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As someone who has had 3 types of contouring surgeries, this is the most ideal 3 types of contouring surgery method in my opinion.

위보 2019-01-05 (토) 00:42 5 Years ago 5159
hello. I will write as briefly as possible. Everything is my personal opinion.
I would like to write two articles. My thoughts on the contouring method. The following article is a review of the hospital I visited.
I've had a lot of plastic surgery. Mid-frequency masseter muscle reduction, square jaw, cheekbones, chin tip, filler, botox, contour injection, etc.

Plastic surgery was done one by one.
Masseter muscle reduction surgery at 20, square jaw surgery at 21, enlarged cheekbones in June at 25 after serving in the military, and chin tip in December.
The reason is because of the balance of the face. Usually, if you remove all three parts of the outline at once, you end up with a mass-produced face.
However, if you do it one place at a time, when performing square jaw surgery, follow the shape of the
cheekbones and the tip of the chin to achieve a balance that is not excessive. When performing a cheek augmentation, balance the square jaw and the tip of the chin. When performing chin surgery, balance the square jaw and the cheekbones to create a natural, not excessive appearance.
It seems like we can expect an effect. Also
, I think there is an advantage to doing one area at a time and being able to judge the degree of skin sagging after contouring surgery and then decide on the next surgery
 . (In my opinion, sagging skin is not a side effect, but a reaction. When bones shrink,
 there is an unintended reaction of fat shedding due to the resulting space.)
If you do three types of contouring at once, your square jaw will be smaller and your cheekbones will be brighter. I think that by making the chin too small and the tip of the chin too small, the surgery is overdone and the resulting reaction
is big.
Another advantage is that the surgery can be performed at the best hospital. Which hospital the surgery is performed at is also very important
 . I think it would be ideal
to get a square jaw at a hospital famous for square jaws, a cheekbone surgery at a hospital famous for cheekbones, and a chin tip at a hospital famous for chin tips
First of all, I avoid large hospitals. (Representatively ㅇㅇㄷ, ㅇㅈ, ㅌㅇ, ㄴㅁ) The main
 reasons for avoiding it are professionalism and the possibility of becoming a shadow doctor.
I believe that a small plastic surgery director who performs
 the same surgery every day will have greater expertise than a large hospital director who performs various surgeries, including facial contouring
Also, in large hospitals there is always anxiety about shadow doctors, but in small and medium-sized specialty hospitals, I think the possibility is close to zero

Next, we will learn how to shape the square jaw, cheekbones, and chin.
First of all, you need to recognize the limits of what you need to do with facts.
You should judge by how wide your head is, not by how protruding your square jaw is
 . You need to first identify your face shape (long or short head) and reduce illusions about surgery. If you have a brachycephalic face,
it is difficult to look small no matter what you do, but if you get too greedy and add too many cheekbones, your face shape will be ruined. It looks like comb-patterned earthenware.
(He has a big head, but it's sloping starting from the cheekbones, he had plastic surgery, and he's gained a lot of weight.)
Also, if you know this and get a consultation, you can judge whether the director is a businessman or a true doctor.
Then, you need to think about the fact that just hitting the bones doesn't do everything. When you say that the face shape is made up of three major things: fat, muscles, and bones,
you also need to think about this balance. The fat and muscle are still there, but if you hit too many bones, you'll lose a lot of weight.
In detail, I am thinking about square jaw surgery, cheekbone surgery, and chin surgery.

Square jaw surgery: If you feel complex about your profile, do bone resection. If you are considering surgery because you have a square jaw from the front,
get masseter muscle reduction surgery. The angles below the ears are very attractive. If you have masseter muscle reduction surgery and no bone resection
 , you will have a very attractive face shape that is slim from the front but angular from the side
 . (BJ Namsoon) Even then, the effect is less effective on the front. I want to be slimmer, but I've used up all my muscles. In this case,
it is recommended to only perform cortical bone
 resection. The shape of the human jawbone is naturally angular, but if this is cut off, it will be noticeable and easily result in a gaping jaw.
Then, people say that it would be okay to excise it while leaving the angle below the ear. During the surgery, the jaw is cut with the mouth open. It is easier to roll it in a round shape, but
it is very difficult to cut it in an angle. (Look in the mirror and open your mouth. For surgery, it is easy to roll it like a ), but it is difficult to cut it like this.)
When I was young, I asked to have the bone removed and leave a corner under the ear, but it ended up being even. It feels like there is a jaw on one side.

