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Long post warning: Hospital consultation review (ㄱㄹㅎ/ㄴㅈㅎ/ㅂㄴㅂㄱ/ㅌㅋ/ㅆㅂㅋㅇ)

기타치는베짱이 2020-04-12 (일) 12:03 4 Years ago 2992
As an office worker and a local worker, I only sold handmade goods, but I finally decided to sell my feet. I received a lot of help from Seongyesa when creating a list of hospitals, so I am writing a consultation review to help.
First of all, I think it would be a good idea to schedule a consultation considering the time and route of movement before making a fuss. It takes more time than expected because there is CT, photo taking time, consultation time, and travel time. I sweated a lot.
I was consulted on 3 types of contours, and most of the prices were fixed. Most fasteners use titanium plates and screws. It is said that they can film and show CCTV in some places and places that do not.
1. ㄱㄹㅎ
 - Consultation fee 20,000 won
 - Consultation time 1 hour (director about 40 minutes)
 - The hospital had a quiet and comfortable atmosphere. The consultation was also really good. He was very good at identifying the areas I was concerned about and provided counseling focusing on me. He reassured me that he would finish everything, including Taenggim. It doesn't seem like you're the type to do too much surgery. The counseling director was friendly and professional, and I felt safe.
2. ㄴㅈㅎ
 - No consultation fee (in case of reoperation, there is a consultation fee)
 - Consultation time is 40 minutes (the director takes about 30 minutes)
 - As expected, it is quiet and the hospital feels old (I like it). I was a little worried because some of the reviews said they were unfriendly, but I was glad that they explained things better than I expected. He placed his hand on my face and calmly told me how much of a change it would be. It was nice to be able to feel like I had a lot of experience and the feeling of running a hospital in one place for a long time. I chose a hospital with a surgery date, so I excluded it because there was no available surgery date.
3. ㅂㄴㅂㄱ
 - No consultation fee
 - Consultation time is 30 minutes (the director is about 15 minutes)
 - The building itself is a hospital, so it's just big. When I first wrote the list of hospitals, I excluded large hospitals, but I decided to go to one because I thought it might be a good fit for me. Perhaps because it is a large hospital, it is very systematic. The hospital seems to be visited by many foreigners, so there are many signs posted in Chinese and Japanese, and a blonde woman who speaks Korean better than me even took a picture of me. The director is gentle. The consultation generally shows before and after pictures, but it doesn't feel any different from being told to drink a lot of warm water when you have a cold. The consulting director had just undergone surgery and showed me photos while emphasizing systematic management and safety.
 - No consultation fee
 - Consultation time is 1 hour and 15 minutes (the director is about 1 hour)
 - The hospital is new and the people at the desk, including the counseling director, look young, so it feels very young overall. All questionnaires and consultations are completed using a tablet. The consultation was really fun and good. It seems like the manager is good at sales. I was actually worried because I was from that hospital, but I felt reassured because the director had also undergone surgery. They edit my face in Photoshop and ask me if I like it, which is quite embarrassing. He answered each question one by one and explained it very well.
5. ㅆㅂㅋㅇ
 - Consultation fee 50,000 won
 - Consultation time 30 minutes (director about 10 minutes)
 - The hospital is very new. All monitors are also Apple. The consultation ended as quickly as roasting beans in a flash. He looked at my face and suggested that I try both Yangak and Yangak. I was embarrassed because I had never even thought of it as a mild case of chin protrusion in my life. My teeth were straight, so I had never had a tooth extracted, but without even looking, he asked if I had had a tooth extracted. He said it was a face that would not change with facial contouring and showed me before and after photos of orthognathics. The consultation director said that if you have orthodontic treatment, you will receive a diagnosis at a dental clinic affiliated with the hospital and decide whether or not to correct your teeth. Most people seem to be telling you to do it. The proofreading fee is huge. After the consultation, the director gives you a book he wrote as a gift. I think it's included in the consultation fee. It seems like I've already been hit hard for the consultation fee, but I ran away before I got hit more.

It's very different from selling with your hands and selling with your feet. Be sure to get a consultation in person...
 I paid with my own money, not a broker, and the surgery is scheduled for early May.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment. If there has been a medical accident, including death, among the hospitals I have been to, please leave a comment. I want to live.

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