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Reviews of 7 first eye plastic surgery clinics

이혜승 2019-12-13 (금) 11:18 4 Years ago 1281
It took me a long time to compile the list and go back and forth.
 I thought I went to 6 places, but when I looked at it, it turned out that I went to 7 places;
 Now that I've made my reservation, I remember how much help I've received through eye contact, so
 I'm leaving a review purely to share.
 I hope everyone who is worried becomes prettier! Haha
Eye conditions and requirements
  - Natural double eyelids, slightly double eyelids, slightly sagging, severe Mongolian folds, stuffy eyes
  - Want natural eyes, improve stuffy eyes, improve the feeling of being slightly heavy due to sagging
1. Kim Han-sung Plastic Surgery
  - buried/epanthoplasty or under eyebrows Recommended for a lift
  - I showed a review photo while recommending a lower eyebrow lift, but the photo right after the stitches were removed was not very noticeable, so I was upset...
  - I passed because I was wondering if I should even get a lift at a young age (I'm thinking of getting a lower eyebrow lift here later when I'm older) )
  - Even though it was a weekend, there were not many people and it was quiet
  - Not a bad price (subjective)
2. Yejin Plastic Surgery
  - Recommends double incisions, saying that buried eyes will soon heal
  - The eye skin is said to be thick (I personally think it is thin, and it is also thin at other hospitals) I said so... ㅠ)
  - I passed because I didn't think thin lines would work because my skin is thick
  - As expected, there weren't many people
  - A bit pricey
3. Iwon Plastic Surgery
  - I was told at the pre-examination that I needed to make incisions because my eyes were thick, so I looked for a hospital that was good at making incisions and went there.
  - Recommended incision eye correction, discouraged epicanthoplasty even though I have severe Mongolian folds
  - I was looking forward to it the most, but was very surprised when they drew the lines. The line is ridiculously high.. It felt strange just to draw the line ㅠㅠ
  - You said it was a natural style, but why did you have to draw the line...? I put it off thinking that
  - but I completely passed up on the price haha. Even just the incision eye bridge is expensive.
4. Premier Plastic Surgery - Director Yujin Jang
  - First of all, there were too many people in the waiting room. In comparison, the consultation was completed in an instant without much waiting...
  - The consultation director said that the director had eye surgery and she was very pretty
  - Recommended incision eye correction/eight epicanthoplasty
  - She seemed to set the line a bit high (even though she said it was very natural, it was a personal standard) (High line, to be honest)
  - The director has an honest and cool personality - It doesn't suit me haha. I felt like I would follow the director's style rather than my own opinion (I felt like he was trying to end the consultation before I even told him my opinion)
  - The price was very expensive, but they quickly lowered it on the condition of sharing photos.
5. Unique Plastic surgery - Director Lee Se-bin
  - There weren't many people
  - The consultation director and the director were all very kind (but this made me more anxious... It's my fault...)
  - Recommendation for non-incision eye bridge/upper eyelid surgery
  - Naturally shaping the lines
  - Even when I asked about this and that They said that everything was done and that they could accommodate everything.... (I'm also anxious that they only follow my internal opinion ㅠㅠ)
  - During the last consultation in the consulting room, I asked about a possible date for surgery and they just showed me the schedule. The patient's name, the name of the surgery, etc.;;
  - The price is a bit expensive
6. 1mm Plastic Surgery - Director Kim Hyeong-seok
  - Too many people. In comparison, the waiting room is small, so there are not enough places to sit haha
  ​​- The waiting is a bit long and there seems to be a delay for the surgery
  - Recommended for natural adhesion/tightening
  - The lines are divided into numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the surgery is different for each line. Provide detailed and detailed explanations (increased trust)
  - Asking questions clearly scratches the itch
  - Unlike other plastic surgery clinics, most of the desk counselors had plain faces, which was nice (due to my preference for naturalness)
  - The price was a bit high, but the quote was good on the condition that before and after photos were shared only on the website.
7. Marble Plastic Surgery - Director Kim Hyeong-rok
  - There were a lot of people here, but the wait was not as long as expected
  - Recommended for natural adhesion/upper eyelid surgery/non-incision eye bridge
  - I also liked the line. and provides detailed and detailed explanations. It feels like I had surgery. I really like the director
  - the price seems reasonable
  - but the counseling director's attitude is really bad. He was friendly, but at the end he said he couldn't make a reservation right away, so he was really rude haha. He didn't even say hello first, so yeah. I just thought about it like this hahaha
  - I thought about it until the end, but in the end, I really liked the attitude of the counseling director. If something goes wrong, if they don't follow up properly with that kind of attitude...

I've been having a hard time on hot days since summer, and recently, I've been going through a hard time in extremely cold weather, and
 when I think about it, it's been a struggle. Now I hope the surgery goes well!!
I hope everyone else gets good results too!

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

하이몬 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
063700 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
이혜승 Writer 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
kokolee 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
크롸잉넛 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
ddom251 4 Years ago 4 Years ago Address
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