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ㅇㄷㅇㅇㅇ Review of the product

코롱이마 2020-12-25 (금) 02:32 3 Years ago 3843
I have a severely hooked nose, with a thin nose bridge and a firm tip. My goal was to receive consultation at these three hospitals, ㅁㅌ, ㄱㅇㅈ, and ㅇㅇㅇ, and I received consultation at ㅇㅇㅇ last October. The time was 1 o'clock!
I was shivering after hearing at Seongyesa Temple that the director was scary, but he was very kind. And the consultation lasted almost 40 minutes!
What I liked was that instead of adding thin silicone to the bridge of the nose after the osteotomy, they adjusted the shape by trimming the bone and cartilage.
There was a lot of disagreement about the director's style, but I liked it very well, so I made an appointment a week after the consultation and had the surgery a few days before.
I don't know how the surgery went because my nose was swollen, but anyway, I didn't die and I'm alive and performing well. I'll organize it
 in 2 weeks and post
 how it went. Personally, I wish the shape of
 was as gorgeous as a celebrity's nose.
 I hope the nose is very beautiful.
 -> There is a high possibility that it will not fit.
 I want to make it very natural so that there are no side effects.
 Even if there is a slight curve or chubbyness,
 it doesn't matter as long as it improves. I don't want only the nose to be visible from the face
 -> There is a high possibility that it will fit well
 . I was the latter. In fact, I wanted the ultimate natural look. Because I was pursuing it, I even asked him to leave a slightly hooked beak. Everyone in the family has some bumps... but they were cut without any hesitation. I'm slightly regretting that I asked for a little more strength before the surgery, leaving just a little bit of the curved nose. I'll know when all the swelling goes down, but I wish there was a little bit left. My face has a well-developed bone structure, so I thought it would be a little weird if only the nose was smooth.
 Anyway, there's no need to add the bridge of the nose. He said that the tip of his nose is not low right now, and he could raise it too much, but he said it was not pretty and dangerous, so I actually
 liked that. Also, he seemed to be very averse to taking pictures of celebrities, but it felt like he placed emphasis on harmonizing facial features. For example, I think it's because it's clear that adding Sana's sharp, pointy nose to someone with a slightly thin and long face like mine won't make them prettier. In my opinion, there is a different nose that suits you, so I didn't bring a picture of a celebrity.
 During the consultation, the director asked, 'What do you think your nose length is now?' When I told him that it was a little long, he suddenly got impressed and said, “It’s right that it’s a little long.” Here, if I had said, “It’s short” or “It’s too long,” I would have been scolded. I think this is why people have different opinions. He
 said that if I raise the bridge of my nose and the tip of my nose too much, only my nose would be pretty and it wouldn’t harmonize with other parts. He kept emphasizing that there might not be any significant improvement, but
 I decided to change my nose anyway. I didn't have high expectations and I was kind of scared if there was a big improvement, so I said everything was okay.
During the surgery, they decided to use ear cartilage if the septum was too small/if there was too much of the septum, they only used the septum.
 It seems like a really good hospital for people who are a good fit.
 However, if the style doesn't suit you, it might be better not to go for a consultation at all. The director said he had the surgery. You have a firm opinion about it. You seem to really dislike nose shapes that are obvious or that do not match your face.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

에이앤 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
‘코 길이가 지금 어떤 것 같아요?’ 그러셔서 조금 길다고 했더니 갑자기 감동하시면서 조금 긴 게 맞아요... 라고 하셨습니다

이 부분 왜 이렇게 웃기죠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
후기 감사합니다! 리스트 짜는데 참고가 되었어요!!
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
[@에이앤] ㅋㅋㅋ그때는 상담받느라 몰랐는데 생각해보니 시트콤같네용ㅋㅋㅋ케
arielttat 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
[@에이앤] 저도 상담받았었는데 질문에 원하지 않는 대답해서 엄청 혼났었어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 한숨쉬시고 해서 눈치보였던 기억이...
율리콩 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
여기 후기 갈리길래 고민했는데 한번 가봐야게써용
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
[@율리콩] 자연스러운거 좋아하시고 원래 코의 특징을 약간 유지하고 싶으시면 추천입니당 상담가보실만함
지수블랙 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
오 좋은 정보 감사해영 비용은 어케 되셨나용
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
코수술할거야아 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
쪽지에 포인트가 없어서?! 답을 봇 보냈어요 ㅎ
 답변 감사합니다 연말 잘 마무리하시고 편안한 주말 보내셔요 :)
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
[@코수술할거야아] 코할님도 편안한 주말 보내셔용! 첫수술이 마지막 수술이 되셨음 좋겠어요!! \ •_• /
호롤루루라 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
난 여기 상담 진짜 괜찮았는데 실비가 안 돼서 선택지에서 지웠지만, 극명하게 호불호가 갈릴정도였나..? 차라리 여기처럼 냉정하고 솔직하게 말하는 곳이 전 너무 좋았습니다
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
[@호롤루루라] 저도 갔을때 되게 좋았는데 성예사에서 호불호가 많이 갈리더라구요.. 왜 그런지 엄청 궁금해요
콧대성형 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
[@호롤루루라] 실비 가능한 성형외과가 있어요?
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
[@콧대성형] ㅇㅊㅂ 된다고 들었어용! 비염수술도 같이하면 실비 적용된대용~! 저는 알레르기 비염이 주라서 걍 실비는 고려하지 않고 병원선택했지만요..
www 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
*게시자가 삭제하였습니다.
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
[@www] 감사합니당!! ^_^ 수술 잘 된것같아용 헤헤 진짜 뭔가 제가 수술한 곳에 대해 안좋은 이야기 있으면 속상하더라구요..
싱글 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
구루미동 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
저 여기 상담 받고 싶었는데 상담이 너~~무 밀려서 못갔었어요 ㅠㅠㅠ
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
[@구루미동] 연말연시라 그런가봐요.. 코로나라는데 어째 성형외과는 더 붐비는것같아요ㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋ
안중어동 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
코롱이마 Writer 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
고당이 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
저 여기 예약하고 한달째 기다리고 있습니다ㅠㅠㅠ흑
dg7472 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
꿈이맘 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
저는 여기 갔다가 무조건 건들면 다른 단점들이 보이고 그거때문에 또 다른곳을 고치고 싶어할거라고 수술 안해주신다구 하셨어요. 굉장히 솔직하신 원장님
코제트 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
저는 여기 갔다가 지금 보형물 너무 높은데 진짜 무보형 하겠냐고 해서 슬펐어요 ㅜㅜ 그리고 말씀하신 말씀 공감해요. 전 별 생각없이 갔다가 혼난 느낌인데 또 상담후에 말씀하신 내용이나 후기보면 괜찮아서 고민중이에요.
림쮜 3 Years ago 3 Years ago Address
저도 여기 수술 예약하고 성예사를
알게돼서 안좋은 글들이 많다길래 걱정했는데 등업하고 이런 후기글 보니까 너무너무 안심되네요!!!
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