was a lot of runny nose, so it took 10 minutes to clear the nose. After getting it, I felt a little more comfortable ㅜㅜ

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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