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ㅅㅈㅇ.ㄹㅂㅇ.ㄱㄹㅎ.Counseling review

꽁씨네 2019-07-25 (목) 10:03 5 Years ago 3605
Please look at my consultation reviews and
 help me choose. You can recommend other hospitals.
 First of all, I have a lot of fat on my face and no elasticity, and
 I have a chin (not too bad)
 The director is cute and
 a bit older.
 The hospital is like a small private hospital in the neighborhood. Feeling
 professional explanation. Unconditionally safety-oriented,
 almost no aesthetic effect.
 Recommended Venus laser
 for the most expensive
 cheekbone scalp incision,
 square front jaw osteotomy
 behind the ear
 , better than not doing it at all. He said it would not solve sagging cheekbones
 and said there would be no facial sagging even with cheekbone surgery,
 side effects. In the event of a 100% refund,
 you will be provided with a contract
 for re-surgery . We will open the entire operation scene on CCTV and put it on a CD if you wish.
 Consultation time is approximately 1 hour
 . There is absolutely no pressure to have surgery. Lectures from an eccentric professor
 are great. No consultation fee.
 2. ㄹㅂㅇ
 As of now, I want to do it here the most, but
 there are no reviews and
 the hospital feel is not good.
 But why do I want to do it? The city photos after the contouring surgery are
 the prettiest. And I added back cheekbones to make it practical. I
 think I can aim to reduce the size...
 and I want a doll line, but the director and staff here
 are my wannabes with that kind of face...
 I can't really feel the dog chin
 . There was no professional consultation from the director or manager, and I
 took a picture of Citi, so I couldn't hear an evaluation of it (well) The nerve line is low or high. You can put in a few millimeters) This kind of evaluation
 does not mean that it
 is unfriendly
 , but it is kind. When I inquired about CCTV,
 it was frowned upon . This part is also reluctant.. These days, there is a lot of talk about CC real-time monitoring.. They
 say it is not cut out
 and does not work. 3 types of contour. Recommended by a geosang,
 the cost is average here (1,000 units)
 When I asked about side effects, they said they would
 responsibility and brushed it off. Consultation time was about 1 hour (there was a bit of waiting time... the manager's consultation was more important).
 There were many foreign customers, and I was the only Korean.
 It was just a commercial service. Feels like I had a consultation at a plastic surgery clinic.
 No consultation fee.
 3. ㄱㄹㅎ
 Phew.. Simran
 is the only place where there is no bone cut.
 The bones are small but the flesh is saggy and there is a lot, so
 full face liposuction. Lifting. Front jaw fracture (cut into a square part and transplanted?)
 Extremely specialized. He explained things passionately and passionately
 , and told me to think carefully because I would
 regret it if my wannabes were different. Just looking at the director and manager, I felt like I trusted this place the most.
 This was my first and last major surgery, but
 I kept feeling like I would hit the ground and regret it if it went too natural
 Shin Kyeong-seon They say it can't make a long square curve because it's low.
He said that cheeks are not bones but flesh, so even if
 I tried it, it wouldn't be noticeable. I want to become a doll line... ㅠㅠㅠ
 I told myself
 that it would absolutely not be possible. As of now, there is a high probability of doing it here.
 My husband... made a fuss, telling me not to do it if I don't do it here.
 I guess I can trust that it is safe because it is the first
 hospital that told me not to do it and the place that gave such a professional explanation.
 The CCTV director told me first that even going in would be open
 . There was no pressure at all and it was completely safety-oriented. It felt like it was natural-oriented and
 the cost was very expensive. , ㄹㅂㅇ’s average
 consultation time is 2 hours. Consultation cost is 20,000 won
 . ㅜㅜ guys… I should go for more consultations, right?

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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