I think it's been about 10 years since I had my stitches removed;;
I’m finally seeing it now;;
There is something like a black dot above the surgical line;
I'm trying to rub something, but I can't feel it well;;
It’s like stitches;;
I kept pressing and pulling and touching it with eyebrow plucking tweezers, saying I was going to pluck it out now;
The redness and swelling only got worse;;
Going to the hospital is also a hassle;;
Almost all of my skin has healed... It's already been more than 15 days since the surgery and about 16 days;;
If I just leave it alone, will something like inflammation occur?
;;I didn't even know this existed, so I put on makeup and washed my face a lot;;
-_- I go to the hospital to get it done, but I get it done by myself at home;;
Wouldn't it be the same? -0-
Is it okay to leave it alone? Going to the hospital is so annoying;;