High line, deep line...
Sausage, the swelling will go down over time...
It's already the 2nd week of buried surgery... If I want to get rid of it, I need to get rid of it as soon as possible...
I'm really worried about this too...
My co-workers and friends are double-crossed. They say the line doesn't suit me so much and tell me to loosen it...
The hospital and my mom tell me to wait a little longer because it could be swelling...
I'm worried that if I wait longer and eventually loosen it, I'll miss the timing and it will become more adhesive and it will get worse...
What do you think?
I would rather not stress and just cover it up with makeup. Actually, I hardly ever wear makeup.
Or, since it hasn't settled in yet, I should wait at least a month.
But in the case of burial, all major swelling goes away 2 weeks after surgery, and minor swelling gradually goes away. I was told that the surgery line and image would be roughly visible in
about 2 weeks
The last photo is of the double eyelid eye.
Ah. Well, the photo looks much more natural than the actual photo, right?
I'm trying to solve it within this week... What should I do?
I took the picture down. Thank you for your comment.