Cheekbone surgery: First of all, I am very satisfied with this surgery. The hospital director is so kind. And the surgery was done very well. No weight loss whatsoever.
As I said before, facial shape is the result of the harmony of muscles, fat, and bones. Here, the clown has to see the bones and fat.
People with a clown complex usually rub their clowns at home, and it is said that this causes fat to accumulate between the bones and skin. I don't know why.
They say so. There are also cases where the clown actually sticks out just a little bit. There is not too much fat under the cheekbones, so the cheeks are plump and the cheekbones
may appear prominent. Bone reduction is recommended only up to the lateral cheekbones. The moment you touch the 45-degree cheekbones, you start to lose weight. So then what should we do?

The side cheek bones are reduced, and for 45-degree cheekbones, only the fat layer is melted, not the bone, using AccuSculp. And
I think it would be ideal to do a little
 fat grafting on the cheeks or deep cheeks
Everyone, think about it. I have a complex about my cheekbones, but one doctor said he would only reduce the bones, while another doctor said he would reduce the bones on the side cheeks,
melt fat on the 45-degree cheekbones, and do fat grafting on the deep cheeks. If that were to be the case,
it would be better to only touch the bones if it would be more convenient for the person performing the surgery, but it seems like they are making the surgery more complicated considering the person receiving the surgery. So I think it is right to have surgery like this.

Chin surgery: I have some regrets about this surgery. It was done at a large hospital. (Because the cost is low) it still feels like something Shadow Doctor did.
In conclusion, I ended up with a double chin after receiving this surgery. So, I thought about how to get surgery to prevent a double chin.
First of all, I wish only people with protruding chin would have surgery. It is a very easy surgery to create a double chin.
If you are considering surgery because the tip of your chin looks protruding because you have a square jaw, you might want to cut it off or just add a lump
(I tried to reduce the volume while keeping the length of the chin tip, but the volume was reduced, but I ended up with a double chin... I didn't reduce the length. (Because the amount of bone resection was small, a blood hose
was not used)
Usually, during this surgery consultation, the consultation is conducted by looking at bone photos, and the two nerve holes in the lower jaw are explained as much as possible.
Nowadays, this only considers the bones, and if there are as few side effects as possible, you should look at the muscles at the tip of the chin. There is a muscle attached to the bone at the tip of the chin. If this muscle is removed and reattached during bone resection,
the muscle loses elasticity and sags. This becomes a double chin. It's not fat, so you can't melt it, and
there's nothing you can do about the muscles that have lost elasticity. Therefore, the T osteotomy method is not recommended. Since it is easy to get a double chin,
it is recommended to cut only the outer bone in a round shape, like a paper cut, called a one-cut. The maximum amount of cutting
is the difference between the bottom of the chin (that is a muscle) and the bone when the head is tilted back
 . If you raise your jaw line further, your jaw muscles will not sag and create a double chin, but rather, the original muscles will rise
and appear in the front due to the bone line. There is no difference, but
I hope that the only people who get chin augmentation are those who think that even a double chin would be better than the current one because they have a severe protruding chin. I still have a slim chin, but
I would like to see Cheol- gu's wife, Oe Jil-hye, who is greedy and wants to make it into a V-line
 . In the promotional video for ㅇㅇㄷ Hospital, you can also watch a 2-minute video of Özil-hye and another plastic surgeon on YouTube. You
can see that the bone is a V-line, but the muscles and fat around it are not like that, so a line is drawn from the front of the deep cheek like a double chin.
So, if possible, I would like to avoid chin surgery. It seems like the 2 types of outlines are safe. If you're going to do it, cut the bone into a U shape. Do not cut in a V shape.

Even if I only wrote down what I thought was necessary, it ended up being quite long. I was lazy while writing it, so my words became shorter. This is my personal opinion, but I
am writing about something that has been on my mind for a long time, so I think it would be good for those who read it to think about it. Tackles are also welcome. If you ask any questions,
we will answer them.

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