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Is physical plastic surgery not the answer for people with large heads and small eyeballs?

이제그만하자 2021-01-11 (월) 02:43 3 Years ago 937
I am worried about my small eyes. It's been a complex and stressful thing my whole life.
 I work in the design industry. They have clear aesthetic tastes and, due to the nature of their jobs, are familiar with basic human anatomy and beauty proportions. Eyes, your eyes should be big. I haven't seen anyone with small eyes that is attractive. It doesn't have to be big like all Westerners, but the width is important. Oriental matchless eyes are also very beautiful as long as they are long and the proportion within the face is large. Personally, I like the fresh, open snow of even Musou, but the covered snow of northern regions is also attractive as long as it is long in width. It looks like a pucca and is cute. Ultimately, your eyes should occupy a certain percentage of your face. Since I work in design, I am good at drawing by hand and using Photoshop. However, my eyes are unreliable even with amazing makeup and correction, so I have never liked having pictures taken in my life. It's hard to find my face even in family photo albums. I have been thinking about how to enlarge my eyes, various surgeries/procedures, and the proportions of big eyes and an attractive face for over 10 years. We investigated not only Korean plastic surgery techniques, but also Japanese and American surgical methods and trends. So actually, I kind of knew the answer.
My eyes are relatively small and do not protrude. Buried in the skin of thick, slightly sagging eyelids, right next to the exposed whites is the empty space between the bones. I have a bit of ptosis that requires me to open my eyes with my forehead, and even if I use my forehead strength to open my eyes all the way, it still doesn't get any bigger. The pupils are also small and slightly centered. The gap between the eyebrows is not wide, so there is no space for epicanthoplasty. The corners of the eyes are not raised and there is not much to turn them down. In other words, there is no answer to everything up, down, front and back. It's just small. Eyeballs. Additionally, since the head is in an inverted triangle, the small eyes stand out even more in the face area that widens from the cheekbones to the forehead. Plus, the central area is wide. Cleavage, double eyelid (eye correction), eyebrow lift, incision/non-incision, surgery/procedure are all useless. I've visited several hospitals recently, but they all give me the same answer. Just by looking at the doctors' expressions, you can tell that even if you touch them, they will never have much effect. It's something you shouldn't expect. It's just that being reborn is a quick eye. Several doctors at different hospitals couldn't readily recommend surgery, and in fact, they said it would be better not to have high expectations - really, one day, I was in tears as I was leaving the hospital. Even though I knew it.
If only I had eyes that I could spend money on to tear them out and fix them, if what was hidden under the skin were the wide whites, if I was satisfied with small eyes because I don't have eyes to see, or if I didn't care about my appearance in the first place - then my life wouldn't have been so unhappy. I would like to. I hate my face and it disgusts me. I don't even want to look at those stuffy, petty eye sockets. Some people may say that what I need right now is not plastic surgery but psychiatric treatment. Love your self. You also have to learn how to give up. But, I've already spent too long worrying about it, I know too much, and I've longed for it too - too strongly. Really. You can't turn it around overnight. You have personality, looks aren't everything, no matter how cool you are, nonsense consolations like this don't work. Would I, who had thought about it for over 10 years, be fooled by such hastily made-up lies for comfort? A psychologist who has used this product for several years exclusively for appearance-stressed patients and has written a doctoral thesis on the topic says nothing that works. What I want is clear, and on the other hand, I can objectively see that there is a big discrepancy between my image reflected in the mirror. Just, unless there's a way to take my eyeballs out, enlarge them, and pull them to the front of my skull - I'm going to be this unhappy for the rest of my life.
Actually, I've already fully grasped the reality, so this isn't even a question or anything...
 I just posted it because I was so upset...
 I was wondering if there really was a way I was being stupid and missing out...
 Even though I know it's a vain hope and I'm just torturing myself with hope. ,
 But I’m posting it like this again. Uselessly.
Thank you for reading my unanswered and depressing post.
2021, have a great year.

Ugly dream.
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